
334 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use std::{ffi::OsStr, path::{Path, PathBuf}, sync::Arc};
2023-09-22 03:11:09 +00:00
use glam::{Quat, Vec3};
use instant::Instant;
use lyra_ecs::query;
use lyra_math::Transform;
use lyra_scene::{SceneGraph, SceneNode, WorldTransform};
use thiserror::Error;
2023-09-22 03:11:09 +00:00
use crate::{loader::{LoaderError, PinedBoxLoaderFuture, ResourceLoader}, util, ResHandle, ResourceData, ResourceManager, ResourceStorage};
use super::{Gltf, GltfNode, Material, Mesh, MeshIndices, MeshVertexAttribute, VertexAttributeData};
2023-09-21 18:22:46 +00:00
use tracing::debug;
2023-09-21 18:22:46 +00:00
impl From<gltf::Error> for LoaderError {
fn from(value: gltf::Error) -> Self {
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
enum ModelLoaderError {
#[error("The model ({0}) is missing the BIN section in the gltf file")]
#[error("There was an error with decoding a uri defined in the model: '{0}'")]
impl From<ModelLoaderError> for LoaderError {
fn from(value: ModelLoaderError) -> Self {
2023-10-23 01:49:31 +00:00
pub(crate) struct GltfLoadContext<'a> {
pub resource_manager: ResourceManager,
pub gltf: &'a gltf::Gltf,
/// Path to the gltf
pub gltf_path: &'a str,
/// The path to the directory that the gltf is contained in.
pub gltf_parent_path: &'a str,
/// List of buffers in the gltf
pub buffers: &'a Vec<Vec<u8>>,
2023-09-21 18:22:46 +00:00
pub struct ModelLoader;
2023-09-21 21:27:21 +00:00
impl ModelLoader {
/* fn parse_uri(containing_path: &str, uri: &str) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
2023-09-22 03:11:09 +00:00
let uri = uri.strip_prefix("data")?;
let (mime, data) = uri.split_once(",")?;
let (_mime, is_base64) = match mime.strip_suffix(";base64") {
Some(mime) => (mime, true),
None => (mime, false),
if is_base64 {
2023-09-22 03:11:09 +00:00
} else {
let full_path = format!("{containing_path}/{data}");
let buf = std::fs::read(&full_path).unwrap();
2023-09-22 03:11:09 +00:00
} */
2023-09-22 03:11:09 +00:00
fn process_node(ctx: &mut GltfLoadContext, materials: &Vec<ResHandle<Material>>, scene: &mut SceneGraph, scene_parent: &SceneNode, gnode: gltf::Node<'_>) -> GltfNode {
let mut node = GltfNode::default();
node.transform = {
let gt = gnode.transform();
let (pos, rot, scale) = gt.decomposed();
Transform::new(Vec3::from(pos), Quat::from_array(rot), Vec3::from(scale))
}; =;
let scene_node = scene.add_node_under(scene_parent, (WorldTransform::from(node.transform), node.transform));
if let Some(mesh) = gnode.mesh() {
let mut new_mesh = Mesh::default();
2023-09-21 21:27:21 +00:00
for prim in mesh.primitives() {
let reader = prim.reader(|buf| Some(ctx.buffers[buf.index()].as_slice()));
2023-09-21 21:27:21 +00:00
// read the positions
if let Some(pos) = reader.read_positions() {
if prim.mode() != gltf::mesh::Mode::Triangles {
todo!("Load position primitives that aren't triangles"); // TODO
let pos: Vec<glam::Vec3> =|t| t.into()).collect();
new_mesh.add_attribute(MeshVertexAttribute::Position, VertexAttributeData::Vec3(pos));
// read the normals
if let Some(norms) = reader.read_normals() {
let norms: Vec<glam::Vec3> =|t| t.into()).collect();
new_mesh.add_attribute(MeshVertexAttribute::Normals, VertexAttributeData::Vec3(norms));
// read the tangents
if let Some(tangents) = reader.read_tangents() {
let tangents: Vec<glam::Vec4> =|t| t.into()).collect();
new_mesh.add_attribute(MeshVertexAttribute::Tangents, VertexAttributeData::Vec4(tangents));
// read tex coords
if let Some(tex_coords) = reader.read_tex_coords(0) {
let tex_coords: Vec<glam::Vec2> = tex_coords.into_f32().map(|t| t.into()).collect();
new_mesh.add_attribute(MeshVertexAttribute::TexCoords, VertexAttributeData::Vec2(tex_coords));
// read the indices
if let Some(indices) = reader.read_indices() {
let indices: MeshIndices = match indices {
// wpgu doesn't support u8 indices, so those must be converted to u16
gltf::mesh::util::ReadIndices::U8(i) => MeshIndices::U16(|i| i as u16).collect()),
gltf::mesh::util::ReadIndices::U16(i) => MeshIndices::U16(i.collect()),
gltf::mesh::util::ReadIndices::U32(i) => MeshIndices::U32(i.collect()),
2023-09-21 21:27:21 +00:00
new_mesh.indices = Some(indices);
2023-09-22 03:11:09 +00:00
2023-09-29 18:20:28 +00:00
let mat = materials.get(prim.material().index().unwrap()).unwrap();
new_mesh.material = Some(mat.clone());
2023-09-21 21:27:21 +00:00
let handle = ResHandle::new_ready(None, new_mesh);
node.mesh = Some(handle.clone());
scene.insert(&scene_node, (handle.clone(), handle.untyped_clone()));
2023-09-21 21:27:21 +00:00
for child in gnode.children() {
let cmesh = ModelLoader::process_node(ctx, materials, scene, &scene_node, child);
2023-09-21 21:27:21 +00:00
2023-09-21 21:27:21 +00:00
fn extensions() -> &'static [&'static str] {
"gltf", "glb"
fn does_support_file(path: &str) -> bool {
match Path::new(path).extension().and_then(OsStr::to_str) {
Some(ext) => {
_ => false,
2023-09-21 21:27:21 +00:00
2023-09-21 18:22:46 +00:00
impl ResourceLoader for ModelLoader {
fn extensions(&self) -> &[&str] {
"gltf", "glb"
2023-09-21 18:22:46 +00:00
fn mime_types(&self) -> &[&str] {
fn load(&self, resource_manager: ResourceManager, path: &str) -> PinedBoxLoaderFuture {
// cant use &str across async
let path = path.to_string();
2023-09-21 18:22:46 +00:00
Box::pin(async move {
// check if the file is supported by this loader
if !Self::does_support_file(&path) {
return Err(LoaderError::UnsupportedExtension(path.to_string()));
let mut parent_path = PathBuf::from(&path);
let parent_path = parent_path.display().to_string();
let gltf = gltf::Gltf::open(&path)?;
let mut use_bin = false;
let buffers: Vec<Vec<u8>> = gltf.buffers().flat_map(|b| match b.source() {
gltf::buffer::Source::Bin => {
use_bin = true;
gltf.blob.as_deref().map(|v| v.to_vec())
gltf::buffer::Source::Uri(uri) => util::gltf_read_buffer_uri(&parent_path, uri)
let mut gltf_out = super::Gltf::default();
let mut context = GltfLoadContext {
resource_manager: resource_manager.clone(),
gltf: &gltf,
gltf_path: &path,
gltf_parent_path: &parent_path,
buffers: &buffers,
2024-03-04 23:31:25 +00:00
let start_inst = Instant::now();
let materials: Vec<ResHandle<Material>> = gltf.materials()
.map(|mat| ResHandle::new_ready(None, Material::from_gltf(&mut context, mat)))
2024-03-04 23:31:25 +00:00
let mat_time = Instant::now() - start_inst;
debug!("Loaded {} materials in {}s", materials.len(), mat_time.as_secs_f32());
for (_idx, scene) in gltf.scenes().enumerate() {
let mut graph = SceneGraph::new();
let root_node = graph.root_node();
for node in scene.nodes() {
let n = ModelLoader::process_node(&mut context, &materials, &mut graph, &root_node, node);
if let Some(mesh) = n.mesh {
for en in<query::Entities>() {<(&WorldTransform, &Transform)>(en).get().expect("Scene node is missing world and local transform bundle!");
let graph = ResHandle::new_ready(Some(path.as_str()), graph);
/* let start_inst = Instant::now();
let nodes: Vec<GltfNode> = scene.nodes()
.map(|node| ModelLoader::process_node(&mut context, &materials, node))
let node_time = Instant::now() - start_inst;
debug!("Loaded {} nodes in the scene in {}s", nodes.len(), node_time.as_secs_f32());
2024-03-04 23:31:25 +00:00
for mesh in nodes.iter().map(|n| &n.mesh) {
if let Some(mesh) = mesh {
let scene = GltfScene {
let scene = ResHandle::new_ready(Some(path.as_str()), scene);
gltf_out.scenes.push(scene); */
gltf_out.materials = materials;
Ok(Box::new(gltf_out) as Box<dyn ResourceData>)
2023-09-22 03:11:09 +00:00
2023-10-23 01:49:31 +00:00
fn load_bytes(&self, resource_manager: ResourceManager, bytes: Vec<u8>, offset: usize, length: usize) -> PinedBoxLoaderFuture {
fn create_erased_handle(&self) -> Arc<dyn ResourceStorage> {
2023-09-22 03:11:09 +00:00
mod tests {
use lyra_ecs::{query::Entities, relation::ChildOf};
use lyra_scene::WorldTransform;
use crate::tests::busy_wait_resource;
2023-09-22 03:11:09 +00:00
use super::*;
fn test_file_path(path: &str) -> String {
let manifest = std::env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap();
fn test_loading() {
let path = test_file_path("texture-embedded.gltf");
2023-09-21 21:27:21 +00:00
let manager = ResourceManager::new();
let gltf = manager.request::<Gltf>(&path).unwrap();
busy_wait_resource(&gltf, 15.0);
let gltf = gltf.data_ref().unwrap();
2024-03-04 23:31:25 +00:00
assert_eq!(gltf.scenes.len(), 1);
let scene = &gltf.scenes[0]
let mut node = None;
scene.traverse_down::<_, &WorldTransform>(|_, no, tran| {
tran.get().expect("scene node is missing a WorldTransform");
node = Some(no.clone());
let world =;
let node = node.unwrap();
let data = world.view_one::<(&ResHandle<Mesh>, &Transform)>(node.entity()).get();
debug_assert!(data.is_some(), "The mesh was not loaded"); // transform will always be there
let data = data.unwrap();
// ensure there are no children of the node
assert_eq!(*data.1, Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
let mesh = data.0;
let mesh = mesh.data_ref().unwrap();
assert!(mesh.position().unwrap().len() > 0);
assert!(mesh.normals().unwrap().len() > 0);
assert!(mesh.tex_coords().unwrap().len() > 0);
2023-09-22 03:11:09 +00:00
assert!(mesh.indices.clone().unwrap().len() > 0);
2023-09-21 18:22:46 +00:00