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ZNC Push
ZNC Push is a module for [ZNC][] that will send notifications to multiple push notification
services for any private message or channel highlight that matches a configurable set of
conditions. ZNC Push current supports the following services:
* [Boxcar][]
* [Notifo][]
* [Notify My Android][] (NMA)
* [Prowl][]
This project is still a Work In Progress, but should be functional enough and stable enough
for everyday usage. Users are more than welcome to submit feature requests or patches for
discussion or inclusion. Bug reports and feature requests can be submitted to
[my bug tracker][mantis] by selecting the "ZNC Push" project from the top right, or
sent via email.
For full functionality, this module requires ZNC version 0.090 or newer, but should compile
and run with a reduced feature set on versions as old as 0.078, the current version used by
Ubuntu. However, development and testing is done exclusively against the latest source
distribution, so feedback on older releases of ZNC is needed to continue supporting them.
ZNC Push was created by [John Reese](http://johnmreese.com) and designed to fill a
personal need. It may not fit your use cases, but any and all feedback would be greatly
If you have installed ZNC from a Linux distribution's repository, you will most likely
need to install the development package before building this module. On Ubuntu, this can
be installed with:
$ sudo aptitude install znc-dev
If you have `make` installed, you can compile the module with:
$ make
Otherwise, run the full command:
$ znc-build push.cpp
Copy the compiled module into your ZNC profile:
$ cp push.so ~/.znc/modules/
Now, load the module in ZNC:
/msg *status loadmod push
Then select the push service you want to use, and set your username and secret as needed.
The secret is not your password, and can be obtained by logging into the service's website
and looking in your profile or settings:
/msg *push set service notifo
/msg *push set username foo
/msg *push set secret ...
At this point, it should start sending notifications every time you get a private message
or someone says your name in a channel. If this is everything you wanted, congratulations,
you're done!
Migrating From Notifo
Before uninstalling the old Notifo module, save your settings to a file. When you have the
new Push module installed, you can then load those settings back in, rather than needing
to set your configuration all over again:
/msg *notifo save /tmp/znc_notifo
/msg *push load /tmp/znc_notifo
/msg *push set service notifo
* `help`
Links you to this fine document.
* `set <option> <value>`
Allows you to modify configuration values.
* `append <option> <value>`
Allows you to add a string to end of a configuration value. Automatically adds a
space to separate the appended value from the existing value.
* `prepend <option> <value>`
Allows you to add a string to beginning of a configuration value. Automatically adds
a space to separate the prepended value from the existing value.
* `get [<option>]`
Allows you to see current configuration values.
* `unset <option>`
Allows you to reset a configuration option back to the default value.
* `save <filename>`
Writes your options to a file with the given path and name.
* `load <filename>`
Loads your options from a file with the given path and name. Caution should be taken,
as this will lose any options that aren't already saved to the given file.
* `status [<context>]`
Check the status of current conditions. Specifying the "context" of either a channel
or nick name will provide status values specific to that context.
* `send <message>`
Manually trigger a notification with the given message. Useful for testing to validate
credentials, etc.
* `eval <expression>`
Evaluate the given expression in an empty context. Useful for testing to validate that
a given expression is properly formatted and does not contain invalid tokens.
### Push Services
* `service = ""`
Short name for the push notification service that you want to use. Must be set before
ZNC Push can send any notifications.
Possible values include:
* "boxcar"
* "notifo"
* "nma"
* "prowl"
* `username = ""`
User account that should receive push notifications.
This option must be set when using Boxcar or Notifo.
* `secret = ""`
Authentication token for push notifications.
This option must be set when using Notifo, Notify My Android, or Prowl.
### Conditions
* `away_only = "no"`
If set to "yes", notifications will only be sent if the user has set their `/away` status.
This condition requires version 0.090 of ZNC to operate, and will be disabled when
compiled against older versions.
* `client_count_less_than = 0`
Notifications will only be sent if the number of connected IRC clients is less than this
value. A value of 0 (zero) will disable this condition.
* `highlight = ""`
Space-separated list of highlight strings to match against channel messages using
case-insensitive, wildcard matching. Strings will be compared in order they appear in
the configuration value, and the first string to match will end the search, meaning
that earlier strings take priority over later values.
Individual strings may be prefixed with:
* `-` (hypen) to negate the match, which makes the string act as a filter rather than
a search
* `_` (underscore) to trigger a "whole-word" match, where it must be surrounded by
whitespace to match the value
* `*` (asterisk) to match highlight strings that start with any of the above prefixes
As an example, a highlight value of "-pinto car" will trigger notification on the
message "I like cars", but will prevent notifications for "My favorite car is the Pinto"
*and* "I like pinto beans". Conversely, a highlight value of "car -pinto" will trigger
notifications for the first two messages, and only prevent notification of the last one.
As another example, a value of "_car" will trigger notification for the message "my car
is awesome", but will not match the message "I like cars".
* `idle = 0`
Time in seconds since the last activity by the user on any channel or query window,
including joins, parts, messages, and actions. Notifications will only be sent if the
elapsed time is greater than this value. A value of 0 (zero) will disable this condition.
* `last_active = 180`
Time in seconds since the last message sent by the user on that channel or query window.
Notifications will only be sent if the elapsed time is greater than this value. A value
of 0 (zero) will disable this condition.
Note that this condition keeps track of the last message sent to each channel and query
window separately, so a recent PM to Joe will not affect a notification sent from
channel #foo.
* `last_notification = 300`
Time in seconds since the last notification sent from that channel or query window.
Notifications will only be sent if the elapsed time is greater than this value. A value
of 0 (zero) will disable this condition.
Note that this condition keeps track of the last notification sent from each channel and
query window separately, so a recent PM from Joe will not affect a notification sent
from channel #foo.
* `nick_blacklist = ""`
Space-separated list of nicks. Applies to both channel mentions and query windows.
Notifications will only be sent for messages from nicks that are not present in this
list, using a case-insensitive comparison.
Note that wildcard patterns can be used to match multiple nicks with a single blacklist
entry. For example, `set nick_blacklist *bot` will not send notifications from nicks
like "channelbot", "FooBot", or "Robot". Care must be used to not accidentally
blacklist legitimate nicks with wildcards.
* `replied = "yes"`
If set to "yes", notifications will only be sent if you have replied to the channel or
query window more recently than the last time a notification was sent for that context.
### Notifications
* `message_length = 100`
Maximum length of the notification message to be sent. The message will be nicely
truncated and ellipsized at or before this length is reached. A value of 0 (zero) will
disable this option.
* `message_url = ""`
URI that will be sent with the notification to Notifo. This could be a web address or a
local scheme to access a mobile application. Keyword expansion is performed on this
value each time a notification is sent; the following keywords will be replaced with
the appropriate value:
* `{context}`: the channel or query window context
* `{nick}`: the nick that sent the message
* `{datetime}`: [ISO 8601][] date string, in server-local time
* `{unixtime}`: unix-style integer timestamp
As an example, a value of "http://domain/{context}/{datetime}" would be expanded to
something similar to "http://domain/#channel/2011-03-09 14:25:09", or
"http://domain/{nick}/{unixtime}" to "http://domain/somenick/1299685136".
### Advanced
* `channel_conditions = "all"`
This option allows customization of the boolean logic used to determine how conditional
values are used to filter notifications for channel messages. It evaluates as a full
boolean logic expression, including the use of sub-expressions. The default value of
"all" will bypass this evaluation and simply require all conditions to be true.
The expression consists of space-separated tokens in the following grammar:
* expression = expression operator expression | "(" expression ")" | value
* operator = "and" | "or"
* value = "true" | "false" | condition
* condition = <any condition option>
As a simple example, to replicate the default "all" value, would be the value of
"away_only and client_count_less_than and highlight and idle and last_active and
last_notification and nick_blacklist and replied".
Alternately, setting a value of "true" would send a notification for *every* message,
while a value of "false" would *never* send a notification.
For a more complicated example, the value of "client_count_less_than and highlight and
(last_active or last_notification or replied) and nick_blacklist" would send a
notification if any of the three conditions in the sub-expression are met, while still
requiring all of the conditions outside of the parentheses to also be met.
* `query_conditions = "all"`
This option is more or less identical to `channel_conditions`, except that it is used
to filter notifications for private messages.
* `debug = "off"`
When set to "on", this option enables debug output for various features, and is useful
in troubleshooting problems like failed push notifications. Debug output will show up
in your `*push` window.
### Settings
* Customizable notification titles and message formats.
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the `LICENSE` file for details.
[Boxcar]: http://boxcar.io
[Notifo]: http://notifo.com
[Notify My Android]: http://www.notifymyandroid.com
[Prowl]: http://www.prowlapp.com
[mantis]: http://leetcode.net/mantis
[ZNC]: http://en.znc.in "ZNC, an advanced IRC bouncer"
[ISO 8601]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 "ISO 8601 Date Format"
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