
749 B

Tautulli Prometheus Exporter

This is a small application that can collect information from Tautulli and exports it in a Prometheus format.


# The full url of tautulli
tautulli_url = "https://tautulli.example.com/"
tautulli_apikey = ""
# The address to listen on. Default is
listen_address = ""
# The port to listen on. Default is 3000
listen_port = "3000"

Docker image

Docker images are published here.

You can run the following command to run a docker container:

$ docker run -it --rm -v $PWD/config.toml:/app/config.toml -p 3000:3000 git.seanomik.net/seanomik/tautulli-exporter:v0.1.0

Exported metrics