
4.1 KiB

dropout-dl is tool to download [dropout.tv](dropout.tv) episodes. It can download single episodes, seasons, or full series.


How to Build

cmake -S <source-dir> -B <build-dir>
cd <build-dir>



  • cURL - Required for downloading pages and videos.


  • SQLite - Required for retrieving cookies from browsers.
  • libgcrypt - Used for decrypting chrome cookies retrieved from the sqlite database.


sudo xbps-install -S libcurl


sudo apt install libcurl4-gnutls-dev

How to Use

./dropout-dl [options] <url>

By default, dropout-dl will download episodes in a season with the format <series>/<season>/<series> - S<season-num>E<episode-num> - <episode-name>.mp4 and single episodes with the format <series>/<season>/<series> - <season> - <episode-name>.mp4.


--help                   Display this message
--quality                Set the quality of the downloaded video. Quality can be set to 'all' which
                             will download all qualities and place them into separate folders
--output                 Set the output filename
--output-directory       Set the directory where files are output
--verbose                Display debug information while running
--browser-cookies        Use cookies from the browser placed in 'firefox_profile' or 'chrome_profile'
--force-cookies          Interpret the next to arguments as authentication cookie and session cookie
--series                 Interpret the url as a link to a series and download all episodes from all seasons
--season                 Interpret the url as a link to a season and download all episodes in the season
--episode                Interpret the url as a link to a single episode

If series, season, or episode is not used, the type will be inferred based on the link format.


Login in information must be placed in a file called login in the same directory as the executable. The file must be email then on a new line password. For example if your email is email@example.com and password password123 the file would be:



If you would like to avoid putting logging in for any reason cookies can be used. The option browser-cookies must be provided.


Create a file named firefox_profile in the build directory and paste in your firefox profile folder path


Install libgcrypt and create a file named chrome_profile in the build directory and paste in your chrome profile folder path (found on chrome://version)

Other/No Sqlite

Use the --force-cookies program option to manually input cookies.


  • Create tests
  • Handle non-alphanumeric characters
  • Test build process on other setups with other OSs.


PRs Welcome


If you have any issues or would like a feature to be added please don't hesitate to submit an issue after checking to make sure it hasn't already been submitted. Using the templates is a good place to start, but sometimes they're overkill. For example, if the program segfaults for you, you don't need to state that the intended behaviour is to not segfault.

If you'd like to contribute a good place to start is looking at open issues and trying to fix one with a pull request.
Working on your first Pull Request? You can learn how from this free series How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub
