mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 23:01:36 +00:00
148 lines
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148 lines
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#include "patches.h"
#include "sys_cfb.h"
#include "buffers.h"
#include "fault.h"
void recomp_set_current_frame_poll_id();
void PadMgr_HandleRetrace(void);
void PadMgr_LockPadData(void);
void PadMgr_UnlockPadData(void);
void PadMgr_ThreadEntry() {
// @recomp Controller polling was moved to the main thread, so there's nothing to do here.
// @recomp Patched to do the actual input polling.
void PadMgr_GetInput(Input* inputs, s32 gameRequest) {
// @recomp Do an actual poll if gameRequest is true.
if (gameRequest) {
// @recomp Tag the current frame's input polling id for latency tracking.
PadMgr_GetInputNoLock(inputs, gameRequest);
// @recomp Just call PadMgr_GetInput.
void PadMgr_GetInput2(Input* inputs, s32 gameRequest) {
PadMgr_GetInput(inputs, gameRequest);
extern CfbInfo sGraphCfbInfos[3];
// @recomp Immediately sends the graphics task instead of queueing it in the scheduler.
void Graph_TaskSet00(GraphicsContext* gfxCtx, GameState* gameState) {
static s32 retryCount = 10;
static s32 cfbIdx = 0;
OSTask_t* task = &gfxCtx->task.list.t;
OSScTask* scTask = &gfxCtx->task;
OSTimer timer;
OSMesg msg;
CfbInfo* cfb;
// @recomp Disable the wait here so that it can be moved after task submission for minimizing latency.
// retry:
// osSetTimer(&timer, OS_USEC_TO_CYCLES(3 * 1000 * 1000), 0, &gfxCtx->queue, (OSMesg)666);
// osRecvMesg(&gfxCtx->queue, &msg, OS_MESG_BLOCK);
// osStopTimer(&timer);
// if (msg == (OSMesg)666) {
// osSyncPrintf("GRAPH SP TIMEOUT\n");
// if (retryCount >= 0) {
// retryCount--;
// Sched_SendGfxCancelMsg(&gSchedContext);
// goto retry;
// } else {
// // graph.c: No more! die!
// osSyncPrintf("graph.c:もうダメ!死ぬ!\n");
// Fault_AddHungupAndCrashImpl("RCP is HUNG UP!!", "Oh! MY GOD!!");
// }
// }
gfxCtx->masterList = gGfxMasterDL;
if (gfxCtx->callback != NULL) {
gfxCtx->callback(gfxCtx, gfxCtx->callbackArg);
task->type = M_GFXTASK;
task->flags = OS_SC_DRAM_DLIST;
task->ucodeBoot = SysUcode_GetUCodeBoot();
task->ucodeBootSize = SysUcode_GetUCodeBootSize();
task->ucode = SysUcode_GetUCode();
task->ucodeData = SysUcode_GetUCodeData();
task->ucodeSize = SP_UCODE_SIZE;
task->ucodeDataSize = SP_UCODE_DATA_SIZE;
task->dramStack = (u64*)gGfxSPTaskStack;
task->dramStackSize = sizeof(gGfxSPTaskStack);
task->outputBuff = gGfxSPTaskOutputBufferPtr;
task->outputBuffSize = gGfxSPTaskOutputBufferEnd;
task->dataPtr = (u64*)gGfxMasterDL;
task->dataSize = 0;
task->yieldDataPtr = (u64*)gGfxSPTaskYieldBuffer;
task->yieldDataSize = sizeof(gGfxSPTaskYieldBuffer);
scTask->next = NULL;
if (SREG(33) & 1) {
SREG(33) &= ~1;
scTask->flags &= ~OS_SC_SWAPBUFFER;
scTask->msgQ = &gfxCtx->queue;
scTask->msg = NULL;
{ s32 pad; }
cfb = &sGraphCfbInfos[cfbIdx];
cfbIdx = (cfbIdx + 1) % ARRAY_COUNT(sGraphCfbInfos);
cfb->fb1 = gfxCtx->curFrameBuffer;
cfb->swapBuffer = gfxCtx->curFrameBuffer;
if (gfxCtx->updateViMode) {
gfxCtx->updateViMode = false;
cfb->viMode = gfxCtx->viMode;
cfb->features = gfxCtx->viConfigFeatures;
cfb->xScale = gfxCtx->xScale;
cfb->yScale = gfxCtx->yScale;
} else {
cfb->viMode = NULL;
cfb->unk_10 = 0;
cfb->updateRate = gameState->framerateDivisor;
scTask->framebuffer = cfb;
while (gfxCtx->queue.validCount != 0) {
osRecvMesg(&gfxCtx->queue, NULL, OS_MESG_NOBLOCK);
gfxCtx->schedMsgQ = &gSchedContext.cmdQ;
osSendMesg(&gSchedContext.cmdQ, scTask, OS_MESG_BLOCK);
// @recomp Manually wait the required number of VI periods after submitting the task
// so that the next frame doesn't need to wait before submitting its task.
static IrqMgrClient irq_client = {0};
static OSMesgQueue vi_queue = {0};
static OSMesg vi_buf[8] = {0};
static bool created = false;
// Create the message queue and install the VI irq manager
if (!created) {
created = true;
osCreateMesgQueue(&vi_queue, vi_buf, ARRAY_COUNT(vi_buf));
extern IrqMgr gIrqMgr;
IrqMgr_AddClient(&gIrqMgr, &irq_client, &vi_queue);
for (int i = 0; i < cfb->updateRate; i++) {
osRecvMesg(&vi_queue, NULL, OS_MESG_BLOCK);