Reduced input latency and improved gyro by moving input polling to main game thread and moving frame wait to after DL submission, fixed bluetooth dualsense gyro

This commit is contained in:
Mr-Wiseguy 2024-03-21 02:46:08 -04:00
parent 8db2c655c3
commit 976bfa1969
10 changed files with 178 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ s32 func_80847190(PlayState* play, Player* this, s32 arg2) {
temp3 = ((play->state.input[0].rel.stick_y >= 0) ? 1 : -1) *
(s32)((1.0f - Math_CosS(play->state.input[0].rel.stick_y * 0xC8)) * 1500.0f);
this->actor.focus.rot.x += temp3 + (s32)((target_gyro_x - applied_gyro_x) * -3.0f);
this->actor.focus.rot.x += temp3 + (s32)((target_gyro_x - applied_gyro_x) * -1.5f);
applied_gyro_x = target_gyro_x;
if (this->stateFlags1 & PLAYER_STATE1_800000) {
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ s32 func_80847190(PlayState* play, Player* this, s32 arg2) {
var_s0 = this->actor.focus.rot.y - this->actor.shape.rot.y;
temp3 = ((play->state.input[0].rel.stick_x >= 0) ? 1 : -1) *
(s32)((1.0f - Math_CosS(play->state.input[0].rel.stick_x * 0xC8)) * -1500.0f);
var_s0 += temp3 + (s32)((target_gyro_y - applied_gyro_y) * 3.0f);
var_s0 += temp3 + (s32)((target_gyro_y - applied_gyro_y) * 1.5f);
applied_gyro_y = target_gyro_y;
this->actor.focus.rot.y = CLAMP(var_s0, -0x4AAA, 0x4AAA) + this->actor.shape.rot.y;

patches/input_latency.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
#include "patches.h"
#include "sys_cfb.h"
#include "buffers.h"
#include "fault.h"
void recomp_set_current_frame_poll_id();
void PadMgr_HandleRetrace(void);
void PadMgr_LockPadData(void);
void PadMgr_UnlockPadData(void);
void PadMgr_ThreadEntry() {
// @recomp Controller polling was moved to the main thread, so there's nothing to do here.
// @recomp Patched to do the actual input polling.
void PadMgr_GetInput(Input* inputs, s32 gameRequest) {
// @recomp Do an actual poll if gameRequest is true.
if (gameRequest) {
// @recomp Tag the current frame's input polling id for latency tracking.
PadMgr_GetInputNoLock(inputs, gameRequest);
// @recomp Just call PadMgr_GetInput.
void PadMgr_GetInput2(Input* inputs, s32 gameRequest) {
PadMgr_GetInput(inputs, gameRequest);
extern CfbInfo sGraphCfbInfos[3];
// @recomp Immediately sends the graphics task instead of queueing it in the scheduler.
void Graph_TaskSet00(GraphicsContext* gfxCtx, GameState* gameState) {
static s32 retryCount = 10;
static s32 cfbIdx = 0;
OSTask_t* task = &gfxCtx->task.list.t;
OSScTask* scTask = &gfxCtx->task;
OSTimer timer;
OSMesg msg;
CfbInfo* cfb;
// @recomp Disable the wait here so that it can be moved after task submission for minimizing latency.
// retry:
// osSetTimer(&timer, OS_USEC_TO_CYCLES(3 * 1000 * 1000), 0, &gfxCtx->queue, (OSMesg)666);
// osRecvMesg(&gfxCtx->queue, &msg, OS_MESG_BLOCK);
// osStopTimer(&timer);
// if (msg == (OSMesg)666) {
// osSyncPrintf("GRAPH SP TIMEOUT\n");
// if (retryCount >= 0) {
// retryCount--;
// Sched_SendGfxCancelMsg(&gSchedContext);
// goto retry;
// } else {
// // graph.c: No more! die!
// osSyncPrintf("graph.c:もうダメ!死ぬ!\n");
// Fault_AddHungupAndCrashImpl("RCP is HUNG UP!!", "Oh! MY GOD!!");
// }
// }
gfxCtx->masterList = gGfxMasterDL;
if (gfxCtx->callback != NULL) {
gfxCtx->callback(gfxCtx, gfxCtx->callbackArg);
task->type = M_GFXTASK;
task->flags = OS_SC_DRAM_DLIST;
task->ucodeBoot = SysUcode_GetUCodeBoot();
task->ucodeBootSize = SysUcode_GetUCodeBootSize();
task->ucode = SysUcode_GetUCode();
task->ucodeData = SysUcode_GetUCodeData();
task->ucodeSize = SP_UCODE_SIZE;
task->ucodeDataSize = SP_UCODE_DATA_SIZE;
task->dramStack = (u64*)gGfxSPTaskStack;
task->dramStackSize = sizeof(gGfxSPTaskStack);
task->outputBuff = gGfxSPTaskOutputBufferPtr;
task->outputBuffSize = gGfxSPTaskOutputBufferEnd;
task->dataPtr = (u64*)gGfxMasterDL;
task->dataSize = 0;
task->yieldDataPtr = (u64*)gGfxSPTaskYieldBuffer;
task->yieldDataSize = sizeof(gGfxSPTaskYieldBuffer);
scTask->next = NULL;
if (SREG(33) & 1) {
SREG(33) &= ~1;
scTask->flags &= ~OS_SC_SWAPBUFFER;
scTask->msgQ = &gfxCtx->queue;
scTask->msg = NULL;
{ s32 pad; }
cfb = &sGraphCfbInfos[cfbIdx];
cfbIdx = (cfbIdx + 1) % ARRAY_COUNT(sGraphCfbInfos);
cfb->fb1 = gfxCtx->curFrameBuffer;
cfb->swapBuffer = gfxCtx->curFrameBuffer;
if (gfxCtx->updateViMode) {
gfxCtx->updateViMode = false;
cfb->viMode = gfxCtx->viMode;
cfb->features = gfxCtx->viConfigFeatures;
cfb->xScale = gfxCtx->xScale;
cfb->yScale = gfxCtx->yScale;
} else {
cfb->viMode = NULL;
cfb->unk_10 = 0;
cfb->updateRate = gameState->framerateDivisor;
scTask->framebuffer = cfb;
while (gfxCtx->queue.validCount != 0) {
osRecvMesg(&gfxCtx->queue, NULL, OS_MESG_NOBLOCK);
gfxCtx->schedMsgQ = &gSchedContext.cmdQ;
osSendMesg(&gSchedContext.cmdQ, scTask, OS_MESG_BLOCK);
// @recomp Manually wait the required number of VI periods after submitting the task
// so that the next frame doesn't need to wait before submitting its task.
static IrqMgrClient irq_client = {0};
static OSMesgQueue vi_queue = {0};
static OSMesg vi_buf[8] = {0};
static bool created = false;
// Create the message queue and install the VI irq manager
if (!created) {
created = true;
osCreateMesgQueue(&vi_queue, vi_buf, ARRAY_COUNT(vi_buf));
extern IrqMgr gIrqMgr;
IrqMgr_AddClient(&gIrqMgr, &irq_client, &vi_queue);
for (int i = 0; i < cfb->updateRate; i++) {
osRecvMesg(&vi_queue, NULL, OS_MESG_BLOCK);

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#define __PATCHES_H__
// TODO fix renaming symbols in patch recompilation
#define osCreateMesgQueue osCreateMesgQueue_recomp
#define osRecvMesg osRecvMesg_recomp
#define osSendMesg osSendMesg_recomp
#define sinf __sinf_recomp

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
RAMBASE = 0x80800100; /* Used to hold any new symbols */
RAMBASE = 0x80801000; /* Used to hold any new symbols */
EXTRA_RAM_SIZE = 0x01000000; /* Amount of extra ram allocated by recomp */

View File

@ -21,3 +21,6 @@ recomp_get_bgm_volume = 0x8F000030;
recomp_get_low_health_beeps_enabled = 0x8F000034;
__sinf_recomp = 0x8F000038;
__cosf_recomp = 0x8F00003C;
osCreateMesgQueue_recomp = 0x8F000048;
recomp_set_current_frame_poll_id = 0x8F00004C;

View File

@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ void exit_error(const char* str, Ts ...args) {
ultramodern::gfx_callbacks_t::gfx_data_t create_gfx() {
exit_error("Failed to initialize SDL2: %s\n", SDL_GetError());

View File

@ -3,6 +3,24 @@
static ultramodern::input_callbacks_t input_callbacks;
constexpr size_t num_poll_ids = 8;
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point input_poll_times[num_poll_ids];
s32 cur_poll_id = 0;
s32 cur_frame_poll_id = 0;
void update_poll_time() {
cur_poll_id = (cur_poll_id + 1) % num_poll_ids;
input_poll_times[cur_poll_id] = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
extern "C" void recomp_set_current_frame_poll_id(uint8_t* rdram, recomp_context* ctx) {
cur_frame_poll_id = cur_poll_id;
void ultramodern::measure_input_latency() {
// printf("Delta: %ld micros\n", std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now() - input_poll_times[cur_frame_poll_id]));
void set_input_callbacks(const ultramodern::input_callbacks_t& callbacks) {
input_callbacks = callbacks;
@ -36,6 +54,7 @@ extern "C" void osContStartReadData_recomp(uint8_t* rdram, recomp_context* ctx)
if (input_callbacks.poll_input) {

View File

@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ void init(uint8_t* rdram, recomp_context* ctx) {
recomp::do_rom_read(rdram, entrypoint, 0x10001000, 0x100000);
// Read in any extra data from patches
read_patch_data(rdram, (gpr)(s32)0x80800100);
read_patch_data(rdram, (gpr)(s32)0x80801000);
// Set up stack pointer
ctx->r29 = 0xFFFFFFFF803FFFF0u;

View File

@ -316,6 +316,7 @@ void gfx_thread_func(uint8_t* rdram, std::atomic_flag* thread_ready, ultramodern
enabled_instant_present = true;
// Tell the game that the RSP completed instantly. This will allow it to queue other task types, but it won't
// start another graphics task until the RDP is also complete. Games usually preserve the RSP inputs until the RDP
// is finished as well, so sending this early shouldn't be an issue in most cases.

View File

@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ std::chrono::system_clock::time_point get_start();
std::chrono::system_clock::duration time_since_start();
void get_window_size(uint32_t& width, uint32_t& height);
uint32_t get_target_framerate(uint32_t original);
void measure_input_latency();
// Audio
void init_audio();