mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 21:50:06 +00:00
The appropriate *_proxy environment variables aren't always detected properly by libcurl. This allows manually setting the proxy when this happens, and disabling SSL certificate verification if the proxy requires it.
1771 lines
42 KiB
Executable file
1771 lines
42 KiB
Executable file
* ZNC Push Module
* Allows the user to enter a Push user and API token, and sends
* channel highlights and personal messages to Push.
* Copyright (c) 2011 John Reese
* Licensed under the MIT license
#define PUSHVERSION "dev"
#include <znc/znc.h>
#include <znc/Chan.h>
#include <znc/User.h>
#include <znc/IRCNetwork.h>
#include <znc/Modules.h>
#include <znc/FileUtils.h>
#include <znc/Client.h>
#include "time.h"
#include <string.h>
#ifdef USE_CURL
#include <curl/curl.h>
#endif // USE_CURL
// Forward declaration
class CPushMod;
* Shorthand for encoding a string for a URL.
* @param str String to be encoded
* @return Encoded string
CString urlencode(const CString& str)
return str.Escape_n(CString::EASCII, CString::EURL);
#ifndef USE_CURL
* Socket class for generating HTTP requests.
class CPushSocket : public CSocket
CPushSocket(CModule *p) : CSocket(p)
parent = (CPushMod*) p;
first = true;
crlf = "\r\n";
user_agent = "ZNC Push/" + CString(PUSHVERSION);
// Implemented after CPushMod
void Request(bool post, const CString& host, const CString& url, MCString& parameters, const CString& auth="");
virtual void ReadLine(const CString& data);
virtual void Disconnected();
CPushMod *parent;
bool first;
// Too lazy to add CString("\r\n\") everywhere
CString crlf;
// User agent to use
CString user_agent;
// forward declaration
CURLcode make_curl_request(const CString& service_host, const CString& service_url,
const CString& service_auth, MCString& params, int port,
bool use_ssl, bool use_post, bool debug);
#endif // USE_CURL
* Push notification module.
class CPushMod : public CModule
// Application name
CString app;
// Time last notification was sent for a given context
std::map <CString, time_t> last_notification_time;
// Time of last message by user to a given context
std::map <CString, time_t> last_reply_time;
// Time of last activity by user for a given context
std::map <CString, time_t> last_active_time;
// Time of last activity by user in any context
time_t idle_time;
// User object
CUser *user;
// Configuration options
MCString options;
MCString defaults;
#ifdef USE_CURL
app = "ZNC";
idle_time = time(NULL);
// Current user
user = GetUser();
// Push service information
defaults["service"] = "";
defaults["username"] = "";
defaults["secret"] = "";
defaults["target"] = "";
// Notification settings
defaults["message_content"] = "{message}";
defaults["message_length"] = "100";
defaults["message_title"] = "{title}";
defaults["message_uri"] = "";
defaults["message_uri_post"] = "no";
defaults["message_uri_title"] = "";
defaults["message_priority"] = "0";
defaults["message_sound"] = "";
// Notification conditions
defaults["away_only"] = "no";
defaults["client_count_less_than"] = "0";
defaults["highlight"] = "";
defaults["idle"] = "0";
defaults["last_active"] = "180";
defaults["last_notification"] = "300";
defaults["nick_blacklist"] = "";
defaults["replied"] = "yes";
// Proxy, for libcurl
defaults["proxy"] = "";
defaults["proxy_ssl_verify"] = "yes";
// Advanced
defaults["channel_conditions"] = "all";
defaults["query_conditions"] = "all";
defaults["debug"] = "off";
virtual ~CPushMod() {
#ifdef USE_CURL
* Debugging messages. Prints to *push when the debug option is enabled.
* @param data Debug message
void PutDebug(const CString& data)
if (options["debug"] == "on")
* Performs string expansion on a set of keywords.
* Given an initial string and a dictionary of string replacments,
* iterate over the dictionary, expanding keywords one-by-one.
* @param content String contents
* @param replace Dictionary of string replacements
* @return Result of string replacements
CString expand(const CString& content, MCString& replace)
CString result = content.c_str();
for(MCString::iterator i = replace.begin(); i != replace.end(); i++)
result.Replace(i->first, i->second);
return result;
* Verifies whether a given string contains only numbers.
* @param content String to verify
bool is_number(const CString& content)
CString::const_iterator it = content.begin();
while(it != content.end() && std::isdigit(*it)) ++it;
return !content.empty() && it == content.end();
* Send a message to the currently-configured push service.
* Requires (and assumes) that the user has already configured their
* username and API secret using the 'set' command.
* @param message Message to be sent to the user
* @param title Message title to use
* @param context Channel or nick context
void send_message(const CString& message, const CString& title="New Message", const CString& context="*push", const CNick& nick=CString("*push"))
// Set the last notification time
last_notification_time[context] = time(NULL);
// Shorten message if needed
unsigned int message_length = options["message_length"].ToUInt();
CString short_message = message;
if (message_length > 0)
short_message = message.Ellipsize(message_length);
// Generate an ISO8601 date string
time_t rawtime;
struct tm * timeinfo;
timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);
char iso8601 [20];
strftime(iso8601, 20, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", timeinfo);
// Message string replacements
MCString replace;
replace["{context}"] = context;
replace["{nick}"] = nick.GetNick();
replace["{datetime}"] = CString(iso8601);
replace["{unixtime}"] = CString(time(NULL));
replace["{message}"] = short_message;
replace["{title}"] = title;
replace["{username}"] = options["username"];
replace["{secret}"] = options["secret"];
replace["{network}"] = GetNetwork()->GetName();
CString message_uri = expand(options["message_uri"], replace);
CString message_title = expand(options["message_title"], replace);
CString message_content = expand(options["message_content"], replace);
// Set up the connection profile
CString service = options["service"];
bool use_post = true;
int use_port = 443;
bool use_ssl = true;
CString service_host;
CString service_url;
CString service_auth;
MCString params;
// Service-specific profiles
if (service == "pushbullet")
if (options["secret"] == "")
PutModule("Error: secret (api key) not set");
service_host = "api.pushbullet.com";
service_url = "/v2/pushes";
// BASIC auth, base64-encoded APIKey:
service_auth = options["secret"] + CString(":");
if (options["target"] != "")
params["device_iden"] = options["target"];
params["type"] = "note";
params["title"] = message_title;
params["body"] = message_content;
else if (service == "boxcar")
if (options["username"] == "")
PutModule("Error: username not set");
CString boxcar_api_key = "puSd2qp2gCDZO7nWkvb9";
CString boxcar_api_secret = "wLQQKSyGybIOkggbiKipefeYGLni9B3FPZabopHp";
service_host = "boxcar.io";
service_url = "/devices/providers/" + boxcar_api_key + "/notifications";
params["email"] = options["username"];
params["notification[from_screen_name]"] = context;
params["notification[message]"] = message_content;
params["notification[source_url]"] = message_uri;
else if (service == "boxcar2")
if (options["secret"] == "")
PutModule("Error: secret not set to apikey");
service_host = "new.boxcar.io";
service_url = "/api/notifications";
params["user_credentials"] = options["secret"];
params["notification[title]"] = message_title;
params["notification[long_message]"] = message_content;
if ( options["message_sound"] != "" )
params["notification[sound]"] = options["message_sound"];
else if (service == "nma")
if (options["secret"] == "")
PutModule("Error: secret not set");
if (options["message_priority"] != "")
params["priority"] = options["message_priority"];
service_host = "www.notifymyandroid.com";
service_url = "/publicapi/notify";
params["apikey"] = options["secret"];
params["application"] = app;
params["event"] = message_title;
params["description"] = message_content;
params["url"] = message_uri;
else if (service == "pushover")
if (options["username"] == "")
PutModule("Error: username (user key) not set");
if (options["secret"] == "")
PutModule("Error: secret (application token/key) not set");
service_host = "api.pushover.net";
service_url = "/1/messages.json";
params["token"] = options["secret"];
params["user"] = options["username"];
params["title"] = message_title;
params["message"] = message_content;
if (message_uri != "")
params["url"] = message_uri;
if ( options["message_uri_title"] != "" )
params["url_title"] = options["message_uri_title"];
if (options["target"] != "")
params["device"] = options["target"];
if ( options["message_sound"] != "" )
params["sound"] = options["message_sound"];
if (options["message_priority"] != "")
params["priority"] = options["message_priority"];
else if (service == "prowl")
if (options["secret"] == "")
PutModule("Error: secret not set");
service_host = "api.prowlapp.com";
service_url = "/publicapi/add";
params["apikey"] = options["secret"];
params["application"] = app;
params["event"] = message_title;
params["description"] = message_content;
params["url"] = message_uri;
else if (service == "supertoasty")
if (options["secret"] == "")
PutModule("Error: secret (device id) not set");
use_post = false;
use_port = 80;
use_ssl = false;
service_host = "api.supertoasty.com";
service_url = "/notify/"+options["secret"];
params["title"] = message_title;
params["text"] = message_content;
params["image"] = "https://raw2.github.com/jreese/znc-push/master/logo.png";
params["sender"] = "ZNC Push";
else if (service == "faast")
if (options["secret"] == "")
PutModule("Error: secret not set to apikey");
service_host = "www.appnotifications.com";
service_url = "/account/notifications.json";
params["user_credentials"] = options["secret"];
params["notification[title]"] = message_title;
params["notification[subtitle]"] = context;
params["notification[message]"] = message_content;
params["notification[long_message]"] = message_content;
params["notification[icon_url]"] = "https://raw2.github.com/jreese/znc-push/master/logo.png";
if ( options["message_sound"] != "" )
params["notification[sound]"] = options["message_sound"];
if ( options["message_uri"] != "" )
params["notification[run_command]"] = options["message_uri"];
else if (service == "url")
if (options["message_uri"] == "")
PutModule("Error: message_uri not set");
CString::size_type count;
VCString parts;
CString url = options["message_uri"];
// Verify that the URL begins with either http:// or https://
count = url.Split("://", parts, false);
if (count != 2)
PutModule("Error: invalid url format");
if(options["message_uri_post"] != "yes")
use_post = false;
if (parts[0] == "https")
use_ssl = true;
use_port = 443;
else if (parts[0] == "http")
use_ssl = false;
use_port = 80;
PutModule("Error: invalid url schema");
// HTTP basic auth
if(options["username"] != "" || options["secret"] != "")
service_auth = options["username"] + CString(":") + options["secret"];
// Process the remaining portion of the URL
url = parts[1];
// Split out the host and optional port number; this breaks with raw IPv6 addresses
CString host = url.Token(0, false, "/");
count = host.Split(":", parts, false);
if (count > 1)
use_port = parts[1].ToInt();
service_host = parts[0];
// Split remaining URL into path and query components
url = "/" + url.Token(1, true, "/");
service_url = expand(url.Token(0, false, "?"), replace);
// Parse and expand query parameter values
url = url.Token(1, true, "?");
for (MCString::iterator i = params.begin(); i != params.end(); i++) {
i->second = expand(i->second, replace);
else if (service == "airgram")
if (options["target"] == "")
PutModule("Error: target (email) not set");
service_host = "api.airgramapp.com";
if (options["username"] != "" && options["secret"] != "")
service_url = "/1/send";
service_auth = options["username"] + CString(":") + options["secret"];
service_url = "/1/send_as_guest";
params["email"] = options["target"];
params["msg"] = message_content;
PutModule("Error: service type not selected");
PutDebug("service: " + service);
PutDebug("service_host: " + service_host);
PutDebug("service_url: " + service_url);
PutDebug("service_auth: " + service_auth);
PutDebug("use_port: " + CString(use_port));
PutDebug("use_ssl: " + CString(use_ssl ? 1 : 0));
PutDebug("use_post: " + CString(use_post ? 1 : 0));
#ifdef USE_CURL
PutDebug("using libcurl");
params["proxy"] = options["proxy"];
params["proxy_ssl_verify"] = options["proxy_ssl_verify"];
make_curl_request(service_host, service_url, service_auth, params, use_port, use_ssl, use_post, options["debug"] == "on");
PutDebug("NOT using libcurl");
// Create the socket connection, write to it, and add it to the queue
CPushSocket *sock = new CPushSocket(this);
sock->Connect(service_host, use_port, use_ssl);
sock->Request(use_post, service_host, service_url, params, service_auth, options["proxy"].c_str());
* Evaluate a boolean expression using condition values.
* All tokens must be separated by spaces, using "and" and "or" for
* boolean operators, "(" and ")" to enclose sub-expressions, and
* condition option names to evaluate each condition.
* @param expression Boolean expression string
* @param context Notification context
* @param nick Sender nick
* @param message Message contents
* @return Result of boolean evaluation
bool eval(const CString& expression, const CString& context=CString(""), const CNick& nick=CNick(""), const CString& message=" ")
CString padded = expression.Replace_n("(", " ( ");
padded.Replace(")", " ) ");
VCString tokens;
padded.Split(" ", tokens, false);
PutDebug("Evaluating message: <" + nick.GetNick() + "> " + message);
bool result = eval_tokens(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), context, nick, message);
return result;
#define expr(x, y) else if (token == x) { \
bool result = y; \
dbg += CString(x) + "/" + CString(result ? "true" : "false") + " "; \
value = oper ? value && result : value || result; \
* Evaluate a tokenized boolean expression, or sub-expression.
* @param pos Token vector iterator current position
* @param end Token vector iterator end position
* @param context Notification context
* @param nick Sender nick
* @param message Message contents
* @return Result of boolean expression
bool eval_tokens(VCString::iterator pos, VCString::iterator end, const CString& context, const CNick& nick, const CString& message)
bool oper = true;
bool value = true;
CString dbg = "";
for(; pos != end; pos++)
CString token = pos->AsLower();
if (token == "(")
// recursively evaluate sub-expressions
bool inner = eval_tokens(++pos, end, context, nick, message);
dbg += "( inner/" + CString(inner ? "true" : "false") + " ) ";
value = oper ? value && inner : value || inner;
// search ahead to the matching parenthesis token
unsigned int parens = 1;
while(pos != end)
if (*pos == "(")
else if (*pos == ")")
if (parens == 0)
else if (token == ")")
return value;
else if (token == "and")
dbg += "and ";
oper = true;
else if (token == "or")
dbg += "or ";
oper = false;
expr("true", true)
expr("false", false)
expr("away_only", away_only())
expr("client_count_less_than", client_count_less_than())
expr("highlight", highlight(message))
expr("idle", idle())
expr("last_active", last_active(context))
expr("last_notification", last_notification(context))
expr("nick_blacklist", nick_blacklist(nick))
expr("replied", replied(context))
PutModule("Error: Unexpected token \"" + token + "\"");
return value;
#undef expr
* Check if the away status condition is met.
* @return True if away_only is not "yes" or away status is set
bool away_only()
CString value = options["away_only"].AsLower();
return value != "yes" || GetNetwork()->IsIRCAway();
* Check how many clients are connected to ZNC.
* @return Number of connected clients
size_t client_count()
return GetNetwork()->GetClients().size();
* Check if the client_count condition is met.
* @return True if client_count is less than client_count_less_than or if client_count_less_than is zero
bool client_count_less_than()
unsigned int value = options["client_count_less_than"].ToUInt();
return value == 0 || client_count() < value;
* Determine if the given message matches any highlight rules.
* @param message Message contents
* @return True if message matches a highlight
bool highlight(const CString& message)
CString msg = " " + message.AsLower() + " ";
VCString values;
options["highlight"].Split(" ", values, false);
for (VCString::iterator i = values.begin(); i != values.end(); i++)
CString value = i->AsLower();
char prefix = value[0];
bool push = true;
if (prefix == '-')
push = false;
else if (prefix == '_')
value = " " + value.LeftChomp_n(1) + " ";
// Expand substrings like %nick%
if (m_pNetwork)
value = m_pNetwork->ExpandString(value);
value = GetUser()->ExpandString(value);
value = "*" + value.AsLower() + "*";
if (msg.WildCmp(value))
return push;
return false;
* Check if the idle condition is met.
* @return True if idle is less than or equal to zero or elapsed time is greater than idle
bool idle()
unsigned int value = options["idle"].ToUInt();
time_t now = time(NULL);
return value == 0 || difftime(now, idle_time) >= value;
* Check if the last_active condition is met.
* @param context Channel or nick context
* @return True if last_active is less than or equal to zero or elapsed time is greater than last_active
bool last_active(const CString& context)
unsigned int value = options["last_active"].ToUInt();
time_t now = time(NULL);
return value == 0
|| last_active_time.count(context) < 1
|| difftime(now, last_active_time[context]) >= value;
* Check if the last_notification condition is met.
* @param context Channel or nick context
* @return True if last_notification is less than or equal to zero or elapsed time is greater than last_nofication
bool last_notification(const CString& context)
unsigned int value = options["last_notification"].ToUInt();
time_t now = time(NULL);
return value == 0
|| last_notification_time.count(context) < 1
|| difftime(now, last_notification_time[context]) >= value;
* Check if the nick_blacklist condition is met.
* @param nick Nick that sent the message
* @return True if nick is not in the blacklist
bool nick_blacklist(const CNick& nick)
VCString blacklist;
options["nick_blacklist"].Split(" ", blacklist, false);
CString name = nick.GetNick().AsLower();
for (VCString::iterator i = blacklist.begin(); i != blacklist.end(); i++)
CString value;
// Expand substrings like %nick%
if (m_pNetwork)
value = m_pNetwork->ExpandString(*i);
value = GetUser()->ExpandString(*i);
if (name.WildCmp(value.AsLower()))
return false;
return true;
* Check if the replied condition is met.
* @param context Channel or nick context
* @return True if last_reply_time > last_notification_time or if replied is not "yes"
bool replied(const CString& context)
CString value = options["replied"].AsLower();
return value != "yes"
|| last_notification_time[context] == 0
|| last_notification_time[context] < last_reply_time[context];
* Determine when to notify the user of a channel message.
* @param nick Nick that sent the message
* @param channel Channel the message was sent to
* @param message Message contents
* @return Notification should be sent
bool notify_channel(const CNick& nick, const CChan& channel, const CString& message)
CString context = channel.GetName();
CString expression = options["channel_conditions"].AsLower();
if (expression != "all")
return eval(expression, context, nick, message);
return away_only()
&& client_count_less_than()
&& highlight(message)
&& idle()
&& last_active(context)
&& last_notification(context)
&& nick_blacklist(nick)
&& replied(context)
&& true;
* Determine when to notify the user of a private message.
* @param nick Nick that sent the message
* @return Notification should be sent
bool notify_pm(const CNick& nick, const CString& message)
CString context = nick.GetNick();
CString expression = options["query_conditions"].AsLower();
if (expression != "all")
return eval(expression, context, nick, message);
return away_only()
&& client_count_less_than()
&& idle()
&& last_active(context)
&& last_notification(context)
&& nick_blacklist(nick)
&& replied(context)
&& true;
* Handle the plugin being loaded. Retrieve plugin config values.
* @param args Plugin arguments
* @param message Message to show the user after loading
bool OnLoad(const CString& args, CString& message)
for (MCString::iterator i = defaults.begin(); i != defaults.end(); i++)
CString value = GetNV(i->first);
if (value != "")
options[i->first] = value;
options[i->first] = defaults[i->first];
return true;
* Handle channel messages.
* @param nick Nick that sent the message
* @param channel Channel the message was sent to
* @param message Message contents
EModRet OnChanMsg(CNick& nick, CChan& channel, CString& message)
if (notify_channel(nick, channel, message))
CString title = "Highlight";
CString msg = channel.GetName();
msg += ": [" + nick.GetNick();
msg += "] " + message;
send_message(msg, title, channel.GetName(), nick);
return CONTINUE;
* Handle channel actions.
* @param nick Nick that sent the action
* @param channel Channel the message was sent to
* @param message Message contents
EModRet OnChanAction(CNick& nick, CChan& channel, CString& message)
if (notify_channel(nick, channel, message))
CString title = "Highlight";
CString msg = channel.GetName();
msg += ": " + nick.GetNick();
msg += " " + message;
send_message(msg, title, channel.GetName(), nick);
return CONTINUE;
* Handle a private message.
* @param nick Nick that sent the message
* @param message Message contents
EModRet OnPrivMsg(CNick& nick, CString& message)
if (notify_pm(nick, message))
CString title = "Private Message";
CString msg = "From " + nick.GetNick();
msg += ": " + message;
send_message(msg, title, nick.GetNick(), nick);
return CONTINUE;
* Handle a private action.
* @param nick Nick that sent the action
* @param message Message contents
EModRet OnPrivAction(CNick& nick, CString& message)
if (notify_pm(nick, message))
CString title = "Private Message";
CString msg = "* " + nick.GetNick();
msg += " " + message;
send_message(msg, title, nick.GetNick(), nick);
return CONTINUE;
* Handle a message sent by the user.
* @param target Target channel or nick
* @param message Message contents
EModRet OnUserMsg(CString& target, CString& message)
last_reply_time[target] = last_active_time[target] = idle_time = time(NULL);
return CONTINUE;
* Handle an action sent by the user.
* @param target Target channel or nick
* @param message Message contents
EModRet OnUserAction(CString& target, CString& message)
last_reply_time[target] = last_active_time[target] = idle_time = time(NULL);
return CONTINUE;
* Handle the user joining a channel.
* @param channel Channel name
* @param key Channel key
EModRet OnUserJoin(CString& channel, CString& key)
idle_time = time(NULL);
return CONTINUE;
* Handle the user parting a channel.
* @param channel Channel name
* @param message Part message
EModRet OnUserPart(CString& channel, CString& message)
idle_time = time(NULL);
return CONTINUE;
* Handle the user setting the channel topic.
* @param channel Channel name
* @param topic Topic message
EModRet OnUserTopic(CString& channel, CString& topic)
idle_time = time(NULL);
return CONTINUE;
* Handle the user requesting the channel topic.
* @param channel Channel name
EModRet OnUserTopicRequest(CString& channel)
idle_time = time(NULL);
return CONTINUE;
* Handle direct commands to the *push virtual user.
* @param command Command string
void OnModCommand(const CString& command)
VCString tokens;
CString::size_type token_count = command.Split(" ", tokens, false);
if (token_count < 1)
CString action = tokens[0].AsLower();
// SET command
if (action == "set")
if (token_count < 3)
PutModule("Usage: set <option> <value>");
CString option = tokens[1].AsLower();
CString value = command.Token(2, true, " ");
MCString::iterator pos = options.find(option);
if (pos == options.end())
PutModule("Error: invalid option name");
if (option == "channel_conditions" || option == "query_conditions")
if (value != "all")
else if (option == "service")
if (value == "pushbullet")
PutModule("Note: Pushbullet requires setting both 'target' (to device id) and 'secret' (to api key) options");
else if (value == "boxcar")
PutModule("Note: Boxcar requires setting the 'username' option");
else if (value == "boxcar2")
PutModule("Note: Boxcar 2 requires setting the 'secret' option");
else if (value == "nma")
PutModule("Note: NMA requires setting the 'secret' option");
else if (value == "pushover")
PutModule("Note: Pushover requires setting both the 'username' (to user key) and the 'secret' (to application api key) option");
else if (value == "prowl")
PutModule("Note: Prowl requires setting the 'secret' option");
else if (value == "supertoasty")
PutModule("Note: Supertoasty requires setting the 'secret' option with device id");
else if (value == "url")
PutModule("Note: URL requires setting the 'message_uri' option with the full URL");
else if (value == "airgram")
PutModule("Note: Airgram requires setting the 'target' with the email address of the recipient");
else if (value == "faast")
PutModule("Note: Faast requires setting the secret to your apikey");
PutModule("Error: unknown service name");
options[option] = value;
SetNV(option, options[option]);
// APPEND command
else if (action == "append")
if (token_count < 3)
PutModule("Usage: append <option> <value>");
CString option = tokens[1].AsLower();
CString value = command.Token(2, true, " ");
MCString::iterator pos = options.find(option);
if (pos == options.end())
PutModule("Error: invalid option name");
else if (option == "service")
PutModule("Error: cannot append to this option");
options[option] += " " + value;
SetNV(option, options[option]);
// PREPEND command
else if (action == "prepend")
if (token_count < 3)
PutModule("Usage: prepend <option> <value>");
CString option = tokens[1].AsLower();
CString value = command.Token(2, true, " ");
MCString::iterator pos = options.find(option);
if (pos == options.end())
PutModule("Error: invalid option name");
else if (option == "service")
PutModule("Error: cannot prepend to this option");
options[option] = value + " " + options[option];
SetNV(option, options[option]);
// UNSET command
else if (action == "unset")
if (token_count != 2)
PutModule("Usage: unset <option>");
CString option = tokens[1].AsLower();
MCString::iterator pos = options.find(option);
if (pos == options.end())
PutModule("Error: invalid option name");
options[option] = defaults[option];
// GET command
else if (action == "get")
if (token_count > 2)
PutModule("Usage: get [<option>]");
if (token_count < 2)
CTable table;
for (MCString::iterator i = options.begin(); i != options.end(); i++)
table.SetCell("Option", i->first);
table.SetCell("Value", i->second);
CString option = tokens[1].AsLower();
MCString::iterator pos = options.find(option);
if (pos == options.end())
PutModule("Error: invalid option name");
PutModule(option + CString(": ") + options[option]);
// SAVE command
else if (action == "save")
if (token_count < 2)
PutModule("Usage: save <filepath>");
CString file_path = command.Token(1, true, " ");
int status = options.WriteToDisk(file_path);
if (status == MCString::MCS_SUCCESS)
PutModule("Options saved to " + file_path);
switch (status)
case MCString::MCS_EOPEN:
case MCString::MCS_EWRITE:
PutModule("Failed to save options to " + file_path);
// LOAD command
else if (action == "load")
if (token_count < 2)
PutModule("Usage: load <filename>");
CString file_path = command.Token(1, true, " ");
if (!CFile::Exists(file_path))
PutModule("File does not exist: " + file_path);
int status = options.ReadFromDisk(file_path);
if (status == MCString::MCS_SUCCESS)
PutModule("Options loaded from " + file_path);
// Restore any defaults that aren't in the loaded dictionary,
// and save loaded options to ZNC's data store
for (MCString::iterator i = defaults.begin(); i != defaults.end(); i++)
CString option = i->first;
MCString::iterator pos = options.find(option);
if (pos == options.end())
options[option] = defaults[option];
SetNV(option, options[option]);
switch (status)
case MCString::MCS_EOPEN:
case MCString::MCS_EREADFIL:
PutModule("Failed to read options from " + file_path);
// STATUS command
else if (action == "status")
CTable table;
table.SetCell("Condition", "away");
table.SetCell("Status", GetNetwork()->IsIRCAway() ? "yes" : "no");
table.SetCell("Condition", "client_count");
table.SetCell("Status", CString(client_count()));
time_t now = time(NULL);
time_t ago = now - idle_time;
table.SetCell("Condition", "idle");
table.SetCell("Status", CString(ago) + " seconds");
if (token_count > 1)
CString context = tokens[1];
table.SetCell("Condition", "last_active");
if (last_active_time.count(context) < 1)
table.SetCell("Status", "n/a");
ago = now - last_active_time[context];
table.SetCell("Status", CString(ago) + " seconds");
table.SetCell("Condition", "last_notification");
if (last_notification_time.count(context) < 1)
table.SetCell("Status", "n/a");
ago = now - last_notification_time[context];
table.SetCell("Status", CString(ago) + " seconds");
table.SetCell("Condition", "replied");
table.SetCell("Status", replied(context) ? "yes" : "no");
// SUBSCRIBE command
else if (action == "subscribe")
// Set up the connection profile
CString service = options["service"];
bool use_post = true;
int use_port = 443;
bool use_ssl = true;
CString service_host;
CString service_url;
CString service_auth;
MCString params;
if (service == "boxcar")
if (options["username"] == "")
PutModule("Error: username not set");
CString boxcar_api_key = "puSd2qp2gCDZO7nWkvb9";
service_host = "boxcar.io";
service_url = "/devices/providers/" + boxcar_api_key + "/notifications/subscribe";
params["email"] = options["username"];
else if (service == "airgram")
if (options["username"] == "" || options["secret"] == "" || options["target"] == "")
PutModule("Error: target, username, and secret must be set");
service_host = "api.airgramapp.com";
service_url = "/1/subscribe";
service_auth = options["username"] + CString(":") + options["secret"];
params["email"] = options["target"];
PutModule("Error: service does not support subscribe command");
params["proxy"] = options["proxy"];
params["proxy_ssl_verify"] = options["proxy_ssl_verify"];
#ifdef USE_CURL
make_curl_request(service_host, service_url, service_auth, params, use_port, use_ssl, use_post, options["debug"] == "on");
// Create the socket connection, write to it, and add it to the queue
CPushSocket *sock = new CPushSocket(this);
sock->Connect(service_host, use_port, use_ssl);
sock->Request(use_post, service_host, service_url, params, service_auth, options["proxy"].c_str());
// SEND command
else if (action == "send")
CString message = command.Token(1, true, " ", true);
// HELP command
else if (action == "help")
PutModule("View the detailed documentation at https://github.com/jreese/znc-push/blob/master/README.md");
// VERSION command
else if (action == "version")
PutModule("znc-push " + CString(PUSHVERSION));
// EVAL command
else if (action == "eval")
CString value = command.Token(1, true, " ");
PutModule(eval(value) ? "true" : "false");
PutModule("Error: invalid command, try `help`");
* Build a query string from a dictionary of request parameters.
* @param params Request parameters
* @return query string
CString build_query_string(MCString& params)
bool more = false;
CString query;
CString key;
CString value;
for (MCString::iterator param = params.begin(); param != params.end(); param++)
key = urlencode(param->first);
value = urlencode(param->second);
if (more)
query += "&" + key + "=" + value;
query += key + "=" + value;
more = true;
return query;
#ifdef USE_CURL
* Send an HTTP request using libcurl.
* @param service_host Host domain
* @param service_url Host path
* @param service_auth Basic auth string
* @param params Request parameters
* @param port Port number
* @param use_ssl Use SSL
* @param use_post Use POST method
CURLcode make_curl_request(const CString& service_host, const CString& service_url,
const CString& service_auth, MCString& params, int port,
bool use_ssl, bool use_post, bool debug)
CURL *curl;
CURLcode result;
curl = curl_easy_init();
CString user_agent = "ZNC Push/" + CString(PUSHVERSION);
CString url = CString(use_ssl ? "https" : "http") + "://" + service_host + service_url;
CString query = build_query_string(params);
if (debug)
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1L);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2L);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url.data());
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PORT, port);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, user_agent.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 3); // three seconds ought to be good enough for anyone, eh?
if (service_auth != "")
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, service_auth.data());
if (use_post)
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, query.data());
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, query.length());
if (params["proxy"] != "") {
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROXY, params["proxy"].c_str());
if (params["proxy_ssl_verify"] == "no") {
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0L);
result = curl_easy_perform(curl);
return result;
* Send an HTTP request.
* @param post POST command
* @param host Host domain
* @param url Resource path
* @param parameters Query parameters
* @param auth Basic authentication string
void CPushSocket::Request(bool post, const CString& host, const CString& url, MCString& parameters, const CString& auth)
parent->PutDebug("Building notification to " + host + url + "...");
CString query = build_query_string(parameters);
// Request headers and POST body
CString request;
if (post)
request += "POST " + url + " HTTP/1.1" + crlf;
request += "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" + crlf;
request += "Content-Length: " + CString(query.length()) + crlf;
request += "GET " + url + "?" + query + " HTTP/1.1" + crlf;
request += "Host: " + host + crlf;
request += "Connection: close" + crlf;
request += "User-Agent: " + user_agent + crlf;
parent->PutDebug("User-Agent: " + user_agent);
if (auth != "")
CString auth_b64 = auth.Base64Encode_n();
request += "Authorization: Basic " + auth_b64 + crlf;
parent->PutDebug("Authorization: Basic " + auth_b64);
request += crlf;
if (post)
request += query;
parent->PutDebug("Query string: " + query);
parent->PutDebug("Request sending");
* Read each line of data returned from the HTTP request.
void CPushSocket::ReadLine(const CString& data)
if (first)
CString status = data.Token(1);
CString message = data.Token(2, true);
parent->PutDebug("Status: " + status);
parent->PutDebug("Message: " + message);
first = false;
parent->PutDebug("Data: " + data);
void CPushSocket::Disconnected()
#endif // USE_CURL
template<> void TModInfo<CPushMod>(CModInfo& Info) {
NETWORKMODULEDEFS(CPushMod, "Send highlights and personal messages to a push notification service")