ZNC Push ============= ZNC Push is a module for [ZNC][] that will send notifications to a [Notifo][] account for any private message or channel highlight that matches a configurable set of conditions. This project is still a Work In Progress, but should be functional enough and stable enough for everyday usage. Users are more than welcome to submit feature requests or patches for discussion or inclusion. Bug reports and feature requests can be submitted to [my bug tracker][mantis] by selecting the "ZNC Push" project from the top right, or sent via email. For full functionality, this module requires ZNC version 0.090 or newer, but should compile and run with a reduced feature set on versions as old as 0.078, the current version used by Ubuntu. However, development and testing is done exclusively against the latest source distribution, so feedback on older releases of ZNC is needed to continue supporting them. ZNC Push was created by [John Reese](http://johnmreese.com) and designed to fill a personal need. It may not fit your use cases, but any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated. Compiling --------- If you have installed ZNC from a Linux distribution's repository, you will most likely need to install the development package before building this module. On Ubuntu, this can be installed with: $ sudo aptitude install znc-dev If you have `make` installed, you can compile the module with: $ make Otherwise, run the full command: $ znc-build push.cpp Installation ------------ Copy the compiled module into your ZNC profile: $ cp push.so ~/.znc/modules/ Now, load the module in ZNC: /msg *status loadmod push Then set your Notifo username and API secret. The API secret is not your password, and can be obtained by logging into Notifo's website, clicking Settings, and then "Click to Show" next to the "API Secret" heading: /msg *push set username foo /msg *push set secret ... At this point, it should start sending notifications every time you get a private message or someone says your name in a channel. If this is everything you wanted, congratulations, you're done! Migrating From Notifo --------------------- Before uninstalling the old Notifo module, save your settings to a file. When you have the new Push module installed, you can then load those settings back in, rather than needing to set your configuration all over again: /msg *notifo save /tmp/znc_notifo /msg *push load /tmp/znc_notifo Commands -------- * `help` Links you to this fine document. * `set