Time in seconds since the last message sent by the user on that channel or
query window. Notifications will only be sent if the elapsed time is greater
than this value. A value of 0 (zero) will disable this condition.
Note that this condition keeps track of the last message sent to each channel
and query window separately, so a recent PM to Joe will not affect a
notification sent from channel #foo.
Space-separated list of nicks. Applies to both channel mentions and
query windows. Notifications will only be sent for messages from nicks
that are not present in this list, using a case-insensitive comparison.
Note that wildcard patterns can be used to match multiple nicks with
a single blacklist entry. For example, `set nick_blacklist *bot` will
not send notifications from nicks like "channelbot", "FooBot", or
"Robot". Care must be used to not accidentally blacklist legitimate
nicks with wildcards.
Time in seconds since the last notification sent from that channel or query
window. Notifications will only be sent if the elapsed time is greater than
this value. A value of 0 (zero) will disable this condition.
Note that this condition keeps track of the last notification sent from each
channel and query window separately, so a recent PM from Joe will not affect a
notification sent from channel #foo.