
103 lines
2.9 KiB

package gohtml
import (
// parse parses a stirng and converts it into an html.
func parse(r io.Reader) *htmlDocument {
htmlDoc := &htmlDocument{}
tokenizer := html.NewTokenizer(r)
for {
if errorToken, _, _ := parseToken(tokenizer, htmlDoc, nil); errorToken {
return htmlDoc
// Function that identifies which tags will be treated as containing preformatted
// content. Such tags will have the formatting of all its contents preserved
// unchanged.
// The opening tag html.Token is passed to this function.
// By default, only <pre> and <textarea> tags are considered preformatted.
var IsPreformatted = func(token html.Token) bool {
return token.Data == "pre" || token.Data == "textarea"
func parseToken(tokenizer *html.Tokenizer, htmlDoc *htmlDocument, parent *tagElement) (bool, bool, string) {
tokenType := tokenizer.Next()
switch tokenType {
case html.ErrorToken:
return true, false, ""
case html.TextToken:
text := string(tokenizer.Raw())
if strings.TrimSpace(text) == "" && (parent == nil || !parent.isRaw) {
textElement := &textElement{text: text, parent: parent}
appendElement(htmlDoc, parent, textElement)
case html.StartTagToken:
raw := string(tokenizer.Raw())
token := tokenizer.Token()
tagElement := &tagElement{
tagName: string(token.Data),
startTagRaw: raw,
isRaw: IsPreformatted(token) || (parent != nil && parent.isRaw),
parent: parent,
appendElement(htmlDoc, parent, tagElement)
for {
errorToken, parentEnded, unsetEndTag := parseToken(tokenizer, htmlDoc, tagElement)
if errorToken {
return true, false, ""
if parentEnded {
if unsetEndTag != "" {
return false, false, unsetEndTag
if unsetEndTag != "" {
return false, false, setEndTagRaw(tokenizer, tagElement, unsetEndTag)
case html.EndTagToken:
return false, true, setEndTagRaw(tokenizer, parent, getTagName(tokenizer))
case html.DoctypeToken, html.SelfClosingTagToken, html.CommentToken:
tagElement := &tagElement{
tagName: getTagName(tokenizer),
startTagRaw: string(tokenizer.Raw()),
isRaw: parent != nil && parent.isRaw,
parent: parent,
appendElement(htmlDoc, parent, tagElement)
return false, false, ""
// appendElement appends the element to the htmlDocument or parent tagElement.
func appendElement(htmlDoc *htmlDocument, parent *tagElement, e element) {
if parent != nil {
} else {
// getTagName gets a tagName from tokenizer.
func getTagName(tokenizer *html.Tokenizer) string {
tagName, _ := tokenizer.TagName()
return string(tagName)
// setEndTagRaw sets an endTagRaw to the parent.
func setEndTagRaw(tokenizer *html.Tokenizer, parent *tagElement, tagName string) string {
if parent != nil && parent.tagName == tagName {
parent.endTagRaw = string(tokenizer.Raw())
return ""
return tagName