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2020-06-18 15:32:05 -05:00

346 lines
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import json, discordobject, user, options, nimcordutils, message, httpcore, asyncdispatch, asyncfutures, strutils
ChannelType* = enum
## This enum shows the type of the channel.
chanTypeGuildText = 0,
chanTypeDM = 1,
chanTypeGuildVoice = 2,
chanTypeGroupDM = 3,
chanTypeGuildCategory = 4,
chanTypeGuildNews = 5,
chanTypeGuildStore = 6
Channel* = ref object of DiscordObject
## Discord channel object.
`type`*: ChannelType ## The type of channel.
guildID*: snowflake ## The id of the guild.
position*: int ## Sorting position of the channel.
#permissionOverwrites*: seq[Permissions] ## Explicit permission overwrites for members and roles.
name*: string ## The name of the channel (2-100 characters).
topic*: string ## The channel topic (0-1024 characters).
nsfw*: bool ## Whether the channel is nsfw.
lastMessageID*: snowflake ## The id of the last message sent in this channel (may not point to an existing or valid message).
bitrate*: int ## The bitrate (in bits) of the voice channel.
userLimit*: int ## The user limit of the voice channel.
rateLimitPerUser*: int ## Amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message (0-21600); bots, as well as users with the permission manage_messages or manage_channel, are unaffected.
recipients*: seq[User] ## The recipients of the DM
icon*: string ## Icon hash
ownerID: snowflake ## ID of the DM creator
applicationID: snowflake ## Application id of the group DM creator if it is bot-created
parentID: snowflake ## ID of the parent category for a channel
lastPinTimestamp: string ## When the last pinned message was pinned
ChannelModify* = ref object
## Use this type to modify a channel by setting each fields.
name*: Option[string]
`type`*: Option[ChannelType]
position*: Option[int]
topic*: Option[string]
nsfw*: Option[bool]
rateLimitPerUser*: Option[int]
bitrate*: Option[int]
userLimit*: Option[int]
#permissionOverwrites*: seq[Permissions] ## Explicit permission overwrites for members and roles.
parentID*: Option[snowflake]
Invite* = object
## Represents a code that when used, adds a user to a guild or group DM channel.
code*: string ## The invite code (unique ID)
guildID*: snowflake ## The guild this invite is for
channel*: Channel ## The channel this invite is for
inviter*: User ## The user who created the invite
targetUser*: User ## The target user for this invite
#targetUserType* # Not sure if this is needed because it can only be `1`
approximatePresenceCount*: int ## Approximate count of online members (only present when target_user is set)
approximateMemberCount*: int ## Approximate count of total members
uses*: int ## Number of times this invite has been used
maxUsers*: int ## Max number of times this invite can be used
maxAge*: int ## Duration (in seconds) after which the invite expires
temporary*: bool ## Whether this invite only grants temporary membership
createdAt: string ## When this invite was created
proc newChannel*(channel: JsonNode): Channel {.inline.} =
## Parses the channel from json.
var chan = Channel(
id: getIDFromJson(channel["id"].getStr()),
`type`: ChannelType(channel["type"].getInt())
if (channel.contains("guild_id")):
chan.guildID = getIDFromJson(channel["guild_id"].getStr())
if (channel.contains("position")):
chan.position = channel["position"].getInt()
if (channel.contains("permission_overwrites")):
echo "permission_overwrites"
if (channel.contains("name")): = channel["name"].getStr()
if (channel.contains("topic")):
chan.topic = channel["topic"].getStr()
if (channel.contains("nsfw")):
chan.nsfw = channel["nsfw"].getBool()
if (channel.contains("last_message_id")):
chan.lastMessageID = getIDFromJson(channel["last_message_id"].getStr())
if (channel.contains("bitrate")):
chan.bitrate = channel["bitrate"].getInt()
if (channel.contains("user_limit")):
chan.userLimit = channel["user_limit"].getInt()
if (channel.contains("rate_limit_per_user")):
chan.rateLimitPerUser = channel["rate_limit_per_user"].getInt()
if (channel.contains("recipients")):
for recipient in channel["recipients"]:
if (channel.contains("icon")):
chan.icon = channel["icon"].getStr()
if (channel.contains("owner_id")):
chan.ownerID = getIDFromJson(channel["owner_id"].getStr())
if (channel.contains("application_id")):
chan.applicationID = getIDFromJson(channel["application_id"].getStr())
if (channel.contains("parent_id")):
chan.parentID = getIDFromJson(channel["parent_id"].getStr())
if (channel.contains("last_pin_timestamp")):
chan.lastPinTimestamp = channel["last_pin_timestamp"].getStr()
return chan
proc newInvite*(json: JsonNode): Invite {.inline.} =
## Parses an invite from json.
var invite = Invite(
code: json["code"].getStr(),
channel: newChannel(json["channel"])
if (json.contains("guild")):
invite.guildID = getIDFromJson(json["guild"]["id"].getStr())
if (json.contains("target_user")):
invite.targetUser = newUser(json["target_user"])
if (json.contains("approximate_presence_count")):
invite.approximatePresenceCount = json["approximate_presence_count"].getInt()
if (json.contains("approximate_member_count")):
invite.approximateMemberCount = json["approximate_member_count"].getInt()
if (json.contains("uses")):
invite.uses = json["uses"].getInt()
if (json.contains("max_uses")):
invite.maxUsers = json["max_uses"].getInt()
if (json.contains("max_age")):
invite.maxAge = json["max_age"].getInt()
if (json.contains("temporary")):
invite.temporary = json["temporary"].getBool()
if (json.contains("created_at")):
invite.createdAt = json["created_at"].getStr()
return invite
#TODO: Embeds, and files
proc sendMessage*(channel: Channel, content: string, tts: bool = false): Message =
## Send a message through the channel.
let messagePayload = %*{"content": content, "tts": tts}
return newMessage(sendRequest(endpoint("/channels/" & $ & "/messages"), HttpPost,
defaultHeaders(newHttpHeaders({"Content-Type": "application/json"})),,, messagePayload))
proc modifyChannel*(channel: Channel, modify: ChannelModify): Future[Channel] {.async.} =
## Modifies the channel.
## Examples:
## .. code-block:: nim
## var chan = getChannel(703084913510973472)
## chan = chan.modifyChannel(ChannelModify(topic: some("This is the channel topic")))
var modifyPayload = %*{}
if (
if (modify.`type`.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("type", %modify.`type`.get())
if (modify.position.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("position", %modify.position.get())
if (modify.topic.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("topic", %modify.topic.get())
if (modify.nsfw.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("nsfw", %modify.nsfw.get())
if (modify.rateLimitPerUser.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("rate_limit_per_user", %modify.rateLimitPerUser.get())
if (modify.bitrate.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("bitrate", %modify.bitrate.get())
if (modify.userLimit.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("user_limit", %modify.userLimit.get())
#[ if (
modifyPayload.add("permission_overwrites", %modify.parentID.get()0 ]#
if (modify.parentID.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("parent_id", %modify.parentID.get())
return newChannel(sendRequest(endpoint("/channels/" & $, HttpPatch,
defaultHeaders(newHttpHeaders({"Content-Type": "application/json"})),,, modifyPayload))
proc deleteChannel*(channel: Channel) {.async.} =
## Delete the channel.
discard sendRequest(endpoint("/channels/" & $, HttpDelete,
type MessagesGetRequest* = object
## Use this type to get a channel's messages by setting some of the fields.
## You can only set one of `around`, `before`, or `after`.
around*: Option[snowflake]
before*: Option[snowflake]
after*: Option[snowflake]
limit*: Option[int]
proc getMessages*(channel: Channel, request: MessagesGetRequest): seq[Message] =
## Gets messages from the channel.
## Examples:
## .. code-block:: nim
## var chan = getChannel(703084913510973472)
## channel.getMessages(MessagesGetRequest(limit: some(15), before: some(723030179760570428)))
var url: string = endpoint("/channels/" & $ & "/messages?")
if (request.around.isSome):
url = url & "around=" & $request.around.get()
# Raise some exceptions to make sure the user doesn't
# try to set more than one of these fields
if (request.before.isSome):
if (request.around.isSome):
raise newException(Defect, "You cannot get around and before a message! Choose one...")
url = url & "before=" & $request.before.get()
if (request.after.isSome):
if (request.around.isSome or request.before.isSome):
raise newException(Defect, "You cannot get around/before and after a message! Choose one...")
url = url & "after=" & $request.after.get()
if (request.limit.isSome):
# Add the `&` for the url if something else is set.
if (request.around.isSome or request.before.isSome or request.after.isSome):
url = url & "&"
url = url & "limit=" & $request.limit.get()
let response = sendRequest(url, HttpGet, defaultHeaders(newHttpHeaders()),,
for message in response:
proc getMessage*(channel: Channel, messageID: snowflake): Message =
## Requests a message from the channel via the Discord REST API.
return newMessage(sendRequest(endpoint("/channels/" & $ & "/messages/" & $messageID), HttpGet,
proc bulkDeleteMessages*(channel: Channel, messageIDs: seq[snowflake]) {.async.} =
## Bulk delete channel messages. This endpoint can only delete 2-100 messages.
## This proc takes a seq[snowflakes] represtenting the message's IDs.
## The messages can not be older than 2 weeks!
## See also:
## * `bulkDeleteMessages(channel: Channel, messages: seq[Message])`_
# Remove the `@` from the string conversion
let stringPayload: string = ($messageIDs).substr(1)
let jsonPayload = %*{"messages": parseJson(stringPayload)}
discard sendRequest(endpoint("/channels/" & $ & "/messages/bulk-delete"), HttpPost,
defaultHeaders(newHttpHeaders({"Content-Type": "application/json"})),,, jsonPayload)
proc bulkDeleteMessages*(channel: Channel, messages: seq[Message]) {.async.} =
## Delete multiple messages in a single request. This endpoint can only delete 2-100 messages.
## This proc takes a seq[Message] represtenting the message's you want to delete.
## The messages can not be older than 2 weeks!
## See also:
## * `bulkDeleteMessages(channel: Channel, messageIDs: seq[snowflake])`_
var messageIDs: seq[snowflake]
for msg in messages:
waitFor channel.bulkDeleteMessages(messageIDs)
proc getChannelInvites*(channel: Channel): seq[Invite] =
## Returns a list of invite objects (with invite metadata) for the channel.
## Only usable for guild channels. Requires the MANAGE_CHANNELS permission.
let json = sendRequest(endpoint("/channels/" & $ & "/invites"), HttpGet,
for invite in json:
type CreateInviteFields* = object
maxAge: Option[int] ## Duration of invite in seconds before expiry, or 0 for never
maxUses: Option[int] ## Max number of uses or 0 for unlimited
temporary: Option[bool] ## Whether this invite only grants temporary membership
unique: Option[bool] ## If true, don't try to reuse a similar invite (useful for creating many unique one time use invites)
targetUser: Option[snowflake] ## The target user id for this invite
targetUserType: Option[int] ## The type of target user for this invite
proc createChannelInvite*(channel: Channel, fields: CreateInviteFields): Invite =
## Create a new invite object for the channel. Only usable for guild channels.
## Requires the CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE permission.
## Examples:
## .. code-block:: nim
## var chan = getChannel(703084913510973472)
## # Create an invite that lasts 1 day, and can only be used 10 times
## channel.createChannelInvite(CreateInviteFields(maxAge: 3600, maxUses: 10))
var createPayload = %*{}
if (fields.maxAge.isSome):
createPayload.add("max_age", %fields.maxAge.get())
if (fields.maxUses.isSome):
createPayload.add("max_uses", %fields.maxUses.get())
if (fields.temporary.isSome):
createPayload.add("temporary", %fields.temporary.get())
if (fields.unique.isSome):
createPayload.add("unique", %fields.unique.get())
if (fields.targetUser.isSome):
createPayload.add("target_user", %fields.targetUser.get())
# Not sure if its needed because it can only be `1`
#[ if (fields.targetUserType.isSome):
createPayload.add("target_user_type", %fields.targetUserType.get()) ]#
return newInvite(sendRequest(endpoint("/channels/" & $ & "/invites"), HttpPost,
defaultHeaders(newHttpHeaders({"Content-Type": "application/json"})),,, createPayload))
proc triggerTypingIndicator*(channel: Channel) {.async.} =
## Post a typing indicator for the specified channel.
discard sendRequest(endpoint("/channels/" & $ & "/typing"), HttpPost,
proc getPinnedMessages*(channel: Channel): seq[Message] =
## Returns all pinned messages in the channel
let json = sendRequest(endpoint("/channels/" & $ & "/pins"), HttpGet,
for message in json:
proc groupDMAddRecipient*(channel: Channel, user: User, accessToken: string, nick: string) {.async.} =
## Adds a recipient to a Group DM using their access token.
let jsonBody = %* {"access_token": accessToken, "nick": nick}
discard sendRequest(endpoint("/channels/" & $ & "/recipients/" & $,
HttpPut, defaultHeaders(newHttpHeaders({"Content-Type": "application/json"})),,, jsonBody)
proc groupDMRemoveRecipient*(channel: Channel, user: User) {.async.} =
## Removes a recipient from a Group DM.
discard sendRequest(endpoint("/channels/" & $ & "/recipients/" & $,
HttpPut, defaultHeaders(),,