
Memory optimized, simple, and feature rich Discord API wrapper written in Nim.

# NimCord A Discord API wrapper written in Nim. Inspired, and created by the author of a memory optimized Discord Library named [DisC++]( ## Note: Library is discontinued. Due to Discord's lack of communication and out-of-touch attitude towards library developers, this library is no longer being maintained. Recommended alternative is [Dimscord]( ## State NimCord is currently in a testing state. If you want to use it, you can but you may encounter errors. If you do encounter errors, create a GitHub issue or join the Discord server. ## Dependencies * [ws]( ## Documenation You can generate documenation by running `generate_docs.bat/sh` (depending on your system). Documentation is outputted to the `docs` directory. ## What makes NimCord different? * Low memory usage. * Even though its memory optimized, it's still easy to use without loosing any features. * If an member, or channel, is somehow not in cache, it will request the object from the REST api and update the cache to ensure that your bot doesn't crash. * Other libraries don't have a command handler built in and also doesn't have a event handler that supports multiple listeners. ## How to install: 1. Install [Nim]( 2. Install NimCord. * NimCord is not yet available on the official Nimble package repository. To install it, you need to clone this repo and in the project root, run: `nimble install` ### Note: * To compile you must define `ssl` example: `nim compile -d:ssl --run .\examples\basic.nim` You can view examples in the [examples](examples) directory. # Todo: - [x] Finish all REST API calls. - [x] Handle all gateway events. - [x] Reconnecting. - [ ] Configurable Logger. - [ ] Add library to official Nimble package repository. - [ ] Memory optimizations. - [ ] Member - [ ] Channel - [ ] Guild - [ ] Misc. - [x] Sharding. - [ ] Deglobalize (Remove global client instance). - [ ] Audit log. - [ ] Voice.