import ../src/nimcord, asyncdispatch, streams, os, strutils, options, websocket var tokenStream = newFileStream("token.txt", fmRead) var tkn: string if (not isNil(tokenStream)): discard tokenStream.readLine(tkn) tokenStream.close() var bot = newDiscordClient(tkn, "?", newLog(ord(LoggerFlags.loggerFlagDebugSeverity))) let pingCommand = Command(name: "ping", commandBody: proc(ctx: CommandContext) = discard"PONG") ) let modifyChannelTopicCommand = Command(name: "modifyChannelTopic", commandBody: proc(ctx: CommandContext) = let modifyTopic = ctx.message.content.substr(20) discard"Modifing Channel!") discard some(modifyTopic))) ) let deleteChannelCommand = Command(name: "deleteChannel", commandBody: proc(ctx: CommandContext) = let channelID = getIDFromJson(ctx.arguments[0]) var channel: Channel = ctx.client.cache.getChannel(channelID) # Check if we could find the channel to delete if (channel != nil): discard channel.sendMessage("Deleting Channel!") discard channel.deleteChannel() discard"Deleted Channel!") ) let bulkDeleteMessagesCommand = Command(name: "bulkDeleteMessages", commandBody: proc(ctx: CommandContext) = var amount: int = 25 if (ctx.message.content.len > 19): amount = parseIntEasy(ctx.arguments[0]) # Get the message to delete, then delete them. let messages = some(amount), before: some( discard # Delete the message that was used to run this command. discard ctx.message.deleteMessage() ) let reactToMessageCommand = Command(name: "reactToMessage", commandBody: proc(ctx: CommandContext) = let emojis = @[newEmoji("⏮️"), newEmoji("⬅️"), newEmoji("⏹️"), newEmoji("➡️"), newEmoji("⏭️")] for emoji in emojis: discard ctx.message.addReaction(emoji) ) let testEmbedCommand = Command(name: "testEmbed", commandBody: proc(ctx: CommandContext) = var embed = Embed() embed.setTitle("This embed is being sent from Nimcord!") embed.setDescription("Nimcord was developed in about a week of actual work so there will likely be issues.") embed.addField("Title", "value") embed.addField("Inline-0", "This is an inline field 0", true) embed.addField("Inline-1", "This is an inline field 1", true) embed.setColor(0xffb900) discard"", false, embed) ) let sendFileCommand = Command(name: "sendFile", commandBody: proc(ctx: CommandContext) = let filePath = ctx.message.content.substr(10) let splitFile = splitFile(filePath) let fileName = & splitFile.ext let file = DiscordFile(filePath: filePath, fileName: fileName) discard"", false, nil, @[file]) ) let sendImageCommand = Command(name: "sendImage", commandBody: proc(ctx: CommandContext) = let filePath = ctx.message.content.substr(11) let splitFile = splitFile(filePath) let fileName = & splitFile.ext let file = DiscordFile(filePath: filePath, fileName: fileName) var embed = Embed() embed.setTitle("Image attachment test.") embed.setImage("attachment://" & fileName) discard"", false, embed, @[file]) ) # You can even register commands like this: registerCommand(Command(name: "ping2", commandBody: proc(ctx: CommandContext) = discard"PONG 2") )) # Listen for the ready event. registerEventListener(EventType.evtReady, proc(bEvt: BaseEvent) = # Cast the BaseEvent to the ReadyEvent which is what we're listening to. let event = ReadyEvent(bEvt)"Ready!")"Logged in as: " & bot.clientUser.username & "#" & $bot.clientUser.discriminator)"ID: " & $"--------------------") let presence = newPresence("with Nimcord", ActivityType.activityTypeGame, ClientStatus.clientStatusIdle, false) asyncCheck event.shard.updateClientPresence(presence) # Register commands. You don't need to register them in EventReady. registerCommand(pingCommand) registerCommand(modifyChannelTopicCommand) registerCommand(deleteChannelCommand) registerCommand(bulkDeleteMessagesCommand) registerCommand(reactToMessageCommand) registerCommand(testEmbedCommand) registerCommand(sendFileCommand) registerCommand(sendImageCommand) ) waitFor bot.startConnection()