@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
import json, discordobject, channel, member, options, nimcordutils, emoji, role, permission, httpcore
import json, discordobject, channel, member, options, nimcordutils, emoji
import role, permission, httpcore, strformat, image, asyncdispatch, user
import permission
VerificationLevel* = enum
@ -78,6 +80,68 @@ type
approximateMemberCount*: int
approximatePresenceCount*: int
GuildPreview* = ref object of DiscordObject
## Represents a guild review.
name*: string
icon*: string
splash*: string
discoverySplash*: string
emojis*: seq[Emoji]
features*: seq[string]
approximateMemberCount*: int
approximatePresenceCount*: int
description*: string
GuildBan* = ref object
## A guild ban.
reason*: string
user*: User
VoiceRegion* = ref object
## Voice region.
id*: string
name*: string
vip*: bool
optimal*: bool
deprecated*: bool
custom*: bool
IntegrationExpireBehavior* = enum
intExpireBehRemoveRole = 0,
intExpireBehKick = 1
IntegrationAccount* = ref object
id*: string
name*: string
Integration* = ref object of DiscordObject
name*: string
`type`*: string ## Integration type (twitch, youtube, etc)
enabled*: bool
syncing*: bool
roleID*: snowflake
enableEmoticons*: bool
expireBehavior*: IntegrationExpireBehavior
expireGracePeriod*: int
user*: User
account*: IntegrationAccount
syncedAt*: string
GuildWidget* = ref object
enabled*: bool
channelID*: snowflake
GuildWidgetStyle* = enum
guildWidgetStyleShield = "shield", ## Shield style widget with Discord icon and guild members online count.
guildWidgetStyleBanner1 = "banner1", ## Large image with guild icon, name and online count.
## "POWERED BY DISCORD" as the footer of the widget.
guildWidgetStyleBanner2 = "banner2", ## Smaller widget style with guild icon, name and online count.
## Split on the right with Discord logo.
guildWidgetStyleBanner3 = "banner3", ## Large image with guild icon, name and online count.
## In the footer, Discord logo on the left and "Chat Now" on the right.
guildWidgetStyleBanner4 = "banner4"
proc newGuild*(json: JsonNode): Guild {.inline.} =
## Parses a Guild type from json.
var g = Guild(
@ -113,7 +177,7 @@ proc newGuild*(json: JsonNode): Guild {.inline.} =
if (json.contains("permissions")):
g.permissions = newPermissions(json["permissions"])
for role in json["roles"]:
g.roles.add(newRole(role, g.id))
for emoji in json["emojis"]:
#TODO features
@ -130,7 +194,7 @@ proc newGuild*(json: JsonNode): Guild {.inline.} =
#TODO: voice_states
if (json.contains("members")):
for member in json["members"]:
g.members.insert(newGuildMember(member, g.id))
if (json.contains("channels")):
for channel in json["channels"]:
@ -157,6 +221,7 @@ proc createGuild*(name: string, region: Option[string], icon: Option[string], ve
## Create a new guild.
## Some restraints/notes for this endpoint:
## * This endpoint is only available with bots that are in less than 10 guilds.
## * When using the roles parameter, the first member of the array is used
## to change properties of the guild's @everyone role. If you are trying to
## bootstrap a guild with additional roles, keep this in mind.
@ -231,4 +296,526 @@ proc createGuild*(name: string, region: Option[string], icon: Option[string], ve
return newGuild(sendRequest(endpoint("/guilds"), HttpPost,
defaultHeaders(newHttpHeaders({"Content-Type": "application/json"})),
0, RateLimitBucketType.global, json))
0, RateLimitBucketType.global, json))
proc getGuildPreview*(guild: Guild): GuildPreview =
## Returns the guild preview object for the given id, even if the user is not in the guild.
## Only available for public guilds!
let json = sendRequest(endpoint(fmt("/guilds/{guild.id}/preview")), HttpPost,
defaultHeaders(newHttpHeaders({"Content-Type": "application/json"})),
guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild)
result = GuildPreview(
id: getIDFromJson(json["id"].getStr()),
name: json["name"].getStr(),
icon: json["icon"].getStr(),
splash: json["splash"].getStr(),
discoverySplash: json["discovery_splash"].getStr(),
approximateMemberCount: json["approximate_member_count"].getInt(),
approximatePresenceCount: json["approximate_presence_count"].getInt(),
description: json["description"].getStr()
for emoji in json["emojis"]:
for feature in json["features"]:
type GuildModify* = ref object
## Use this type to modify a guild by setting each fields.
name*: Option[string]
region*: Option[string]
verificationLevel*: Option[VerificationLevel]
defaultMessageNotifications*: Option[MessageNotificationsLevel]
explicitContentFilter*: Option[ExplicitContentFilterLevel]
afkChannelID*: Option[snowflake]
afkTimeout*: Option[int]
icon*: Option[Image]
ownerID*: Option[snowflake]
splash*: Option[Image]
banner*: Option[Image]
systemChannelID*: Option[snowflake]
rulesChannelID*: Option[snowflake]
publicUpdatesChannelID*: Option[snowflake]
preferredLocale*: Option[string]
proc modifyGuild*(guild: Guild, modify: GuildModify): Future[Guild] {.async.} =
## Modifies the Guild.
## Examples:
## .. code-block:: nim
## var guild = getGuild(703084913510973472)
## guild = guild.modifyGuild(GuildModify(name: some("Epic Gamer Guild")))
var modifyPayload = %*{}
if (modify.name.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("name", %modify.name.get())
if (modify.region.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("region", %modify.region.get())
if (modify.verificationLevel.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("verification_level", %modify.verificationLevel.get())
if (modify.defaultMessageNotifications.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("default_message_notifications", %modify.defaultMessageNotifications.get())
if (modify.explicitContentFilter.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("explicit_content_filter", %modify.explicitContentFilter.get())
if (modify.afkChannelID.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("afk_channel_id", %modify.afkChannelID.get())
if (modify.afkTimeout.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("afk_timeout", %modify.afkTimeout.get())
if (modify.icon.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("icon", %modify.icon.get().imageToDataURI())
if (modify.ownerID.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("owner_id", %modify.ownerID.get())
if (modify.splash.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("splash", %modify.splash.get().imageToDataURI())
if (modify.banner.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("banner", %modify.banner.get().imageToDataURI())
if (modify.systemChannelID.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("system_channel_id", %modify.systemChannelID.get())
if (modify.rulesChannelID.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("rules_channel_id", %modify.rulesChannelID.get())
if (modify.publicUpdatesChannelID.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("public_updates_channel_id", %modify.publicUpdatesChannelID.get())
if (modify.preferredLocale.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("preferred_locale", %modify.preferredLocale.get())
return newGuild(sendRequest(endpoint("/guilds/" & $guild.id), HttpPatch,
defaultHeaders(newHttpHeaders({"Content-Type": "application/json"})),
guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild, modifyPayload))
proc deleteGuild*(guild: Guild) {.async.} =
## Delete the guild. The bot must be the owner of the guild!
discard sendRequest(endpoint("/guilds/" & $guild.id), HttpDelete,
defaultHeaders(), guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild)
proc requestGuildChannels*(guild: var Guild): seq[Channel] =
## Request all guild channels via Discord's REST API
## Only use this if for some reason, guild.channels is inaccurate!
## Also updates the guild's channels when called.
let json = sendRequest(endpoint("/guilds/" & $guild.id & "/channels"), HttpGet,
defaultHeaders(), guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild)
for channel in json:
guild.channels = result
proc createGuildChannel*(guild: var Guild, create: ChannelFields): Future[Channel] {.async.} =
## Creates a new guild channel.
## The name field must be set, if you dont a `Defect` exception will be raised.
## The created channel will be added to the guild's `channels` field.
## Examples:
## .. code-block:: nim
## let guild = getGuild(703084913510973472)
## let channel = waitFor guild.createGuildChannel(ChannelFields(name: some("Epic Gamer Channel")))
var createPayload = %*{}
# Make sure that the name is supplied since its required for this endpoint.
if (create.name.isSome):
createPayload.add("name", %create.name.get())
raise newException(Defect, "You must have a channel name when creating it!")
if (create.`type`.isSome):
createPayload.add("type", %create.`type`.get())
if (create.position.isSome):
createPayload.add("position", %create.position.get())
if (create.topic.isSome):
createPayload.add("topic", %create.topic.get())
if (create.nsfw.isSome):
createPayload.add("nsfw", %create.nsfw.get())
if (create.rateLimitPerUser.isSome):
createPayload.add("rate_limit_per_user", %create.rateLimitPerUser.get())
if (create.bitrate.isSome):
createPayload.add("bitrate", %create.bitrate.get())
if (create.userLimit.isSome):
createPayload.add("user_limit", %create.userLimit.get())
if (create.permissionOverwrites.isSome):
var permOverwrites = parseJson("[]")
for perm in create.permissionOverwrites.get():
createPayload.add("permission_overwrites", permOverwrites)
result = newChannel(sendRequest(endpoint("/guilds/" & $guild.id & "/channels"), HttpPost,
defaultHeaders(newHttpHeaders({"Content-Type": "application/json"})),
guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild, createPayload))
proc modifyGuildChannelPositions*(guild: var Guild, channels: seq[Channel]) {.async.} =
## Modify the positions of a set of channel objects for the guild.
## The order is determined by the channel's `position` field
var jsonBody: JsonNode
for channel in channels:
jsonBody.add(%*{"id": channel.id, "position": channel.position})
discard sendRequest(endpoint("/guilds/" & $guild.id & "/channels"), HttpPatch,
defaultHeaders(newHttpHeaders({"Content-Type": "application/json"})),
guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild, jsonBody)
proc getGuildMember*(guild: var Guild, memberID: snowflake): GuildMember =
## Get a guild member.
## This first checks `guild.members`, but if it doesn't exist there,
## it will be requested from Discord's REST API.
## If we end up requesting one, it will add it to `guild.members`
for member in guild.members:
if (member.id == memberID):
return member
result = newGuildMember(sendRequest(endpoint(fmt("/guilds/{guild.id}/members/{memberID}")),
HttpPatch, defaultHeaders(), guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild), guild.id)
# Would this endpoint be worth adding? https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild#list-guild-members
# And what about this one? https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild#list-guild-members
proc modifyCurrentUserNick*(guild: Guild, nick: string) {.async.} =
## Modifies the nickname of the current user in a guild.
discard sendRequest(endpoint(fmt("/guilds/{guild.id}/members/@me/nick")), HttpPatch,
defaultHeaders(newHttpHeaders({"Content-Type": "application/json"})),
guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild, %*{"nick": nick})
proc kickGuildMember*(guild: Guild, member: GuildMember) {.async.} =
## Remove a member from a guild. Requires `KICK_MEMBERS` permission.
discard sendRequest(endpoint(fmt("/guilds/{guild.id}/members/{member.id}")), HttpDelete,
defaultHeaders(), guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild)
proc getGuildBans*(guild: Guild): seq[GuildBan] =
## Get a list of guild bans. Requires the `BAN_MEMBERS` permission.
let json = sendRequest(endpoint(fmt("/guilds/{guild.id}/bans")), HttpGet,
defaultHeaders(), guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild)
for ban in json:
reason: json{"reason"}.getStr(),
user: newUser(json["user"])
proc getGuildBan*(guild: Guild, userID: snowflake): GuildBan =
## Returns a ban object for the given user or nil if the ban cannot be found.
## Requires the BAN_MEMBERS permission.
let response = sendRequest(endpoint(fmt("/guilds/{guild.id}/bans{userID}")), HttpGet,
defaultHeaders(), guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild)
if not response.isNil():
return GuildBan(
reason: response{"reason"}.getStr(),
user: newUser(response["user"])
return nil
proc banGuildMember*(guild: Guild, userID: snowflake, reason: Option[string] = none(string), deleteMessageDays: Option[int] = none(int)) {.async.} =
## Create a guild ban, and optionally delete previous messages sent by the
## banned user. Requires the BAN_MEMBERS permission.
var jsonBody: JsonNode
if (reason.isSome):
jsonBody.add("reason", %reason.get())
if (deleteMessageDays.isSome):
jsonBody.add("deleteMessageDays", %deleteMessageDays.get())
discard sendRequest(endpoint(fmt("/guilds/{guild.id}/bans/{userID}")), HttpPut,
defaultHeaders(newHttpHeaders({"Content-Type": "application/json"})),
guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild, jsonBody)
proc unbanGuildMember*(guild: Guild, userID: snowflake) {.async.} =
## Remove the ban for a user. Requires the BAN_MEMBERS permissions.
discard sendRequest(endpoint(fmt("/guilds/{guild.id}/bans/{userID}")), HttpDelete,
defaultHeaders(), guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild)
proc requestGuildRoles*(guild: Guild): seq[Role] =
## Request all guild roles via Discord's REST API
## Only use this if for some reason, guild.roles is inaccurate!
## Also updates the guild's roles when called.
let jsonBody = sendRequest(endpoint(fmt("/guilds/{guild.id}/roles")), HttpGet,
defaultHeaders(), guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild)
for role in jsonBody:
result.add(newRole(role, guild.id))
guild.roles = result
proc createGuildRole*(guild: Guild, name: Option[string] = none(string), permissions: Option[Permissions] = none(Permissions),
color: Option[int] = none(int), hoist: Option[bool] = none(bool), mentionable: Option[bool] = none(bool)): Future[Role] {.async.} =
## Create a new role for the guild. Requires the `MANAGE_ROLES` permission.
## Example:
## .. code-block:: nim
## discard guild.createGuildRole(name = some("Gamer Role"), color = some(0xff0000))
var jsonBody: JsonNode
if (name.isSome):
jsonBody.add("name", %name)
if (permissions.isSome):
jsonBody.add("permissions", %permissions.get().allowPerms)
if (color.isSome):
jsonBody.add("color", %color)
if (hoist.isSome):
jsonBody.add("hoist", %hoist)
if (mentionable.isSome):
jsonBody.add("mentionable", %mentionable)
return newRole(sendRequest(endpoint(fmt("/guilds/{guild.id}/roles")), HttpPost,
defaultHeaders(newHttpHeaders({"Content-Type": "application/json"})),
guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild, jsonBody), guild.id)
proc modifyGuildRolePositions*(guild: var Guild, roles: seq[Role]) {.async.} =
## Modify the positions of a set of role objects for the guild.
## The order is determined by the role's `position` field
var jsonBody: JsonNode
for role in roles:
jsonBody.add(%*{"id": role.id, "position": role.position})
discard sendRequest(endpoint("/guilds/" & $guild.id & "/roles"), HttpPatch,
defaultHeaders(newHttpHeaders({"Content-Type": "application/json"})),
guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild, jsonBody)
proc getGuildPruneCount*(guild: Guild, days: int = 7, includedRoles: seq[snowflake] = @[]): int =
## Returns the number of members that would be removed in a prune operation.
## Requires the `KICK_MEMBERS` permission.
## By default, prune will not remove users with roles. You can optionally include
## specific roles in your prune by providing the `includedRoles` parameter. Any
## inactive user that has a subset of the provided role(s) will be counted in
## the prune and users with additional roles will not.
var url = endpoint(fmt("/guilds/{guild.id}/prune"))
if days != 7:
url &= "?days=" & $days
if includedRoles.len != 0:
# If the days field was also set, then we need to ad "&" to the url.
if days != 7:
url &= "&"
url &= "include_roles=" & ($includedRoles).substr(1)
let jsonBody = sendRequest(url, HttpGet, defaultHeaders(), guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild)
return jsonBody["pruned"].getInt()
proc beginGuildPrune*(guild: Guild, days: int = 7, computePruneCount: bool = false, includedRoles: seq[snowflake] = @[]): Future[Option[int]] {.async.} =
## Returns the number of members that would be removed in a prune operation.
## Requires the `KICK_MEMBERS` permission.
## If you specify `computePruneCount` the proc will return the amount of users
## that were pruned. Not recommended on large guilds!
## By default, prune will not remove users with roles. You can optionally include
## specific roles in your prune by providing the `includedRoles` parameter. Any
## inactive user that has a subset of the provided role(s) will be counted in
## the prune and users with additional roles will not.
var url = endpoint(fmt("/guilds/{guild.id}/prune"))
if days != 7:
url &= "?days=" & $days
if includedRoles.len != 0:
# If the days field was also set, then we need to add "&" to the url.
if days != 7:
url &= "&"
url &= "include_roles=" & ($includedRoles).substr(1)
if computePruneCount:
# If the days or includedRoles field was also set, then we need to add "&" to the url.
if days != 7 or includedRoles.len != 0:
url &= "&"
url &= "compute_prune_count=" & $computePruneCount
let jsonBody = sendRequest(url, HttpGet, defaultHeaders(), guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild)
if computePruneCount:
return some(jsonBody["pruned"].getInt())
#TODO: https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild#get-guild-voice-regions
proc getGuildVoiceRegions*(guild: Guild): seq[VoiceRegion] =
## Returns a list of voice region objects for the guild.
let jsonBody = sendRequest(endpoint(fmt("/guilds/{guild.id}/regions")), HttpGet,
defaultHeaders(), guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild)
for voiceRegion in jsonBody:
id: jsonBody["id"].getStr(),
name: jsonBody["name"].getStr(),
vip: jsonBody["vip"].getBool(),
optimal: jsonBody["optimal"].getBool(),
deprecated: jsonBody["deprecated"].getBool(),
custom: jsonBody["custom"].getBool()
proc getGuildInvites*(guild: Guild): seq[Invite] =
## Returns a list of invite objects (with invite metadata) for the guild.
## Requires the `MANAGE_GUILD` permission.
let jsonBody = sendRequest(endpoint(fmt("/guilds/{guild.id}/invites")), HttpGet,
defaultHeaders(), guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild)
for invite in jsonBody:
proc getGuildIntegrations*(guild: Guild): seq[Integration] =
## Returns a list of integration objects for the guild. Requires the `MANAGE_GUILD` permission.
let jsonBody = sendRequest(endpoint(fmt("/guilds/{guild.id}/integrations")), HttpGet,
defaultHeaders(), guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild)
for integration in jsonBody:
id: getIDFromJson(jsonBody["id"].getStr()),
name: jsonBody["name"].getStr(),
`type`: jsonBody["type"].getStr(),
enabled: jsonBody["enabled"].getBool(),
syncing: jsonBody["syncing"].getBool(),
roleID: getIDFromJson(jsonBody["role_id"].getStr()),
enableEmoticons: jsonBody["enable_emoticons"].getBool(),
expireBehavior: IntegrationExpireBehavior(jsonBody["expire_behavior"].getInt()),
expireGracePeriod: jsonBody{"expire_grace_period"}.getInt(),
user: newUser(jsonBody["user"]),
account: IntegrationAccount(
id: jsonBody["account"]["id"].getStr(),
name: jsonBody["account"]["name"].getStr(),
syncedAt: jsonBody["synced_at"].getStr()
proc createGuildIntegration*(guild: Guild, `type`: string, id: string) {.async.} =
## Attach an integration object from the current user to the guild. Requires the `MANAGE_GUILD` permission.
let jsonBody = %* {
"type": `type`,
"id": id
discard sendRequest(endpoint("/guilds/" & $guild.id & "/integrations"), HttpPost,
defaultHeaders(newHttpHeaders({"Content-Type": "application/json"})),
guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild, jsonBody)
proc modifyGuildIntegration*(guild: Guild, integration: var Integration,
expireBehavior: Option[IntegrationExpireBehavior] = none(IntegrationExpireBehavior),
expireGracePeriod: Option[int] = none(int), enableEmoticons: Option[bool] = none(bool)) {.async.} =
## Modify the behavior and settings of an integration object for the guild. Requires the `MANAGE_GUILD` permission.
## The changes are reflected to the given `integration`.
## Example:
## .. code-block:: nim
## discard integration.modifyGuildIntegration(enable_emoticons = true)
var modifyPayload = %*{}
if (expireBehavior.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("expire_behavior", %expireBehavior.get())
integration.expireBehavior = (expireBehavior.get())
if (expireGracePeriod.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("expire_grace_period", %expireGracePeriod.get())
integration.expireGracePeriod = expireGracePeriod.get()
if (enableEmoticons.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("enable_emoticons", %enableEmoticons.get())
integration.enableEmoticons = enableEmoticons.get()
discard sendRequest(endpoint(fmt("/guilds/{guild.id}/integration/{integration.id}")), HttpPatch,
defaultHeaders(newHttpHeaders({"Content-Type": "application/json"})),
guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild, modifyPayload)
proc deleteGuildIntegration*(guild: Guild, integration: Integration) {.async.} =
## Delete the attached integration object for the guild. Requires the `MANAGE_GUILD` permission.
discard sendRequest(endpoint(fmt("/guilds/{guild.id}/integrations/{integration.id}")), HttpDelete,
defaultHeaders(), guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild)
proc syncGuildIntegration*(guild: Guild, integration: Integration) {.async.} =
## Sync an integration. Requires the `MANAGE_GUILD` permission.
discard sendRequest(endpoint(fmt("/guilds/{guild.id}/integrations/{integration.id}")), HttpPost,
defaultHeaders(), guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild)
proc getGuildWidget*(guild: Guild): GuildWidget =
## Returns the guild widget object. Requires the `MANAGE_GUILD` permission.
let jsonBody = sendRequest(endpoint(fmt("/guilds/{guild.id}/widget")), HttpGet,
defaultHeaders(), guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild)
return GuildWidget(enabled: jsonBody["enabled"].getBool(),
channelID: getIDFromJson(jsonBody{"channel_id"}.getStr()))
proc modifyGuildWidget*(guild: Guild, widget: var GuildWidget, enabled: bool, channelID: snowflake) {.async.} =
## Modify a guild widget object for the guild. Requires the `MANAGE_GUILD` permission.
widget.enabled = enabled
widget.channelID = channelID
let jsonBody = %* {
"enabled": enabled,
"channelID": channelID
discard sendRequest(endpoint(fmt("/guilds/{guild.id}/widget")), HttpPost,
defaultHeaders(newHttpHeaders({"Content-Type": "application/json"})),
guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild, jsonBody)
proc getGuildVanityURL*(guild: Guild): Invite =
## Returns a partial invite object for guilds with that feature enabled. Requires the `MANAGE_GUILD` permission.
return newInvite(sendRequest(endpoint(fmt("/guilds/{guild.id}/vanity-url")), HttpGet,
defaultHeaders(), guild.id, RateLimitBucketType.guild))
proc getGuildWidgetImage*(guild: Guild, style: GuildWidgetStyle): string =
## Returns a url to this guild's widget image.
## Style types:
## * Shield: Shield style widget with Discord icon and guild members
## online count. [Example](https://discord.com/api/guilds/81384788765712384/widget.png?style=shield)
## * Banner 1: Large image with guild icon, name and online count.
## "POWERED BY DISCORD" as the footer of the widget. [Example](https://discord.com/api/guilds/81384788765712384/widget.png?style=banner1)
## * Banner 2: Smaller widget style with guild icon, name and online
## count. Split on the right with Discord logo. [Example](https://discord.com/api/guilds/81384788765712384/widget.png?style=banner2)
## * Banner 3: Large image with guild icon, name and online count.
## In the footer, Discord logo on the left and "Chat Now" on the right [Example](https://discord.com/api/guilds/81384788765712384/widget.png?style=banner3)
## * Banner 4: Large Discord logo at the top of the widget. Guild
## icon, name and online count in the middle portion of the widget
## and a "JOIN MY SERVER" button at the bottom. [Example](https://discord.com/api/guilds/81384788765712384/widget.png?style=banner4)
result = fmt("guilds/{guild.id}/widget.png")
case (style)
of (GuildWidgetStyle.guildWidgetStyleShield):
result &= "?style=shield"
of (GuildWidgetStyle.guildWidgetStyleBanner1):
result &= "?style=banner1"
of (GuildWidgetStyle.guildWidgetStyleBanner2):
result &= "?style=banner2"
of (GuildWidgetStyle.guildWidgetStyleBanner3):
result &= "?style=banner3"
of (GuildWidgetStyle.guildWidgetStyleBanner4):
result &= "?style=banner4"