141 lines
6.5 KiB
141 lines
6.5 KiB
import json, discordobject, user, options, nimcordutils, message, httpcore, asyncdispatch, asyncfutures, strutils
ChannelType* = enum
chanTypeNIL = -1,
chanTypeGuildText = 0,
chanTypeDM = 1,
chanTypeGuildVoice = 2,
chanTypeGroupDM = 3,
chanTypeGuildCategory = 4,
chanTypeGuildNews = 5,
chanTypeGuildStore = 6
Channel* = ref object of DiscordObject
`type`*: ChannelType ## The type of channel.
guildID*: snowflake ## The id of the guild.
position*: int ## Sorting position of the channel.
#permissionOverwrites*: seq[Permissions] ## Explicit permission overwrites for members and roles.
name*: string ## The name of the channel (2-100 characters).
topic*: string ## The channel topic (0-1024 characters).
nsfw*: bool ## Whether the channel is nsfw.
lastMessageID*: snowflake ## The id of the last message sent in this channel (may not point to an existing or valid message).
bitrate*: int ## The bitrate (in bits) of the voice channel.
userLimit*: int ## The user limit of the voice channel.
rateLimitPerUser*: int ## Amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message (0-21600); bots, as well as users with the permission manage_messages or manage_channel, are unaffected.
recipients*: seq[User] ## The recipients of the DM
icon*: string ## Icon hash
ownerID: snowflake ## ID of the DM creator
applicationID: snowflake ## Application id of the group DM creator if it is bot-created
parentID: snowflake ## ID of the parent category for a channel
lastPinTimestamp: string ## When the last pinned message was pinned
ChannelModify* {.requiresInit.} = ref object
## Use this type to modify a channel by setting each fields.
name*: Option[string]
`type`*: Option[ChannelType]
position*: Option[int]
topic*: Option[string]
nsfw*: Option[bool]
rateLimitPerUser*: Option[int]
bitrate*: Option[int]
userLimit*: Option[int]
#permissionOverwrites*: seq[Permissions] ## Explicit permission overwrites for members and roles.
parentID*: Option[snowflake]
#[ proc newChannelModify*(name: Option[string], `type`: Option[ChannelType], position: Option[int],
topic: Option[string], nsfw: Option[bool], rateLimitPerUser: Option[int], bitrate: Option[int],
userLimit: Option[int], parentID: Option[snowflake]): ChannelModify =
return ChannelModify(name: name.get, `type`:`type`, position: position, nsfw: nsfw,
rateLimitPerUser: rateLimitPerUser, bitrate: bitrate, userLimit: userLimit, parentID: parentID) ]#
proc newChannel*(channel: JsonNode): Channel {.inline.} =
var chan = Channel(
id: getIDFromJson(channel["id"].getStr()),
`type`: ChannelType(channel["type"].getInt()),
if (channel.contains("guild_id")):
chan.guildID = getIDFromJson(channel["guild_id"].getStr())
if (channel.contains("position")):
chan.position = channel["position"].getInt()
if (channel.contains("permission_overwrites")):
echo "permission_overwrites"
if (channel.contains("name")):
chan.name = channel["name"].getStr()
if (channel.contains("topic")):
chan.topic = channel["topic"].getStr()
if (channel.contains("nsfw")):
chan.nsfw = channel["nsfw"].getBool()
if (channel.contains("last_message_id")):
chan.lastMessageID = getIDFromJson(channel["last_message_id"].getStr())
if (channel.contains("bitrate")):
chan.bitrate = channel["bitrate"].getInt()
if (channel.contains("user_limit")):
chan.userLimit = channel["user_limit"].getInt()
if (channel.contains("rate_limit_per_user")):
chan.rateLimitPerUser = channel["rate_limit_per_user"].getInt()
if (channel.contains("recipients")):
for recipient in channel["recipients"]:
if (channel.contains("icon")):
chan.icon = channel["icon"].getStr()
if (channel.contains("owner_id")):
chan.ownerID = getIDFromJson(channel["owner_id"].getStr())
if (channel.contains("application_id")):
chan.applicationID = getIDFromJson(channel["application_id"].getStr())
if (channel.contains("parent_id")):
chan.parentID = getIDFromJson(channel["parent_id"].getStr())
if (channel.contains("last_pin_timestamp")):
chan.lastPinTimestamp = channel["last_pin_timestamp"].getStr()
return chan
proc sendMessage*(channel: Channel, content: string, tts: bool = false): Message =
let messagePayload = %*{"content": content, "tts": tts}
return newMessage(sendRequest(endpoint("/channels/" & $channel.id & "/messages"), HttpPost,
defaultHeaders(newHttpHeaders({"Content-Type": "application/json"})), channel.id,
RateLimitBucketType.channel, messagePayload))
proc modifyChannel*(channel: Channel, modify: ChannelModify): Future[Channel] {.async.} =
var modifyPayload = %*{}
if (modify.name.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("name", %modify.name.get())
if (modify.`type`.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("type", %modify.`type`.get())
if (modify.position.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("position", %modify.position.get())
if (modify.topic.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("topic", %modify.topic.get())
if (modify.nsfw.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("nsfw", %modify.nsfw.get())
if (modify.rateLimitPerUser.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("rate_limit_per_user", %modify.rateLimitPerUser.get())
if (modify.bitrate.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("bitrate", %modify.bitrate.get())
if (modify.userLimit.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("user_limit", %modify.userLimit.get())
#[ if (modify.name.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("permission_overwrites", %modify.parentID.get()0 ]#
if (modify.parentID.isSome):
modifyPayload.add("parent_id", %modify.parentID.get())
return newChannel(sendRequest(endpoint("/channels/" & $channel.id), HttpPatch,
defaultHeaders(newHttpHeaders({"Content-Type": "application/json"})),
channel.id, RateLimitBucketType.channel, modifyPayload))
proc deleteChannel*(channel: Channel) {.async.} =
discard sendRequest(endpoint("/channels/" & $channel.id), HttpDelete,
defaultHeaders(), channel.id, RateLimitBucketType.channel)