2020-06-18 23:10:21 +00:00
import json, discordobject, nimcordutils, asyncdispatch
2020-06-18 22:48:36 +00:00
PermissionType* = enum
Permission* = enum
permCreateInstantInvite = 0x00000001,
permKickMembers = 0x00000002,
permBanMembers = 0x00000004,
permAdministrator = 0x00000008,
permManageChannels = 0x00000010,
permManageGuilds = 0x00000020,
permAddReactions = 0x00000040,
permViewAuditLog = 0x00000080,
permPrioritySpeaker = 0x00000100,
permStream = 0x00000200,
permReadMessages = 0x00000400,
permSendMessages = 0x00000800,
permSendTTSMessages = 0x00001000,
permManageMessages = 0x00002000,
permEmbedLinks = 0x00004000,
permAttachFiles = 0x00008000,
permReadMessageHistory = 0x00010000,
permMentionEveryoneHereAllRoles = 0x00020000,
permUseExternalEmojis = 0x00040000,
permConnect = 0x00100000,
permSpeak = 0x00200000,
permMuteMembers = 0x00400000,
permDeafenMembers = 0x00800000,
permMoveMembers = 0x01000000,
permUseVAD = 0x02000000,
permChangeNickname = 0x04000000,
permManageNicknames = 0x08000000,
permManageRoles = 0x10000000,
permManageWebhooks = 0x20000000,
permManageEmojis = 0x40000000
Permissions* = ref object
## This type referes to a user's permissions given by the role or per user.
roleUserID*: snowflake
allowPerms*: uint
denyPerms*: uint
permissionType*: PermissionType
proc newPermissions*(json: JsonNode): Permissions =
## Parses a `Permissions` from json.
result = Permissions(
roleUserID: getIDFromJson(json["id"].getStr()),
allowPerms: uint(json["allow"].getInt()),
denyPerms: uint(json["deny"].getInt())
if (json["type"].getStr() == "role"):
result.permissionType = PermissionType.permTypeRole
result.permissionType = PermissionType.permTypeMember
proc hasPermission*(perms: Permissions, perm: Permission): bool =
## Check if Permissions has a specific permission.
## This also checks if it is not a part of the denyPerms.
return (perms.allowPerms and uint(perm)) == uint(perm) and (perms.denyPerms and uint(perm)) != uint(perm)
2020-06-18 23:10:21 +00:00
proc addAllowPermission*(perms: Permissions, perm: Permission): Future[Permissions] {.async.} =
2020-06-18 22:48:36 +00:00
## Add a `Permission` to the `Permissions` allow values.
## If it finds the permission in denyPerms, it will remove it from that also.
# Check if the permission is in deny, and remove it.
if ((perms.denyPerms and uint(perm)) == uint(perm)):
perms.denyPerms = perms.denyPerms and (not uint(perm))
perms.allowPerms = perms.allowPerms or uint(perm)
2020-06-18 23:10:21 +00:00
proc addDenyPermission*(perms: Permissions, perm: Permission): Future[Permissions] {.async.} =
2020-06-18 22:48:36 +00:00
## Add a `Permission` to the `Permissions` deny values.
## If it finds the permission in allowPerms, it will remove it from that also.
# Check if the permission is in allowed, and remove it.
if ((perms.allowPerms and uint(perm)) == uint(perm)):
perms.allowPerms = perms.allowPerms and (not uint(perm))
2020-06-18 23:05:09 +00:00
perms.denyPerms = perms.denyPerms or uint(perm)
proc permissionsToJson*(perms: Permissions): JsonNode =
## Convert `Permissions` to json.
let json = %* {
"id": perms.roleUserID,
"allow": perms.allowPerms,
"deny": perms.denyPerms
if (perms.permissionType == PermissionType.permTypeMember):
json.add("type", %"member")
json.add("type", %"role")