---Return the userdata's name from its metatable. --- ---Returns nil if the userdata doesn't have a metatable. ---@param val userdata ---@return string|nil function udname(val) local tbl = debug.getmetatable(val) if tbl == nil then return nil end return tbl.__name end function on_init() local cube = world:request_res("../assets/cube-texture-embedded.gltf") print("Loaded textured cube (" .. udname(cube) .. ")") cube:wait_until_loaded() local scenes = cube:scenes() local cube_scene = scenes[1] local pos = Transform.from_translation(Vec3.new(0, 0, -8.0)) local e = world:spawn(pos, cube_scene) print("spawned entity " .. tostring(e)) end --[[ function on_first() print("Lua's first function was called") end function on_pre_update() print("Lua's pre-update function was called") end ]] function on_update() --[[ ---@type number local dt = world:resource(DeltaTime) local act = world:resource(ActionHandler) ---@type number local move_objs = act:get_axis("ObjectsMoveUpDown") world:view(function (t) if move_objs ~= nil then t:translate(0, move_objs * 0.35 * dt, 0) return t end end, Transform) ]] ---@type number local dt = world:resource(DeltaTime) world:view(function (t) t:translate(0, 0.15 * dt, 0) return t end, Transform) world:view(function (w) print("cursor pos: " .. tostring(w.cursor_position)) print("mode: " .. w.window_mode) print("pos: " .. tostring(w.position)) print("theme: " .. tostring(w.theme)) end, Window) end --[[ function on_post_update() print("Lua's post-update function was called") end function on_last() print("Lua's last function was called") end ]]