---@class Transform ---@field translation Vec3 ---@field rotation Quat ---@field Scale Vec3 Transform = { translation = Vec3.ZERO, rotation = Quat.IDENTITY, scale = Vec3.ONE } Transform.__index = Transform Transform.__name = "Transform" function Transform:new(translation, rotation, scale) local t = {} setmetatable(t, Transform) t.translation = translation t.rotation = rotation t.scale = scale return t end function Transform:clone() return Transform:new(self.translation:clone(), self.rotation:clone(), self.scale:clone()) end --- Creates a new Transform with the translation at the vec3 --- @param pos Vec3 function Transform:from_vec3(pos) local t = Transform:clone() -- copy of default transform t.translation = pos return t end function Transform:from_xyz(x, y, z) Transform:from_vec3(Vec3:new(x, y, z)) end --- Calculates the forward vector of the Transform. --- @return Vec3 function Transform:forward() return (self.rotation * Vec3.NEG_Z):normalize() end --- Calculates the left vector of the Transform. --- @return Vec3 function Transform:left() return (self.rotation * Vec3.X):normalize() end --- Calculates the up vector of the Transform. --- @return Vec3 function Transform:up() return (self.rotation * Vec3.Y):normalize() end --- Rotates `self` using a Quaternion --- @param quat Quat function Transform:rotate(quat) self.rotation = (quat * self.rotation):normalize() end --- Rotates `self` around the x-axis --- @param rad number function Transform:rotate_x(rad) self:rotate(Quat:from_rotation_x(rad)) end --- Rotates `self` around the y-axis --- @param rad number function Transform:rotate_y(rad) self:rotate(Quat:from_rotation_y(rad)) end --- Rotates `self` around the z-axis --- @param rad number function Transform:rotate_z(rad) self:rotate(Quat:from_rotation_z(rad)) end --- Calculates the linear iterpolation between `self` and `rhs` based on the `alpha`. --- When `alpha` is `0`, the result will be equal to `self`. When `s` is `1`, the result --- will be equal to `rhs` --- @param rhs Transform --- @param alpha number --- @return Transform function Transform:lerp(rhs, alpha) local res = self:clone() res.translation = self.translation:lerp(rhs.translation, alpha) res.rotation = self.rotation:lerp(rhs.rotation, alpha) res.scale = self.scale:lerp(rhs.scale, alpha) return res end function Transform:__tostring() return "Transform(pos=" .. tostring(self.translation) .. ", rot=" .. tostring(self.rotation) .. ", scale=" .. tostring(self.scale) .. ")" end