apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2 kind: HelmRelease metadata: name: qbit-manage namespace: download spec: interval: 5m chart: spec: chart: app-template version: 1.3.x sourceRef: kind: HelmRepository name: bjws-charts namespace: flux-system values: initContainers: # this init container copies the read only config from the configmap volume, into # an emptydir volume mount that the pod can write to. copy-config: image: alpine:3.21 command: - /bin/sh - -c - "ls /tmp/config-ro && cp -r /tmp/config-ro/. /tmp/config/ && chmod 777 /tmp/config/config.yml && ls /tmp/config" volumeMounts: - name: config-ro mountPath: /tmp/config-ro - name: config mountPath: /tmp/config image: repository: bobokun/qbit_manage tag: "v4.1.13" env: QBT_STARTUP_DELAY: 45 # seconds QBT_SCHEDULE: 720 # 720min = 12hr service: main: enabled: false persistence: storage: enabled: true type: hostPath hostPath: /mnt/MainPool/Media/Torrents mountPath: /storage/Torrents config: enabled: true type: emptyDir defaultMode: 777 mountPath: /config config-ro: enabled: true type: custom mountPath: /config-ro volumeSpec: configMap: name: qbit-manage items: - key: "config.yml" path: "config.yml" podSecurityContext: runAsNonRoot: true runAsUser: 10000 runAsGroup: 10000 fsGroup: 10000 fsGroupChangePolicy: OnRootMismatch