"Error.prototype.toString = function() {\n" "if (this.stackTrace) return this.name + ': ' + this.message + this.stackTrace;\n" "return this.name + ': ' + this.message;\n" "};\n" "\n" "\n" "var display = {\n" "visible: 0,\n" "hidden: 1,\n" "noPrint: 2,\n" "noView: 3,\n" "};\n" "\n" "var border = {\n" "b: 'beveled',\n" "d: 'dashed',\n" "i: 'inset',\n" "s: 'solid',\n" "u: 'underline',\n" "};\n" "\n" "var color = {\n" "transparent: [ 'T' ],\n" "black: [ 'G', 0 ],\n" "white: [ 'G', 1 ],\n" "gray: [ 'G', 0.5 ],\n" "ltGray: [ 'G', 0.75 ],\n" "dkGray: [ 'G', 0.25 ],\n" "red: [ 'RGB', 1, 0, 0 ],\n" "green: [ 'RGB', 0, 1, 0 ],\n" "blue: [ 'RGB', 0, 0, 1 ],\n" "cyan: [ 'CMYK', 1, 0, 0, 0 ],\n" "magenta: [ 'CMYK', 0, 1, 0, 0 ],\n" "yellow: [ 'CMYK', 0, 0, 1, 0 ],\n" "};\n" "\n" "color.convert = function (c, colorspace) {\n" "switch (colorspace) {\n" "case 'G':\n" "if (c[0] === 'RGB')\n" "return [ 'G', c[1] * 0.3 + c[2] * 0.59 + c[3] * 0.11 ];\n" "if (c[0] === 'CMYK')\n" "return [ 'CMYK', 1 - Math.min(1, c[1] * 0.3 + c[2] * 0.59 + c[3] * 0.11 + c[4])];\n" "break;\n" "case 'RGB':\n" "if (c[0] === 'G')\n" "return [ 'RGB', c[1], c[1], c[1] ];\n" "if (c[0] === 'CMYK')\n" "return [ 'RGB',\n" "1 - Math.min(1, c[1] + c[4]),\n" "1 - Math.min(1, c[2] + c[4]),\n" "1 - Math.min(1, c[3] + c[4]) ];\n" "break;\n" "case 'CMYK':\n" "if (c[0] === 'G')\n" "return [ 'CMYK', 0, 0, 0, 1 - c[1] ];\n" "if (c[0] === 'RGB')\n" "return [ 'CMYK', 1 - c[1], 1 - c[2], 1 - c[3], 0 ];\n" "break;\n" "}\n" "return c;\n" "}\n" "\n" "color.equal = function (a, b) {\n" "var i, n\n" "if (a[0] === 'G')\n" "a = color.convert(a, b[0]);\n" "else\n" "b = color.convert(b, a[0]);\n" "if (a[0] !== b[0])\n" "return false;\n" "switch (a[0]) {\n" "case 'G': n = 1; break;\n" "case 'RGB': n = 3; break;\n" "case 'CMYK': n = 4; break;\n" "default: n = 0; break;\n" "}\n" "for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i)\n" "if (a[i] !== b[i])\n" "return false;\n" "return true;\n" "}\n" "\n" "var font = {\n" "Cour: 'Courier',\n" "CourB: 'Courier-Bold',\n" "CourBI: 'Courier-BoldOblique',\n" "CourI: 'Courier-Oblique',\n" "Helv: 'Helvetica',\n" "HelvB: 'Helvetica-Bold',\n" "HelvBI: 'Helvetica-BoldOblique',\n" "HelvI: 'Helvetica-Oblique',\n" "Symbol: 'Symbol',\n" "Times: 'Times-Roman',\n" "TimesB: 'Times-Bold',\n" "TimesBI: 'Times-BoldItalic',\n" "TimesI: 'Times-Italic',\n" "ZapfD: 'ZapfDingbats',\n" "};\n" "\n" "var highlight = {\n" "i: 'invert',\n" "n: 'none',\n" "o: 'outline',\n" "p: 'push',\n" "};\n" "\n" "var position = {\n" "textOnly: 0,\n" "iconOnly: 1,\n" "iconTextV: 2,\n" "textIconV: 3,\n" "iconTextH: 4,\n" "textIconH: 5,\n" "overlay: 6,\n" "};\n" "\n" "var scaleHow = {\n" "proportional: 0,\n" "anamorphic: 1,\n" "};\n" "\n" "var scaleWhen = {\n" "always: 0,\n" "never: 1,\n" "tooBig: 2,\n" "tooSmall: 3,\n" "};\n" "\n" "var style = {\n" "ch: 'check',\n" "ci: 'circle',\n" "cr: 'cross',\n" "di: 'diamond',\n" "sq: 'square',\n" "st: 'star',\n" "};\n" "\n" "var zoomtype = {\n" "fitH: 'FitHeight',\n" "fitP: 'FitPage',\n" "fitV: 'FitVisibleWidth',\n" "fitW: 'FitWidth',\n" "none: 'NoVary',\n" "pref: 'Preferred',\n" "refW: 'ReflowWidth',\n" "};\n" "\n" "util.scand = function (fmt, input) {\n" "\n" "return AFParseDateEx(input, fmt);\n" "}\n" "\n" "util.printd = function (fmt, date) {\n" "var monthName = [\n" "'January',\n" "'February',\n" "'March',\n" "'April',\n" "'May',\n" "'June',\n" "'July',\n" "'August',\n" "'September',\n" "'October',\n" "'November',\n" "'December'\n" "];\n" "var dayName = [\n" "'Sunday',\n" "'Monday',\n" "'Tuesday',\n" "'Wednesday',\n" "'Thursday',\n" "'Friday',\n" "'Saturday'\n" "];\n" "if (fmt === 0)\n" "fmt = 'D:yyyymmddHHMMss';\n" "else if (fmt === 1)\n" "fmt = 'yyyy.mm.dd HH:MM:ss';\n" "else if (fmt === 2)\n" "fmt = 'm/d/yy h:MM:ss tt';\n" "if (!date)\n" "date = new Date();\n" "else if (!(date instanceof Date))\n" "date = new Date(date);\n" "var tokens = fmt.match(/(\\\\.|m+|d+|y+|H+|h+|M+|s+|t+|[^\\\\mdyHhMst]*)/g);\n" "var out = '';\n" "for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i) {\n" "var token = tokens[i];\n" "switch (token) {\n" "case 'mmmm': out += monthName[date.getMonth()]; break;\n" "case 'mmm': out += monthName[date.getMonth()].substring(0, 3); break;\n" "case 'mm': out += util.printf('%02d', date.getMonth()+1); break;\n" "case 'm': out += date.getMonth()+1; break;\n" "case 'dddd': out += dayName[date.getDay()]; break;\n" "case 'ddd': out += dayName[date.getDay()].substring(0, 3); break;\n" "case 'dd': out += util.printf('%02d', date.getDate()); break;\n" "case 'd': out += date.getDate(); break;\n" "case 'yyyy': out += date.getFullYear(); break;\n" "case 'yy': out += date.getFullYear() % 100; break;\n" "case 'HH': out += util.printf('%02d', date.getHours()); break;\n" "case 'H': out += date.getHours(); break;\n" "case 'hh': out += util.printf('%02d', (date.getHours()+11)%12+1); break;\n" "case 'h': out += (date.getHours() + 11) % 12 + 1; break;\n" "case 'MM': out += util.printf('%02d', date.getMinutes()); break;\n" "case 'M': out += date.getMinutes(); break;\n" "case 'ss': out += util.printf('%02d', date.getSeconds()); break;\n" "case 's': out += date.getSeconds(); break;\n" "case 'tt': out += date.getHours() < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm'; break;\n" "case 't': out += date.getHours() < 12 ? 'a' : 'p'; break;\n" "default: out += (token[0] == '\\\\') ? token[1] : token; break;\n" "}\n" "}\n" "return out;\n" "}\n" "\n" "util.printx = function (fmt, val) {\n" "function toUpper(str) { return str.toUpperCase(); }\n" "function toLower(str) { return str.toLowerCase(); }\n" "function toSame(str) { return str; }\n" "var convertCase = toSame;\n" "var res = '';\n" "var i, m;\n" "var n = fmt ? fmt.length : 0;\n" "for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {\n" "switch (fmt.charAt(i)) {\n" "case '\\\\':\n" "if (++i < n)\n" "res += fmt.charAt(i);\n" "break;\n" "case 'X':\n" "m = val.match(/\\w/);\n" "if (m) {\n" "res += convertCase(m[0]);\n" "val = val.replace(/^\\W*\\w/, '');\n" "}\n" "break;\n" "case 'A':\n" "m = val.match(/[A-Za-z]/);\n" "if (m) {\n" "res += convertCase(m[0]);\n" "val = val.replace(/^[^A-Za-z]*[A-Za-z]/, '');\n" "}\n" "break;\n" "case '9':\n" "m = val.match(/\\d/);\n" "if (m) {\n" "res += m[0];\n" "val = val.replace(/^\\D*\\d/, '');\n" "}\n" "break;\n" "case '*':\n" "res += convertCase(val);\n" "val = '';\n" "break;\n" "case '?':\n" "if (val !== '') {\n" "res += convertCase(val.charAt(0));\n" "val = val.substring(1);\n" "}\n" "break;\n" "case '=':\n" "convertCase = toSame;\n" "break;\n" "case '>':\n" "convertCase = toUpper;\n" "break;\n" "case '<':\n" "convertCase = toLower;\n" "break;\n" "default:\n" "res += convertCase(fmt.charAt(i));\n" "break;\n" "}\n" "}\n" "return res;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFMergeChange(event) {\n" "var prefix, postfix;\n" "var value = event.value;\n" "if (event.willCommit)\n" "return value;\n" "if (event.selStart >= 0)\n" "prefix = value.substring(0, event.selStart);\n" "else\n" "prefix = '';\n" "if (event.selEnd >= 0 && event.selEnd <= value.length)\n" "postfix = value.substring(event.selEnd, value.length);\n" "else\n" "postfix = '';\n" "return prefix + event.change + postfix;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFExtractNums(string) {\n" "if (string.charAt(0) == '.' || string.charAt(0) == ',')\n" "string = '0' + string;\n" "return string.match(/\\d+/g);\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFMakeNumber(string) {\n" "if (typeof string == 'number')\n" "return string;\n" "if (typeof string != 'string')\n" "return null;\n" "var nums = AFExtractNums(string);\n" "if (!nums)\n" "return null;\n" "var result = nums.join('.');\n" "if (string.indexOf('-.') >= 0)\n" "result = '0.' + result;\n" "if (string.indexOf('-') >= 0)\n" "return -result;\n" "return +result;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFExtractTime(string) {\n" "var pattern = /\\d\\d?:\\d\\d?(:\\d\\d?)?\\s*(am|pm)?/i;\n" "var match = pattern.exec(string);\n" "if (match) {\n" "var prefix = string.substring(0, match.index);\n" "var suffix = string.substring(match.index + match[0].length);\n" "return [ prefix + suffix, match[0] ]\n" "}\n" "return null;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFParseDateOrder(fmt) {\n" "var order = '';\n" "fmt += 'mdy'; \n" "for (var i = 0; i < fmt.length; i++) {\n" "var c = fmt.charAt(i);\n" "if ((c == 'y' || c == 'm' || c == 'd') && order.indexOf(c) < 0)\n" "order += c;\n" "}\n" "return order;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFMatchMonth(date) {\n" "var names = ['jan','feb','mar','apr','may','jun','jul','aug','sep','oct','nov','dec'];\n" "var month = date.match(/Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec/i);\n" "if (month)\n" "return names.indexOf(month[0].toLowerCase());\n" "return null;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFParseTime(string, date) {\n" "if (!date)\n" "date = new Date();\n" "if (!string)\n" "return date;\n" "var nums = AFExtractNums(string);\n" "if (!nums || nums.length < 2 || nums.length > 3)\n" "return null;\n" "var hour = nums[0];\n" "var min = nums[1];\n" "var sec = (nums.length == 3) ? nums[2] : 0;\n" "if (hour < 12 && (/pm/i).test(string))\n" "hour += 12;\n" "if (hour >= 12 && (/am/i).test(string))\n" "hour -= 12;\n" "date.setHours(hour, min, sec);\n" "if (date.getHours() != hour || date.getMinutes() != min || date.getSeconds() != sec)\n" "return null;\n" "return date;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFMakeDate(out, year, month, date, time)\n" "{\n" "if (year < 50)\n" "year += 2000;\n" "if (year < 100)\n" "year += 1900;\n" "out.setFullYear(year, month, date);\n" "if (out.getFullYear() != year || out.getMonth() != month || out.getDate() != date)\n" "return null;\n" "if (time)\n" "out = AFParseTime(time, out);\n" "else\n" "out.setHours(0, 0, 0);\n" "return out;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFParseDateEx(string, fmt) {\n" "var out = new Date();\n" "var year = out.getFullYear();\n" "var month;\n" "var date;\n" "var i;\n" "\n" "out.setHours(12, 0, 0);\n" "\n" "var order = AFParseDateOrder(fmt);\n" "\n" "var time = AFExtractTime(string);\n" "if (time) {\n" "string = time[0];\n" "time = time[1];\n" "}\n" "\n" "var nums = AFExtractNums(string);\n" "if (!nums)\n" "return null;\n" "\n" "if (nums.length == 3) {\n" "year = nums[order.indexOf('y')];\n" "month = nums[order.indexOf('m')];\n" "date = nums[order.indexOf('d')];\n" "return AFMakeDate(out, year, month-1, date, time);\n" "}\n" "\n" "month = AFMatchMonth(string);\n" "\n" "if (nums.length == 2) {\n" "\n" "if (month) {\n" "if (order.indexOf('y') < order.indexOf('d')) {\n" "year = nums[0];\n" "date = nums[1];\n" "} else {\n" "year = nums[1];\n" "date = nums[0];\n" "}\n" "}\n" "\n" "\n" "else if (order.indexOf('y') < order.indexOf('d')) {\n" "if (order.indexOf('y') < order.indexOf('m')) {\n" "year = nums[0];\n" "month = nums[1];\n" "} else {\n" "year = nums[1];\n" "month = nums[0];\n" "}\n" "}\n" "\n" "\n" "else {\n" "if (order.indexOf('d') < order.indexOf('m')) {\n" "date = nums[0];\n" "month = nums[1];\n" "} else {\n" "date = nums[1];\n" "month = nums[0];\n" "}\n" "}\n" "\n" "return AFMakeDate(out, year, month-1, date, time);\n" "}\n" "\n" "if (nums.length == 1) {\n" "if (month) {\n" "if (order.indexOf('y') < order.indexOf('d')) {\n" "year = nums[0];\n" "date = 1;\n" "} else {\n" "date = nums[0];\n" "}\n" "return AFMakeDate(out, year, month-1, date, time);\n" "}\n" "\n" "\n" "if (string.length == fmt.length) {\n" "year = month = date = '';\n" "for (i = 0; i < fmt.length; ++i) {\n" "switch (fmt.charAt(i)) {\n" "case '\\\\': ++i; break;\n" "case 'y': year += string.charAt(i); break;\n" "case 'm': month += string.charAt(i); break;\n" "case 'd': date += string.charAt(i); break;\n" "}\n" "}\n" "return AFMakeDate(out, year, month-1, date, time);\n" "}\n" "}\n" "\n" "return null;\n" "}\n" "\n" "var AFDate_oldFormats = [\n" "'m/d',\n" "'m/d/yy',\n" "'mm/dd/yy',\n" "'mm/yy',\n" "'d-mmm',\n" "'d-mmm-yy',\n" "'dd-mm-yy',\n" "'yy-mm-dd',\n" "'mmm-yy',\n" "'mmmm-yy',\n" "'mmm d, yyyy',\n" "'mmmm d, yyyy',\n" "'m/d/yy h:MM tt',\n" "'m/d/yy HH:MM'\n" "];\n" "\n" "function AFDate_KeystrokeEx(fmt) {\n" "if (event.willCommit && !AFParseDateEx(event.value, fmt)) {\n" "app.alert('The date/time entered ('+event.value+') does not match the format ('+fmt+') of the field [ '+event.target.name+' ]');\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "}\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFDate_Keystroke(index) {\n" "AFDate_KeystrokeEx(AFDate_oldFormats[index]);\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFDate_FormatEx(fmt) {\n" "var d = AFParseDateEx(event.value, fmt);\n" "event.value = d ? util.printd(fmt, d) : '';\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFDate_Format(index) {\n" "AFDate_FormatEx(AFDate_oldFormats[index]);\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFTime_Keystroke(index) {\n" "if (event.willCommit && !AFParseTime(event.value, null)) {\n" "app.alert('The value entered ('+event.value+') does not match the format of the field [ '+event.target.name+' ]');\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "}\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFTime_FormatEx(fmt) {\n" "var d = AFParseTime(event.value, null);\n" "event.value = d ? util.printd(fmt, d) : '';\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFTime_Format(index) {\n" "var formats = [ 'HH:MM', 'h:MM tt', 'HH:MM:ss', 'h:MM:ss tt' ];\n" "AFTime_FormatEx(formats[index]);\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFSpecial_KeystrokeEx(fmt) {\n" "function toUpper(str) { return str.toUpperCase(); }\n" "function toLower(str) { return str.toLowerCase(); }\n" "function toSame(str) { return str; }\n" "var convertCase = toSame;\n" "var val = event.value;\n" "var res = '';\n" "var i = 0;\n" "var m;\n" "var length = fmt ? fmt.length : 0;\n" "while (i < length) {\n" "switch (fmt.charAt(i)) {\n" "case '\\\\':\n" "i++;\n" "if (i >= length)\n" "break;\n" "res += fmt.charAt(i);\n" "if (val && val.charAt(0) === fmt.charAt(i))\n" "val = val.substring(1);\n" "break;\n" "\n" "case 'X':\n" "m = val.match(/^\\w/);\n" "if (!m) {\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "break;\n" "}\n" "res += convertCase(m[0]);\n" "val = val.substring(1);\n" "break;\n" "\n" "case 'A':\n" "m = val.match(/^[A-Za-z]/);\n" "if (!m) {\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "break;\n" "}\n" "res += convertCase(m[0]);\n" "val = val.substring(1);\n" "break;\n" "\n" "case '9':\n" "m = val.match(/^\\d/);\n" "if (!m) {\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "break;\n" "}\n" "res += m[0];\n" "val = val.substring(1);\n" "break;\n" "\n" "case '*':\n" "res += convertCase(val);\n" "val = '';\n" "break;\n" "\n" "case '?':\n" "if (val === '') {\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "break;\n" "}\n" "res += convertCase(val.charAt(0));\n" "val = val.substring(1);\n" "break;\n" "\n" "case '=':\n" "convertCase = toSame;\n" "break;\n" "case '>':\n" "convertCase = toUpper;\n" "break;\n" "case '<':\n" "convertCase = toLower;\n" "break;\n" "\n" "default:\n" "res += fmt.charAt(i);\n" "if (val && val.charAt(0) === fmt.charAt(i))\n" "val = val.substring(1);\n" "break;\n" "}\n" "\n" "i++;\n" "}\n" "\n" "\n" "if (val.length > 0)\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "\n" "if (event.rc)\n" "event.value = res;\n" "else if (event.willCommit)\n" "app.alert('The value entered ('+event.value+') does not match the format of the field [ '+event.target.name+' ] should be '+fmt);\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFSpecial_Keystroke(index) {\n" "if (event.willCommit) {\n" "switch (index) {\n" "case 0:\n" "if (!event.value.match(/^\\d{5}$/))\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "break;\n" "case 1:\n" "if (!event.value.match(/^\\d{5}[-. ]?\\d{4}$/))\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "break;\n" "case 2:\n" "if (!event.value.match(/^((\\(\\d{3}\\)|\\d{3})[-. ]?)?\\d{3}[-. ]?\\d{4}$/))\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "break;\n" "case 3:\n" "if (!event.value.match(/^\\d{3}[-. ]?\\d{2}[-. ]?\\d{4}$/))\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "break;\n" "}\n" "if (!event.rc)\n" "app.alert('The value entered ('+event.value+') does not match the format of the field [ '+event.target.name+' ]');\n" "}\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFSpecial_Format(index) {\n" "var res;\n" "switch (index) {\n" "case 0:\n" "res = util.printx('99999', event.value);\n" "break;\n" "case 1:\n" "res = util.printx('99999-9999', event.value);\n" "break;\n" "case 2:\n" "res = util.printx('9999999999', event.value);\n" "res = util.printx(res.length >= 10 ? '(999) 999-9999' : '999-9999', event.value);\n" "break;\n" "case 3:\n" "res = util.printx('999-99-9999', event.value);\n" "break;\n" "}\n" "event.value = res ? res : '';\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFNumber_Keystroke(nDec, sepStyle, negStyle, currStyle, strCurrency, bCurrencyPrepend) {\n" "if (sepStyle & 2) {\n" "if (!event.value.match(/^[+-]?\\d*[,.]?\\d*$/))\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "} else {\n" "if (!event.value.match(/^[+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d*$/))\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "}\n" "if (event.willCommit) {\n" "if (!event.value.match(/\\d/))\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "if (!event.rc)\n" "app.alert('The value entered ('+event.value+') does not match the format of the field [ '+event.target.name+' ]');\n" "}\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFNumber_Format(nDec, sepStyle, negStyle, currStyle, strCurrency, bCurrencyPrepend) {\n" "var value = AFMakeNumber(event.value);\n" "var fmt = '%,' + sepStyle + '.' + nDec + 'f';\n" "if (value == null) {\n" "event.value = '';\n" "return;\n" "}\n" "if (bCurrencyPrepend)\n" "fmt = strCurrency + fmt;\n" "else\n" "fmt = fmt + strCurrency;\n" "if (value < 0) {\n" "/* negStyle: 0=MinusBlack, 1=Red, 2=ParensBlack, 3=ParensRed */\n" "value = Math.abs(value);\n" "if (negStyle == 2 || negStyle == 3)\n" "fmt = '(' + fmt + ')';\n" "else if (negStyle == 0)\n" "fmt = '-' + fmt;\n" "if (negStyle == 1 || negStyle == 3)\n" "event.target.textColor = color.red;\n" "else\n" "event.target.textColor = color.black;\n" "} else {\n" "event.target.textColor = color.black;\n" "}\n" "event.value = util.printf(fmt, value);\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFPercent_Keystroke(nDec, sepStyle) {\n" "AFNumber_Keystroke(nDec, sepStyle, 0, 0, '', true);\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFPercent_Format(nDec, sepStyle) {\n" "var val = AFMakeNumber(event.value);\n" "if (val == null) {\n" "event.value = '';\n" "return;\n" "}\n" "event.value = (val * 100) + '';\n" "AFNumber_Format(nDec, sepStyle, 0, 0, '%', false);\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFSimple_Calculate(op, list) {\n" "var i, res;\n" "\n" "switch (op) {\n" "case 'SUM': res = 0; break;\n" "case 'PRD': res = 1; break;\n" "case 'AVG': res = 0; break;\n" "}\n" "\n" "if (typeof list === 'string')\n" "list = list.split(/ *, */);\n" "\n" "for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {\n" "var field = this.getField(list[i]);\n" "var value = Number(field.value);\n" "switch (op) {\n" "case 'SUM': res += value; break;\n" "case 'PRD': res *= value; break;\n" "case 'AVG': res += value; break;\n" "case 'MIN': if (i === 0 || value < res) res = value; break;\n" "case 'MAX': if (i === 0 || value > res) res = value; break;\n" "}\n" "}\n" "\n" "if (op === 'AVG')\n" "res /= list.length;\n" "\n" "event.value = res;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function AFRange_Validate(lowerCheck, lowerLimit, upperCheck, upperLimit) {\n" "if (upperCheck && event.value > upperLimit)\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "if (lowerCheck && event.value < lowerLimit)\n" "event.rc = false;\n" "if (!event.rc) {\n" "if (lowerCheck && upperCheck)\n" "app.alert(util.printf('The entered value ('+event.value+') must be greater than or equal to %s and less than or equal to %s', lowerLimit, upperLimit));\n" "else if (lowerCheck)\n" "app.alert(util.printf('The entered value ('+event.value+') must be greater than or equal to %s', lowerLimit));\n" "else\n" "app.alert(util.printf('The entered value ('+event.value+') must be less than or equal to %s', upperLimit));\n" "}\n" "}\n" "\n" "/* Compatibility ECMAScript functions */\n" "String.prototype.substr = function (start, length) {\n" "if (start < 0)\n" "start = this.length + start;\n" "if (length === undefined)\n" "return this.substring(start, this.length);\n" "return this.substring(start, start + length);\n" "}\n" "Date.prototype.getYear = Date.prototype.getFullYear;\n" "Date.prototype.setYear = Date.prototype.setFullYear;\n" "Date.prototype.toGMTString = Date.prototype.toUTCString;\n" "\n" "console.clear = function() { console.println('--- clear console ---\\n'); };\n" "console.show = function(){};\n" "console.hide = function(){};\n" "\n" "app.plugIns = [];\n" "app.viewerType = 'Reader';\n" "app.language = 'ENU';\n" "app.viewerVersion = NaN;\n" "app.execDialog = function () { return 'cancel'; }\n"