Changes in the public API

Why does the API change?

From time to time, during development, it becomes clear that the public API needs to change; either because the existing API has flaws in it, or to accommodate new functionality. Such changes are not undertaken lightly, and they are kept as minimal as possible.

The alternative would be to freeze the API and to introduce more and more compatibility veneers, ultimately leading to a bloated API and additional complexity. We have done this in the past, and will do it again in future if circumstances demand it, but we consider small changes in the API to be a price worth paying for clarity and simplicity.

To minimise the impact of such changes, we undertake to list the API changes between different versions of the library here, to make it as simple as possible for integrators to make the small changes that may be require to update between versions.

Note, that we only list changes in existing APIs here, not additions to the API.

Changes from v1.16

The accessors for reading and creating QuadPoints, InkList and Vertices data for Highlight, Underline, StrikeOut, Squiggle, Ink, Polygon, and PolyLine annotation types have been simplified. They now take and return fz_quad and fz_point structs instead of float arrays. We have also added functions to construct the datastructures one piece at a time, removing the need to allocate a temporary array to pass.

Changes from v1.15

There has been a major overhaul of the color management architecture. Unless you're implementing custom devices or interpreters, this should only have a minor impact.

The fz_set_stdout and fz_set_stderr functions have been removed. If you were using these to capture warning and error messages, use the new user callbacks for warning and error logging instead: fz_set_warning_callback and fz_set_error_callback.

The structured text html and xhtml output formats take an additional argument: the page number. This number is used to create an id attribute for each page to use as a hyperlink target.

Changes from v1.14 to v1.15

PDF Portfolios
This functionality has been removed. We do not believe anyone was using this. If you were, please contact us for assistance. This functionality can be achieved using "mutool run" and docs/examples/pdf-portfolio.js.
This functionality has been removed. We do not believe anyone was using this. If you were, please contact us for assistance.
We are undertaking a significant rework of this functionality at the moment. We do not believe anyone is using this at the moment, and would therefore encourage anyone who is to contact us for help in upgrading.
Various functions involving fz_colorspace have lost consts.
fz_colorspaces are immutable once created, other than changes due to reference counting. Passing a const fz_colorspace to a function that might keep a reference to it either has to take a non const fz_colorspace pointer, or take a const one, and 'break' the const. Having some functions take const fz_colorspace and some not is confusing, so therefore, for simplicity, all fz_colorspaces are now passed as non const. This should not affect any user code.
This now takes an extra 'scissor' argument. To upgrade old code, if you don't have an appropriate scissor rect available, it is safe (but unwise) to pass fz_infinite_rect.
Rather than taking r, g and b, values to tint with, the function now takes 8 bit hex rgb values for black and white, enabling greater control, allowing "low contrast" and "night view" effects.
This no longer requires a mask flag. The image already knows if it is a mask.
The op_BI callback is now passed an additional colorspace resource name.