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* fg_menu.c
* Pull-down menu creation and handling.
* Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Pawel W. Olszta. All Rights Reserved.
* Written by Pawel W. Olszta, <olszta@sourceforge.net>
* Creation date: Thu Dec 16 1999
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include <GL/freeglut.h>
#include "fg_internal.h"
/* -- DEFINITIONS ---------------------------------------------------------- */
* FREEGLUT_MENU_FONT can be any freeglut bitmapped font.
* (Stroked fonts would not be out of the question, but we'd need to alter
* code, since GLUT (hence freeglut) does not quite unify stroked and
* bitmapped font handling.)
* Old UNIX/X11 GLUT (BSD, UNIX, IRIX, LINUX, HPUX, ...) used a system
* font best approximated by an 18-pixel HELVETICA, I think. MS-WINDOWS
* GLUT used something closest to the 8x13 fixed-width font. (Old
* GLUT apparently uses host-system menus rather than building its own.
* freeglut is building its own menus from scratch.)
* FREEGLUT_MENUENTRY_HEIGHT gives the height of ONE menu box. This should
* be the distances between two adjacent menu entries. It should scale
* automatically with the font choice, so you needn't alter it---unless you
* use a stroked font.
* FREEGLUT_MENU_BORDER says how many pixels to allow around the edge of a
* menu. (It also seems to be the same as the number of pixels used as
* a border around *items* to separate them from neighbors. John says
* that that wasn't the original intent...if not, perhaps we need another
* symbolic constant, FREEGLUT_MENU_ITEM_BORDER, or such.)
/* See platform-specific header files for menu font and color definitions */
#define FREEGLUT_MENUENTRY_HEIGHT(font) (glutBitmapHeight(font) + \
* These variables are for rendering the freeglut menu items.
* The choices are fore- and background, with and without h for Highlighting.
* Old GLUT appeared to be system-dependent for its colors (sigh) so we are
* too. These variables should be stuffed into global state and initialized
* via the glutInit*() system.
static float menu_pen_fore [4] = FREEGLUT_MENU_PEN_FORE_COLORS ;
static float menu_pen_back [4] = FREEGLUT_MENU_PEN_BACK_COLORS ;
static float menu_pen_hfore [4] = FREEGLUT_MENU_PEN_HFORE_COLORS;
static float menu_pen_hback [4] = FREEGLUT_MENU_PEN_HBACK_COLORS;
extern GLvoid fgPlatformGetGameModeVMaxExtent( SFG_Window* window, int* x, int* y );
extern void fghPlatformGetCursorPos(const SFG_Window *window, GLboolean client, SFG_XYUse *mouse_pos);
extern SFG_Font* fghFontByID( void* font );
extern void fgPlatformHideWindow( SFG_Window* window );
/* -- PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------------------------- */
* Private function to find a menu entry by index
static SFG_MenuEntry *fghFindMenuEntry( SFG_Menu* menu, int index )
SFG_MenuEntry *entry;
int i = 1;
for( entry = (SFG_MenuEntry *)menu->Entries.First;
entry = (SFG_MenuEntry *)entry->Node.Next )
if( i == index )
return entry;
* Deactivates a menu pointed by the function argument.
static void fghDeactivateSubMenu( SFG_MenuEntry *menuEntry )
SFG_MenuEntry *subMenuIter;
/* Hide the present menu's window */
fgPlatformHideWindow( menuEntry->SubMenu->Window );
/* Forget about having that menu active anymore, now: */
menuEntry->SubMenu->Window->ActiveMenu = NULL;
menuEntry->SubMenu->IsActive = GL_FALSE;
menuEntry->SubMenu->ActiveEntry = NULL;
/* Hide all submenu windows, and the root menu's window. */
for ( subMenuIter = (SFG_MenuEntry *)menuEntry->SubMenu->Entries.First;
subMenuIter = (SFG_MenuEntry *)subMenuIter->Node.Next )
subMenuIter->IsActive = GL_FALSE;
/* Is that an active submenu by any case? */
if( subMenuIter->SubMenu )
fghDeactivateSubMenu( subMenuIter );
* Private function to get the virtual maximum screen extent
static GLvoid fghGetVMaxExtent( SFG_Window* window, int* x, int* y )
if( fgStructure.GameModeWindow )
fgPlatformGetGameModeVMaxExtent ( window, x, y );
*x = fgDisplay.ScreenWidth;
*y = fgDisplay.ScreenHeight;
* Private function to check for the current menu/sub menu activity state
static GLboolean fghCheckMenuStatus( SFG_Menu* menu )
SFG_MenuEntry* menuEntry;
int x, y;
/* First of all check any of the active sub menus... */
for( menuEntry = (SFG_MenuEntry *)menu->Entries.First;
menuEntry = (SFG_MenuEntry *)menuEntry->Node.Next )
if( menuEntry->SubMenu && menuEntry->IsActive )
* OK, have the sub-menu checked, too. If it returns GL_TRUE, it
* will mean that it caught the mouse cursor and we do not need
* to regenerate the activity list, and so our parents do...
GLboolean return_status;
menuEntry->SubMenu->Window->State.MouseX =
menu->Window->State.MouseX + menu->X - menuEntry->SubMenu->X;
menuEntry->SubMenu->Window->State.MouseY =
menu->Window->State.MouseY + menu->Y - menuEntry->SubMenu->Y;
return_status = fghCheckMenuStatus( menuEntry->SubMenu );
if ( return_status )
return GL_TRUE;
/* That much about our sub menus, let's get to checking the current menu: */
x = menu->Window->State.MouseX;
y = menu->Window->State.MouseY;
/* Check if the mouse cursor is contained within the current menu box */
if( ( x >= FREEGLUT_MENU_BORDER ) &&
( x < menu->Width - FREEGLUT_MENU_BORDER ) &&
( y < menu->Height - FREEGLUT_MENU_BORDER ) )
/* The mouse cursor is somewhere over our box, check it out. */
menuEntry = fghFindMenuEntry( menu, menuID + 1 );
FREEGLUT_INTERNAL_ERROR_EXIT( menuEntry, "Cannot find menu entry",
"fghCheckMenuStatus" );
menuEntry->IsActive = GL_TRUE;
menuEntry->Ordinal = menuID;
* If this is not the same as the last active menu entry, deactivate
* the previous entry. Specifically, if the previous active entry
* was a submenu then deactivate it.
if( menu->ActiveEntry && ( menuEntry != menu->ActiveEntry ) )
if( menu->ActiveEntry->SubMenu )
fghDeactivateSubMenu( menu->ActiveEntry );
if( menuEntry != menu->ActiveEntry )
menu->Window->State.WorkMask |= GLUT_DISPLAY_WORK;
if( menu->ActiveEntry )
menu->ActiveEntry->IsActive = GL_FALSE;
menu->ActiveEntry = menuEntry;
menu->IsActive = GL_TRUE;
* OK, we have marked that entry as active, but it would be also
* nice to have its contents updated, in case it's a sub menu.
* Also, ignore the return value of the check function:
if( menuEntry->SubMenu )
if ( ! menuEntry->SubMenu->IsActive )
int max_x, max_y;
SFG_Window *current_window = fgStructure.CurrentWindow;
/* Set up the initial menu position now... */
menuEntry->SubMenu->IsActive = GL_TRUE;
/* Set up the initial submenu position now: */
fghGetVMaxExtent(menu->ParentWindow, &max_x, &max_y);
menuEntry->SubMenu->X = menu->X + menu->Width;
menuEntry->SubMenu->Y = menu->Y +
menuEntry->Ordinal * FREEGLUT_MENUENTRY_HEIGHT(menu->Font);
if( menuEntry->SubMenu->X + menuEntry->SubMenu->Width > max_x )
menuEntry->SubMenu->X = menu->X - menuEntry->SubMenu->Width;
if( menuEntry->SubMenu->Y + menuEntry->SubMenu->Height > max_y )
menuEntry->SubMenu->Y -= ( menuEntry->SubMenu->Height -
if( menuEntry->SubMenu->Y < 0 )
menuEntry->SubMenu->Y = 0;
fgSetWindow( menuEntry->SubMenu->Window );
glutPositionWindow( menuEntry->SubMenu->X,
menuEntry->SubMenu->Y );
glutReshapeWindow( menuEntry->SubMenu->Width,
menuEntry->SubMenu->Height );
glutPopWindow( );
glutShowWindow( );
menuEntry->SubMenu->Window->ActiveMenu = menuEntry->SubMenu;
fgSetWindow( current_window );
menuEntry->SubMenu->Window->State.MouseX =
x + menu->X - menuEntry->SubMenu->X;
menuEntry->SubMenu->Window->State.MouseY =
y + menu->Y - menuEntry->SubMenu->Y;
fghCheckMenuStatus( menuEntry->SubMenu );
/* Activate it because its parent entry is active */
menuEntry->SubMenu->IsActive = GL_TRUE;
/* Report back that we have caught the menu cursor */
return GL_TRUE;
/* Looks like the menu cursor is somewhere else... */
if( menu->ActiveEntry && menu->ActiveEntry->IsActive &&
( !menu->ActiveEntry->SubMenu ||
!menu->ActiveEntry->SubMenu->IsActive ) )
menu->Window->State.WorkMask |= GLUT_DISPLAY_WORK;
menu->ActiveEntry->IsActive = GL_FALSE;
menu->ActiveEntry = NULL;
return GL_FALSE;
* Displays a menu box and all of its submenus (if they are active)
static void fghDisplayMenuBox( SFG_Menu* menu )
SFG_MenuEntry *menuEntry;
int i;
* Have the menu box drawn first. The +- values are
* here just to make it more nice-looking...
/* a non-black dark version of the below. */
glColor4f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
glBegin( GL_QUAD_STRIP );
glVertex2i( menu->Width , 0 );
glVertex2i( menu->Width - border, border);
glVertex2i( 0 , 0 );
glVertex2i( border, border);
glVertex2i( 0 , menu->Height );
glVertex2i( border, menu->Height - border);
glEnd( );
/* a non-black dark version of the below. */
glColor4f( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f );
glBegin( GL_QUAD_STRIP );
glVertex2i( 0 , menu->Height );
glVertex2i( border, menu->Height - border);
glVertex2i( menu->Width , menu->Height );
glVertex2i( menu->Width - border, menu->Height - border);
glVertex2i( menu->Width , 0 );
glVertex2i( menu->Width - border, border);
glEnd( );
glColor4fv( menu_pen_back );
glBegin( GL_QUADS );
glVertex2i( border, border);
glVertex2i( menu->Width - border, border);
glVertex2i( menu->Width - border, menu->Height - border);
glVertex2i( border, menu->Height - border);
glEnd( );
/* Check if any of the submenus is currently active... */
for( menuEntry = (SFG_MenuEntry *)menu->Entries.First;
menuEntry = (SFG_MenuEntry *)menuEntry->Node.Next )
/* Has the menu been marked as active, maybe? */
if( menuEntry->IsActive )
* That's truly right, and we need to have it highlighted.
* There is an assumption that mouse cursor didn't move
* since the last check of menu activity state:
int menuID = menuEntry->Ordinal;
/* So have the highlight drawn... */
glColor4fv( menu_pen_hback );
glBegin( GL_QUADS );
glVertex2i( border,
(menuID + 0)*FREEGLUT_MENUENTRY_HEIGHT(menu->Font) + border );
glVertex2i( menu->Width - border,
(menuID + 0)*FREEGLUT_MENUENTRY_HEIGHT(menu->Font) + border );
glVertex2i( menu->Width - border,
(menuID + 1)*FREEGLUT_MENUENTRY_HEIGHT(menu->Font) + border );
glVertex2i( border,
(menuID + 1)*FREEGLUT_MENUENTRY_HEIGHT(menu->Font) + border );
glEnd( );
/* Print the menu entries now... */
glColor4fv( menu_pen_fore );
for( menuEntry = (SFG_MenuEntry *)menu->Entries.First, i = 0;
menuEntry = (SFG_MenuEntry *)menuEntry->Node.Next, ++i )
/* If the menu entry is active, set the color to white */
if( menuEntry->IsActive )
glColor4fv( menu_pen_hfore );
/* Move the raster into position... */
/* Try to center the text - JCJ 31 July 2003*/
2 * border,
( i + 1 )*FREEGLUT_MENUENTRY_HEIGHT(menu->Font) -
( int )( FREEGLUT_MENUENTRY_HEIGHT(menu->Font)*0.3 - border )
/* Have the label drawn, character after character: */
glutBitmapString( menu->Font,
(unsigned char *)menuEntry->Text);
/* If it's a submenu, draw a right arrow */
if( menuEntry->SubMenu )
int width = glutBitmapWidth( menu->Font, '_' );
int x_base = menu->Width - 2 - width;
int y_base = i*FREEGLUT_MENUENTRY_HEIGHT(menu->Font) + border;
glBegin( GL_TRIANGLES );
glVertex2i( x_base, y_base + 2*border);
glVertex2i( menu->Width - 2, y_base +
( FREEGLUT_MENUENTRY_HEIGHT(menu->Font) + border) / 2 );
glVertex2i( x_base, y_base + FREEGLUT_MENUENTRY_HEIGHT(menu->Font) - border );
glEnd( );
/* If the menu entry is active, reset the color */
if( menuEntry->IsActive )
glColor4fv( menu_pen_fore );
* Private static function to set the parent window of a submenu and all
* of its submenus.
static void fghSetMenuParentWindow( SFG_Window *window, SFG_Menu *menu )
SFG_MenuEntry *menuEntry;
menu->ParentWindow = window;
for( menuEntry = ( SFG_MenuEntry * )menu->Entries.First;
menuEntry = ( SFG_MenuEntry * )menuEntry->Node.Next )
if( menuEntry->SubMenu )
fghSetMenuParentWindow( window, menuEntry->SubMenu );
* Displays the currently active menu for the current window
void fgDisplayMenu( void )
SFG_Window* window = fgStructure.CurrentWindow;
SFG_Menu* menu = NULL;
FREEGLUT_INTERNAL_ERROR_EXIT ( fgStructure.CurrentWindow, "Displaying menu in nonexistent window",
"fgDisplayMenu" );
/* Check if there is an active menu attached to this window... */
menu = window->ActiveMenu;
freeglut_return_if_fail( menu );
fgSetWindow( menu->Window );
glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
glDisable( GL_LIGHTING );
glDisable( GL_CULL_FACE );
glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
glPushMatrix( );
glLoadIdentity( );
0, glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH ),
-1, 1
glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
glPushMatrix( );
glLoadIdentity( );
fghDisplayMenuBox( menu );
glPopAttrib( );
glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
glPopMatrix( );
glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
glPopMatrix( );
glutSwapBuffers( );
fgSetWindow ( window );
* Activates a menu pointed by the function argument
static void fghActivateMenu( SFG_Window* window, int button )
int max_x, max_y;
SFG_XYUse mouse_pos;
/* We'll be referencing this menu a lot, so remember its address: */
SFG_Menu* menu = window->Menu[ button ];
SFG_Window* current_window = fgStructure.CurrentWindow;
/* If the menu is already active in another window, deactivate it (and any submenus) there */
if ( menu->ParentWindow )
/* Mark the menu as active, so that it gets displayed: */
window->ActiveMenu = menu;
menu->IsActive = GL_TRUE;
fghSetMenuParentWindow ( window, menu );
/* Set up the initial menu position now: */
fghGetVMaxExtent(menu->ParentWindow, &max_x, &max_y);
fgSetWindow( window );
/* get mouse position on screen (window->State.MouseX and window->State.MouseY
* are relative to client area origin), and not easy to correct given that
* glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_X ) and glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_Y ) return relative to parent
* origin when looking at a child window
* for parent windows: window->State.MouseX + glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_X ) == mouse_pos.X
fghPlatformGetCursorPos(NULL, GL_FALSE, &mouse_pos);
menu->X = mouse_pos.X;
menu->Y = mouse_pos.Y;
/* Make sure the whole menu is on the screen */
if( menu->X + menu->Width > max_x )
menu->X -=menu->Width;
if( menu->Y + menu->Height > max_y )
menu->Y -=menu->Height;
if( menu->Y < 0 )
menu->Y = 0;
/* Set position of mouse relative to top-left menu in menu's window state (could as well set 0 at creation time...) */
menu->Window->State.MouseX = mouse_pos.X - menu->X;
menu->Window->State.MouseY = mouse_pos.Y - menu->Y;
/* Menu status callback */
if (fgState.MenuStateCallback || fgState.MenuStatusCallback)
fgStructure.CurrentMenu = menu;
fgStructure.CurrentWindow = window;
if (fgState.MenuStateCallback)
if (fgState.MenuStatusCallback)
/* window->State.MouseX and window->State.MouseY are relative to client area origin, as needed */
fgState.MenuStatusCallback(GLUT_MENU_IN_USE, window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY);
fgSetWindow( menu->Window );
glutPositionWindow( menu->X, menu->Y );
glutReshapeWindow( menu->Width, menu->Height );
glutPopWindow( );
glutShowWindow( );
menu->Window->ActiveMenu = menu;
fghCheckMenuStatus( menu );
fgSetWindow( current_window );
* Update Highlight states of the menu
* NB: Current mouse position is in menu->Window->State.MouseX/Y
void fgUpdateMenuHighlight ( SFG_Menu *menu )
fghCheckMenuStatus( menu );
* Check whether an active menu absorbs a mouse click
GLboolean fgCheckActiveMenu ( SFG_Window *window, int button, GLboolean pressed,
int mouse_x, int mouse_y )
GLboolean is_handled = GL_FALSE;
GLboolean is_clicked = GL_FALSE;
* Near as I can tell, this is the menu behaviour:
* - Down-click the menu button, menu not active: activate
* the menu with its upper left-hand corner at the mouse
* location.
* - Down-click any button outside the menu, menu active:
* deactivate the menu, and potentially activate a new menu
* at the new mouse location. This includes clicks in
* different windows of course
* - Down-click any button inside the menu, menu active:
* select the menu entry and deactivate the menu
* - Up-click the menu button, menu not active: nothing happens
* - Up-click the menu button outside the menu, menu active:
* nothing happens
* - Up-click the menu button inside the menu, menu active:
* select the menu entry and deactivate the menu
* Since menus can have submenus, we need to check this recursively.
if( window->ActiveMenu )
if( window == window->ActiveMenu->ParentWindow )
window->ActiveMenu->Window->State.MouseX =
mouse_x - window->ActiveMenu->X;
window->ActiveMenu->Window->State.MouseY =
mouse_y - window->ActiveMenu->Y;
/* In the menu, deactivate the menu and invoke the callback */
if( fghCheckMenuStatus( window->ActiveMenu ) )
* Save the current window and menu and set the current
* window to the window whose menu this is
SFG_Window *save_window = fgStructure.CurrentWindow;
SFG_Menu *save_menu = fgStructure.CurrentMenu, *active_menu = window->ActiveMenu; /* active menu is always the one with the mouse in it, due to fghCheckMenuStatus */
SFG_MenuEntry *active_entry = active_menu->ActiveEntry; /* currently highlighted item -> must be the one that was just clicked */
SFG_Window *parent_window = window->ActiveMenu->ParentWindow;
/* ignore clicks on the submenu entry */
if (!active_entry->SubMenu)
fgSetWindow( parent_window );
fgStructure.CurrentMenu = active_menu;
/* Deactivate menu and then call callback (we don't want menu to stay in view while callback is executing, and user should be able to change menus in callback) */
fgDeactivateMenu( parent_window );
active_menu->Callback( active_entry->ID );
/* Restore the current window and menu */
fgSetWindow( save_window );
fgStructure.CurrentMenu = save_menu;
is_clicked = GL_TRUE; /* Don't reopen... */
else if( pressed )
* Outside the menu, deactivate if it's a downclick
* A downclick outside of the interior of our freeglut windows
* is dealt with in the WM_KILLFOCUS handler of fgPlatformWindowProc
fgDeactivateMenu( window->ActiveMenu->ParentWindow );
/* Could reopen again in different location, as is_clicked remains false */
is_handled = GL_TRUE;
else if ( fgState.ActiveMenus ) /* Don't have to check whether this was a downpress or an uppress, there is no way to get an uppress in another window before a downpress... */
/* if another window than the one clicked in has an open menu, close it */
SFG_Menu *menu = fgGetActiveMenu();
if ( menu ) /* any open menu? */
fgDeactivateMenu( menu->ParentWindow );
/* Leave is_handled to false, we didn't do anything relevant from the perspective of the window that was clicked */
/* No active menu, let's check whether we need to activate one. */
if( !is_clicked &&
( 0 <= button ) &&
( FREEGLUT_MAX_MENUS > button ) &&
( window->Menu[ button ] ) &&
pressed )
/* If mouseclick was outside the parent window, ignore. This can
* happen when another mouse button is already depressed and the
* window thus has mouse capture
if (window->State.MouseX>0 && window->State.MouseY>0 &&
window->State.MouseX<window->State.Width && window->State.MouseY<window->State.Height)
fghActivateMenu( window, button );
is_handled = GL_TRUE;
return is_handled;
* Deactivates a menu pointed by the function argument.
static SFG_Menu* menuDeactivating = NULL;
void fgDeactivateMenu( SFG_Window *window )
SFG_Window *parent_window = NULL;
SFG_Menu* menu;
SFG_MenuEntry *menuEntry;
/* Did we find an active window? */
freeglut_return_if_fail( window );
/* Check if there is an active menu attached to this window... */
menu = window->ActiveMenu;
freeglut_return_if_fail( menu );
/* Check if we are already deactivating this menu, abort in that case (glutHideWindow below can cause this function to be called again on the same menu..) */
if (menu==menuDeactivating)
menuDeactivating = menu;
parent_window = menu->ParentWindow;
/* Hide the present menu's window */
fgPlatformHideWindow( menu->Window );
/* Forget about having that menu active anymore, now: */
menu->Window->ActiveMenu = NULL;
menu->ParentWindow->ActiveMenu = NULL;
fghSetMenuParentWindow ( NULL, menu );
menu->IsActive = GL_FALSE;
menu->ActiveEntry = NULL;
/* Hide all submenu windows, and the root menu's window. */
for ( menuEntry = ( SFG_MenuEntry * )menu->Entries.First;
menuEntry = ( SFG_MenuEntry * )menuEntry->Node.Next )
menuEntry->IsActive = GL_FALSE;
/* Is that an active submenu by any chance? */
if( menuEntry->SubMenu )
fghDeactivateSubMenu( menuEntry );
/* Done deactivating menu */
menuDeactivating = NULL;
/* Menu status callback */
if (fgState.MenuStateCallback || fgState.MenuStatusCallback)
fgStructure.CurrentMenu = menu;
fgStructure.CurrentWindow = parent_window;
if (fgState.MenuStateCallback)
if (fgState.MenuStatusCallback)
/* Get cursor position relative to parent_window's client area */
SFG_XYUse mouse_pos;
fghPlatformGetCursorPos(parent_window, GL_TRUE, &mouse_pos);
fgState.MenuStatusCallback(GLUT_MENU_NOT_IN_USE, mouse_pos.X, mouse_pos.Y);
* Recalculates current menu's box size
void fghCalculateMenuBoxSize( void )
SFG_MenuEntry* menuEntry;
int width = 0, height = 0;
/* Make sure there is a current menu set */
freeglut_return_if_fail( fgStructure.CurrentMenu );
/* The menu's box size depends on the menu entries: */
for( menuEntry = ( SFG_MenuEntry * )fgStructure.CurrentMenu->Entries.First;
menuEntry = ( SFG_MenuEntry * )menuEntry->Node.Next )
/* Update the menu entry's width value */
menuEntry->Width = glutBitmapLength(
(unsigned char *)menuEntry->Text
* If the entry is a submenu, then it needs to be wider to
* accommodate the arrow.
if (menuEntry->SubMenu)
menuEntry->Width += glutBitmapLength(
(unsigned char *)"_"
/* Check if it's the biggest we've found */
if( menuEntry->Width > width )
width = menuEntry->Width;
height += FREEGLUT_MENUENTRY_HEIGHT(fgStructure.CurrentMenu->Font);
/* Store the menu's box size now: */
fgStructure.CurrentMenu->Height = height + 2 * FREEGLUT_MENU_BORDER;
fgStructure.CurrentMenu->Width = width + 4 * FREEGLUT_MENU_BORDER;
/* -- INTERFACE FUNCTIONS -------------------------------------------------- */
* Creates a new menu object, adding it to the freeglut structure
int FGAPIENTRY glutCreateMenu( FGCBMenu callback )
/* The menu object creation code resides in fg_structure.c */
if (fgState.ActiveMenus)
fgError("Menu manipulation not allowed while menus in use.");
return fgCreateMenu( callback )->ID;
* Destroys a menu object, removing all references to it
void FGAPIENTRY glutDestroyMenu( int menuID )
SFG_Menu* menu;
menu = fgMenuByID( menuID );
freeglut_return_if_fail( menu );
if (fgState.ActiveMenus)
fgError("Menu manipulation not allowed while menus in use.");
/* The menu object destruction code resides in fg_structure.c */
fgDestroyMenu( menu );
* Returns the ID number of the currently active menu
int FGAPIENTRY glutGetMenu( void )
if( fgStructure.CurrentMenu )
return fgStructure.CurrentMenu->ID;
return 0;
* Sets the current menu given its menu ID
void FGAPIENTRY glutSetMenu( int menuID )
SFG_Menu* menu;
menu = fgMenuByID( menuID );
freeglut_return_if_fail( menu );
fgStructure.CurrentMenu = menu;
* Adds a menu entry to the bottom of the current menu
void FGAPIENTRY glutAddMenuEntry( const char* label, int value )
SFG_MenuEntry* menuEntry;
menuEntry = (SFG_MenuEntry *)calloc( sizeof(SFG_MenuEntry), 1 );
freeglut_return_if_fail( fgStructure.CurrentMenu );
if (fgState.ActiveMenus)
fgError("Menu manipulation not allowed while menus in use.");
menuEntry->Text = strdup( label );
menuEntry->ID = value;
/* Have the new menu entry attached to the current menu */
fgListAppend( &fgStructure.CurrentMenu->Entries, &menuEntry->Node );
fghCalculateMenuBoxSize( );
* Add a sub menu to the bottom of the current menu
void FGAPIENTRY glutAddSubMenu( const char *label, int subMenuID )
SFG_MenuEntry *menuEntry;
SFG_Menu *subMenu;
menuEntry = ( SFG_MenuEntry * )calloc( sizeof( SFG_MenuEntry ), 1 );
subMenu = fgMenuByID( subMenuID );
freeglut_return_if_fail( fgStructure.CurrentMenu );
if (fgState.ActiveMenus)
fgError("Menu manipulation not allowed while menus in use.");
freeglut_return_if_fail( subMenu );
menuEntry->Text = strdup( label );
menuEntry->SubMenu = subMenu;
menuEntry->ID = -1;
fgListAppend( &fgStructure.CurrentMenu->Entries, &menuEntry->Node );
fghCalculateMenuBoxSize( );
* Changes the current menu's font
void FGAPIENTRY glutSetMenuFont( int menuID, void* fontID )
SFG_Font* font;
SFG_Menu* menu;
menu = fgMenuByID( menuID );
freeglut_return_if_fail( menu );
if (fgState.ActiveMenus)
fgError("Menu manipulation not allowed while menus in use.");
font = fghFontByID( fontID );
if (!font)
fgWarning("glutChangeMenuFont: bitmap font 0x%08x not found. Make sure you're not passing a stroke font. Ignoring...\n",fontID);
fgStructure.CurrentMenu->Font = fontID;
fghCalculateMenuBoxSize( );
* Changes the specified menu item in the current menu into a menu entry
void FGAPIENTRY glutChangeToMenuEntry( int item, const char* label, int value )
SFG_MenuEntry* menuEntry = NULL;
freeglut_return_if_fail( fgStructure.CurrentMenu );
if (fgState.ActiveMenus)
fgError("Menu manipulation not allowed while menus in use.");
/* Get n-th menu entry in the current menu, starting from one: */
menuEntry = fghFindMenuEntry( fgStructure.CurrentMenu, item );
freeglut_return_if_fail( menuEntry );
/* We want it to become a normal menu entry, so: */
if( menuEntry->Text )
free( menuEntry->Text );
menuEntry->Text = strdup( label );
menuEntry->ID = value;
menuEntry->SubMenu = NULL;
fghCalculateMenuBoxSize( );
* Changes the specified menu item in the current menu into a sub-menu trigger.
void FGAPIENTRY glutChangeToSubMenu( int item, const char* label,
int subMenuID )
SFG_Menu* subMenu;
SFG_MenuEntry* menuEntry;
freeglut_return_if_fail( fgStructure.CurrentMenu );
if (fgState.ActiveMenus)
fgError("Menu manipulation not allowed while menus in use.");
/* Get handle to sub menu */
subMenu = fgMenuByID( subMenuID );
menuEntry = NULL;
freeglut_return_if_fail( subMenu );
/* Get n-th menu entry in the current menu, starting from one: */
menuEntry = fghFindMenuEntry( fgStructure.CurrentMenu, item );
freeglut_return_if_fail( menuEntry );
/* We want it to become a sub menu entry, so: */
if( menuEntry->Text )
free( menuEntry->Text );
menuEntry->Text = strdup( label );
menuEntry->SubMenu = subMenu;
menuEntry->ID = -1;
fghCalculateMenuBoxSize( );
* Removes the specified menu item from the current menu
void FGAPIENTRY glutRemoveMenuItem( int item )
SFG_MenuEntry* menuEntry;
freeglut_return_if_fail( fgStructure.CurrentMenu );
if (fgState.ActiveMenus)
fgError("Menu manipulation not allowed while menus in use.");
/* Get n-th menu entry in the current menu, starting from one: */
menuEntry = fghFindMenuEntry( fgStructure.CurrentMenu, item );
freeglut_return_if_fail( menuEntry );
fgListRemove( &fgStructure.CurrentMenu->Entries, &menuEntry->Node );
if ( menuEntry->Text )
free( menuEntry->Text );
free( menuEntry );
fghCalculateMenuBoxSize( );
* Attaches a menu to the current window
void FGAPIENTRY glutAttachMenu( int button )
freeglut_return_if_fail( fgStructure.CurrentWindow );
freeglut_return_if_fail( fgStructure.CurrentMenu );
if (fgState.ActiveMenus)
fgError("Menu manipulation not allowed while menus in use.");
freeglut_return_if_fail( button >= 0 );
freeglut_return_if_fail( button < FREEGLUT_MAX_MENUS );
fgStructure.CurrentWindow->Menu[ button ] = fgStructure.CurrentMenu;
* Detaches a menu from the current window
void FGAPIENTRY glutDetachMenu( int button )
freeglut_return_if_fail( fgStructure.CurrentWindow );
freeglut_return_if_fail( fgStructure.CurrentMenu );
if (fgState.ActiveMenus)
fgError("Menu manipulation not allowed while menus in use.");
freeglut_return_if_fail( button >= 0 );
freeglut_return_if_fail( button < FREEGLUT_MAX_MENUS );
fgStructure.CurrentWindow->Menu[ button ] = NULL;
* A.Donev: Set and retrieve the menu's user data
void* FGAPIENTRY glutGetMenuData( void )
return fgStructure.CurrentMenu->UserData;
void FGAPIENTRY glutSetMenuData(void* data)
/*** END OF FILE ***/