# Space Engineers Server on Linux This is a docker container suitable for running a Space Engineers server. There is no public prebuilt container image because of microsoft copyright restrictions. ## Setup - Create the required directory structure. ```bash mkdir -p space-engineers/{docker,data,steam} mkdir -p space-engineers/data/Space\ Engineers/{Mods,Saves} ``` - Clone this repository into the home directory of the new user account. ```bash git clone https://github.com/ChipWolf/se-server.git space-engineers/docker ``` - Obtain a copy of the most current `DedicatedServer.zip` and place it in `~/games/space-engineers/data`. You may use this method below. ```bash docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/space-engineers/steam:/data wilkesystems/steamcmd # the following 4 commands are for the steamcmd terminal login anonymous force_install_dir /data app_update 298740 validate quit ``` - At this stage we need to patch a few .dlls to fix an issue with mods not downloading, thanks to [Thomas\_Jefferson](https://forum.keenswh.com/members/thomas_jefferson.3913080/) from the Keen Software House forum for this one. ![](https://i.cwlf.uk/Jxav4.png) ``` cd space-engineers/steam zip -r ../data/DedicatedServer.zip cd ../.. sudo chown -R 256:256 space-engineers ``` - Upload your `SpaceEngineers-Dedicated.cfg` and place it in `~/games/space-engineers/data/Space Engineers`. Use the one in this repository and edit it to your liking if you do not already have one. - **Build the image!** *(This will take a while)* ```bash space-engineers/docker/build.sh ``` ## Running ```bash docker run -it -p 27016:27016/udp -v $(pwd)/games/space-engineers/data:/host --rm --name space-engineers saiban/space-engineers ``` ![](https://i.cwlf.uk/PPXyG.png) --- ## Additional notes Running SES this way requires a program called `sigmap`, Space Engineers ignores `SIGTERM` when it is sent by docker to stop the service, `sigmap` catches that signal and forwards a `SIGINT` to Space Engineers. See [here](https://github.com/marjacob/sigmap "sigmap") for more information. ## Credits The original `Dockerfile` was written by [webanck](https://github.com/webanck "webanck") and can be found [here](https://github.com/webanck/docker-wine-steam "Steam with Docker"). This repo has been adapted from [marjacob](https://github.com/marjacob "marjacob")'s & [ChipWolf](https://github.com/ChipWolf)'s efforts