name: Tamablefoxes version: 1.5-SNAPSHOT main: net.seanomik.tamablefoxes.TamableFoxes api-version: 1.15 #load: STARTUP load: POSTWORLD #load: STARTUP description: Modified version of TamableFoxes for 1.15.1. commands: spawntamablefox: aliases: [tamablefox, stf, spawntf] usage: /spawntamablefox [type] description: Spawn a tamable fox at the standing location. Type can be snow or red, or left empty for a red. permissions: tamablefoxes.spawn: description: "Gives the player the ability to spawn tamable foxes." default: false tamablefoxes.tame: description: "Gives the player the ability to tame a fox." default: false