#### NOTE: You no longer need to add the program arguments to your start file. If you previously had them, you can delete them, but I don't think it would harm if you leave them in.
*`tamablefoxes.reload`: Reloads the plugin config. Default: `op`
*`tamablefoxes.spawn`: Gives permission to run the command /spawntamablefox. Default: `op`
*`tamablefoxes.tame`: Gives the player the ability to tame a fox. Default: `Everybody`
*`tamablefoxes.tame.unlimited`: Lets players bypass the tame limit. Default: `op`
*`tamablefoxes.tame.anywhere`: Lets players bypass the banned worlds in config.yml (so they can tame in any world). Default: `op`
*`tamablefoxes.givefox.give.others`: Allows the player to give another players fox to a player with /givefox. This will ignore if the other receiving has the `tamablefoxes.givefox.receive` permission. Default: `op`
*`tamablefoxes.givefox.give`: Gives the player the ability to give foxes to other players with /givefox. Default: `Everybody`
*`tamablefoxes.givefox.receive`: Gives the player the ability to receive foxes from other players from /givefox. Default: `Everybody`
To build you must have several versions of spigot built and inside your maven cache. Here's a list of commands to run to install all of the correct versions:
Tamable Foxes collects anonymous server statistics through bStats, an open-source statistics service for Minecraft software. If you wish to opt-out, you can do so in the `bstats/config.yml` file.