// // Created by SeanOMik on 3/12/2021. // Github: https://github.com/SeanOMik // Email: seanomik@gmail.com // #ifndef SIMPLEENGINE_ASYNC_EVENT_H #define SIMPLEENGINE_ASYNC_EVENT_H #include "event.h" #include #include #include namespace simpleengine { class AsyncEvent : public simpleengine::Event { public: explicit AsyncEvent(sf::RenderWindow* window = nullptr) : simpleengine::Event(window) { update_thread = std::thread( [this]() { while (!quit) { std::unique_lock unique_lock(mutex); cond_var.wait(unique_lock); // After waiting check if we're quiting and if we need to stop this thread. if (quit) break; AsyncUpdate(tick_delta_time); } }); } virtual ~AsyncEvent() { quit = true; // Notify the async updating thread that we're quiting. { std::unique_lock unique_lock(mutex); cond_var.notify_all(); } // Quit the async updating thread if its still running. if (update_thread.joinable()) { update_thread.join(); } }; virtual void AsyncUpdate(const float delta_time) = 0; // DO NOT OVERRIDE THIS FUNCTION // Notify the update thread to trigger the async update. virtual void Update(const float& delta_time) final { std::unique_lock unique_lock(mutex); tick_delta_time = delta_time; cond_var.notify_all(); } virtual void Render(sf::RenderTarget* target) { }; protected: std::mutex mutex; std::condition_variable cond_var; std::thread update_thread; float tick_delta_time; }; } #endif //SIMPLEENGINE_ASYNC_EVENT_H