2021-12-07 00:17:04 -05:00
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "../../optional.h"
#include "../../vector.h"
#include "../../vertex.h"
#include "../../renderable.h"
#include "../../transformable.h"
#include "../../gfx/vao.h"
#include "../../gfx/vbo.h"
#include "../../gfx/shader.h"
#include "../../gfx/texture.h"
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#include "../../gfx/textured_model.h"
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namespace simpleengine::objects_3d {
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class ObjModel : public simpleengine::gfx::TexturedModel {
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std::vector<std::string> split_string(std::string str, const char delim) {
std::istringstream ss(str);
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
size_t pos = 0;
std::string token;
while ((pos = str.find(delim)) != std::string::npos) {
token = str.substr(0, pos);
str.erase(0, pos + 1);
return tokens;
static void process_vertex(const std::vector<std::string>& vertex_data, std::vector<GLuint>& indicies, const std::vector<glm::vec2>& in_textures,
const std::vector<glm::vec3>& in_normals, std::vector<glm::vec2>& out_textures, std::vector<glm::vec3>& out_normals) {
int currentVertexIndex = stoi(vertex_data[0]) - 1;
// Read texture coords
glm::vec2 current_tex = in_textures.at(stoi(vertex_data[1]) - 1);
current_tex.y = 1 - current_tex.y;
out_textures.at(currentVertexIndex) = current_tex;
// Read normals
glm::vec3 current_norm = in_normals.at(stoi(vertex_data[2]) - 1);
out_normals.at(currentVertexIndex) = current_norm;
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//nonstd::optional<gfx::Texture> texture;
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/* std::vector<simpleengine::Vertex> model_vertices;
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std::vector<GLuint> indicies;
gfx::VBO ebo;
gfx::VBO vbo;
gfx::VAO vao;
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gfx::Shader shader; */
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2021-12-07 14:51:12 -05:00
ObjModel(GLFWwindow *window, gfx::Shader shader, gfx::Texture texture, std::string filename) :
ObjModel(window, shader, texture, std::ifstream(filename, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary)) {
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2021-12-07 14:51:12 -05:00
ObjModel(GLFWwindow *window, gfx::Shader shader, gfx::Texture texture, std::ifstream file_stream) :
simpleengine::gfx::TexturedModel(window, shader, texture, std::vector<Vertex>()) {
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if (!file_stream.is_open()) {
std::cerr << "File stream that was given to ObjModel::ObjModel is not open!" << std::endl;
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open ObjModel model file");
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std::vector<glm::vec3> obj_vertices;
std::vector<glm::vec2> obj_textures;
std::vector<glm::vec3> obj_normals;
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std::vector<glm::vec2> textures;
std::vector<glm::vec3> normals;
std::string line;
while (std::getline(file_stream, line)) {
std::vector<std::string> line_tokens = split_string(line, ' ');
if (line_tokens.front() == "v") {
//glm::vec3 vertex(stof(line_tokens[1]), stof(line_tokens[2]), stof(line_tokens[3]));
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obj_vertices.emplace_back(stof(line_tokens[1]), stof(line_tokens[2]), stof(line_tokens[3]));
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} else if (line_tokens.front() == "vt") {
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obj_textures.emplace_back(stof(line_tokens[1]), stof(line_tokens[2]));
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} else if (line_tokens.front() == "vn") {
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obj_normals.emplace_back(stof(line_tokens[1]), stof(line_tokens[2]), stof(line_tokens[3]));
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} else if (line_tokens.front() == "f") {
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auto size = obj_vertices.size();
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std::cout << "Textures should be size of " << size << " but is a size of " << textures.size() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Normals should be size of " << size << " but is a size of " << normals.size() << std::endl;
do {
if (!line.starts_with("f")) {
std::vector<std::string> line_tokens = split_string(line, ' ');
std::vector<std::string> vertex1 = split_string(line_tokens[1], '/');
std::vector<std::string> vertex2 = split_string(line_tokens[2], '/');
std::vector<std::string> vertex3 = split_string(line_tokens[3], '/');
2021-12-07 14:51:12 -05:00
process_vertex(vertex1, indicies, obj_textures, obj_normals, textures, normals);
process_vertex(vertex2, indicies, obj_textures, obj_normals, textures, normals);
process_vertex(vertex3, indicies, obj_textures, obj_normals, textures, normals);
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} while (std::getline(file_stream, line));
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for (int i = 0; i < obj_vertices.size(); i++) {
vertices.emplace_back(simpleengine::Vectorf(obj_vertices.at(i)), glm::vec3(1.f), textures.at(i));
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2021-12-07 14:51:12 -05:00
vbo.buffer(vertices.data(), 0, sizeof(Vertex) * vertices.size());
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ebo.buffer(indicies.data(), 0, indicies.size() * sizeof(GLuint));
glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(Vertex), (GLvoid*)offsetof(Vertex, position));
glVertexAttribPointer(1, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(Vertex), (GLvoid*)offsetof(Vertex, color));
glVertexAttribPointer(2, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(Vertex), (GLvoid*)offsetof(Vertex, tex_coord));
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
void set_texture(gfx::Texture texture) {
this->texture = texture;
virtual void update(const float& delta_time) override {
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/* virtual void render(GLFWwindow* target) override {
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shader.set_uniform_matrix_4f("transform_matrix", transform_matrix, false);
// When binding to the texture, also tell the shader if the texture is set or not.
if (texture.has_value()) {
shader.set_uniform_int("texture_is_set", true, false);
} else {
shader.set_uniform_int("texture_is_set", false, false);
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, indicies.size(), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0);
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} */
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