• Joined on 2024-06-27
Mirrors synced and deleted reference refs/tags/refs/pull/456/merge at Mirrors/Zelda64Recomp from mirror 2024-08-07 21:53:38 -04:00
Mirrors synced commits to feat/config-ui-system at Mirrors/Zelda64Recomp from mirror 2024-08-07 21:53:38 -04:00
af1406e648 Added TextField option type
Mirrors synced commits to refs/pull/456/head at Mirrors/Zelda64Recomp from mirror 2024-08-07 21:53:38 -04:00
98d143fab9 Update RT64.
6fe86effc8 Update RT64.
d5894f1e6c Make ubershaders visible and add re-spirv.
Compare 3 commits »
Mirrors synced commits to refs/pull/447/merge at Mirrors/Zelda64Recomp from mirror 2024-08-07 21:53:38 -04:00
c27a7fa282 Add a placeholder mod loader for texture packs.
Compare 2 commits »
Mirrors synced commits to refs/pull/382/merge at Mirrors/Zelda64Recomp from mirror 2024-08-07 21:53:38 -04:00
9c41f61ff2 Add macOS Support
d782d3dcb9 chore(ci): finalize PR build artifacts (#455)
142b4d021b chore(ci): further tweaks to PR description updates (#454)
6598da434e chore(ci): link and update build artifacts for PRs (#453)
Compare 20 commits »
Mirrors synced commits to refs/pull/447/head at Mirrors/Zelda64Recomp from mirror 2024-08-07 21:53:38 -04:00
c27a7fa282 Add a placeholder mod loader for texture packs.
Mirrors synced commits to feature/darwin at Mirrors/Zelda64Recomp from mirror 2024-08-07 21:53:38 -04:00
9c41f61ff2 Add macOS Support
d782d3dcb9 chore(ci): finalize PR build artifacts (#455)
142b4d021b chore(ci): further tweaks to PR description updates (#454)
6598da434e chore(ci): link and update build artifacts for PRs (#453)
3346400775 Fix message box being used by accident in preload_executable
Compare 23 commits »
Mirrors synced commits to ubershaders-visible-test at Mirrors/Zelda64Recomp from mirror 2024-08-07 21:53:38 -04:00
Mirrors synced new reference ubershaders-visible-test to Mirrors/Zelda64Recomp from mirror 2024-08-07 21:53:38 -04:00
Mirrors synced commits to refs/pull/382/head at Mirrors/Zelda64Recomp from mirror 2024-08-07 21:53:38 -04:00
9c41f61ff2 Add macOS Support
d782d3dcb9 chore(ci): finalize PR build artifacts (#455)
142b4d021b chore(ci): further tweaks to PR description updates (#454)
6598da434e chore(ci): link and update build artifacts for PRs (#453)
3346400775 Fix message box being used by accident in preload_executable
Compare 23 commits »
Mirrors synced commits to refs/pull/425/merge at Mirrors/Zelda64Recomp from mirror 2024-08-05 12:18:39 -04:00
d782d3dcb9 chore(ci): finalize PR build artifacts (#455)
Compare 2 commits »
Mirrors synced commits to refs/pull/425/merge at Mirrors/Zelda64Recomp from mirror 2024-08-03 17:00:37 -04:00
142b4d021b chore(ci): further tweaks to PR description updates (#454)
6598da434e chore(ci): link and update build artifacts for PRs (#453)
Compare 3 commits »
Mirrors synced commits to refs/pull/447/head at Mirrors/Zelda64Recomp from mirror 2024-08-03 17:00:37 -04:00
4dd22730c2 Add a placeholder mod loader for texture packs.
d782d3dcb9 chore(ci): finalize PR build artifacts (#455)
142b4d021b chore(ci): further tweaks to PR description updates (#454)
6598da434e chore(ci): link and update build artifacts for PRs (#453)
Compare 4 commits »
Mirrors synced commits to refs/pull/403/merge at Mirrors/Zelda64Recomp from mirror 2024-08-03 17:00:37 -04:00
d782d3dcb9 chore(ci): finalize PR build artifacts (#455)
142b4d021b chore(ci): further tweaks to PR description updates (#454)
6598da434e chore(ci): link and update build artifacts for PRs (#453)
Compare 4 commits »
Mirrors synced commits to dev at Mirrors/Zelda64Recomp from mirror 2024-08-03 17:00:37 -04:00
d782d3dcb9 chore(ci): finalize PR build artifacts (#455)
142b4d021b chore(ci): further tweaks to PR description updates (#454)
6598da434e chore(ci): link and update build artifacts for PRs (#453)
Compare 3 commits »
Mirrors synced commits to swap_chain_semaphores at Mirrors/Zelda64Recomp from mirror 2024-08-03 17:00:37 -04:00
Mirrors synced commits to refs/pull/377/merge at Mirrors/Zelda64Recomp from mirror 2024-08-03 17:00:37 -04:00
d782d3dcb9 chore(ci): finalize PR build artifacts (#455)
142b4d021b chore(ci): further tweaks to PR description updates (#454)
6598da434e chore(ci): link and update build artifacts for PRs (#453)
Compare 4 commits »
Mirrors synced new reference swap_chain_semaphores to Mirrors/Zelda64Recomp from mirror 2024-08-03 17:00:37 -04:00
Mirrors synced commits to refs/pull/447/merge at Mirrors/Zelda64Recomp from mirror 2024-08-03 17:00:37 -04:00
4dd22730c2 Add a placeholder mod loader for texture packs.
d782d3dcb9 chore(ci): finalize PR build artifacts (#455)
142b4d021b chore(ci): further tweaks to PR description updates (#454)
6598da434e chore(ci): link and update build artifacts for PRs (#453)
Compare 5 commits »
Mirrors synced commits to refs/pull/439/merge at Mirrors/Zelda64Recomp from mirror 2024-08-03 17:00:37 -04:00
d782d3dcb9 chore(ci): finalize PR build artifacts (#455)
142b4d021b chore(ci): further tweaks to PR description updates (#454)
6598da434e chore(ci): link and update build artifacts for PRs (#453)
Compare 4 commits »