#include "patches.h" #include "overlays/actors/ovl_En_Test7/z_en_test7.h" #define THIS ((EnTest7*)thisx) void func_80AF118C(PlayState* play, OwlWarpFeather* feathers, EnTest7* this, s32 arg3, s32 arg4); // EnTest7_UpdateFeathers void func_80AF2350(EnTest7* this, PlayState* play); // EnTest7_WarpCsWarp void EnTest7_Update(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play) { EnTest7* this = THIS; this->actionFunc(this, play); if (this->playerCamFunc != NULL) { this->playerCamFunc(this, play); } this->timer++; func_80AF118C(play, this->feathers, this, (this->flags & OWL_WARP_FLAGS_8) != 0, (this->flags & OWL_WARP_FLAGS_10) != 0); // @recomp Allow skipping the Song of Soaring cutscene. Input* input = CONTROLLER1(&play->state); if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(input->press.button, BTN_A | BTN_B) && (OWL_WARP_CS_GET_OCARINA_MODE(&this->actor) != ENTEST7_ARRIVE)) { func_80AF2350(thisx, play); } }