2023-12-27 17:56:26 -05:00
# include "patches.h"
2024-03-03 02:36:14 -05:00
# include "misc_funcs.h"
2023-12-27 17:56:26 -05:00
# include "z64shrink_window.h"
# include "overlays/gamestates/ovl_file_choose/z_file_select.h"
2024-05-04 01:20:14 -04:00
INCBIN ( rewind_button_texture , " rewind.ia16.bin " ) ;
extern u64 gFileSelFileNameBoxTex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelConnectorTex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelBlankButtonTex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelBigButtonHighlightTex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelFileInfoBox0Tex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelFileInfoBox1Tex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelFileInfoBox2Tex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelFileInfoBox3Tex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelFileInfoBox4Tex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelFileExtraInfoBox0Tex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelFileExtraInfoBox1Tex [ ] ;
2023-12-27 17:56:26 -05:00
extern u64 gFileSelOptionsButtonENGTex [ ] ;
2024-05-04 01:20:14 -04:00
extern u64 gFileSelPleaseSelectAFileENGTex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelOpenThisFileENGTex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelCopyWhichFileENGTex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelCopyToWhichFileENGTex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelAreYouSureCopyENGTex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelFileCopiedENGTex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelEraseWhichFileENGTex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelAreYouSureEraseENGTex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelFileErasedENGTex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelNoFileToCopyENGTex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelNoFileToEraseENGTex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelNoEmptyFileENGTex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelFileEmptyENGTex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelFileInUseENGTex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelFile1ButtonENGTex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelFile2ButtonENGTex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelFile3ButtonENGTex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelCopyButtonENGTex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelEraseButtonENGTex [ ] ;
extern u64 gFileSelYesButtonENGTex [ ] ;
2023-12-27 17:56:26 -05:00
extern u64 gFileSelQuitButtonENGTex [ ] ;
2024-07-05 16:33:34 -04:00
extern s16 D_80814280 [ ] ;
extern s16 sWindowContentColors [ ] ;
extern TexturePtr sFileInfoBoxTextures [ ] ;
extern TexturePtr sTitleLabels [ ] ;
extern TexturePtr sWarningLabels [ ] ;
extern TexturePtr sFileButtonTextures [ ] ;
extern TexturePtr sActionButtonTextures [ ] ;
extern s16 sFileInfoBoxPartWidths [ ] ;
extern s16 sWalletFirstDigit [ ] ;
extern s16 D_80814620 [ ] ;
extern s16 D_80814628 [ ] ;
extern s16 D_80814630 [ ] ;
extern s16 D_80814638 [ ] ;
extern s16 D_80814644 [ ] ;
extern s16 D_8081464C [ ] ;
2024-07-24 23:42:33 -04:00
// @recomp Added a third position for the rewind button.
s16 D_80814650_patched [ ] = { 940 , 944 , 948 } ;
2024-05-04 01:20:14 -04:00
2023-12-27 17:56:26 -05:00
void FileSelect_Main ( GameState * thisx ) ;
void FileSelect_InitContext ( GameState * thisx ) ;
2024-05-04 01:20:14 -04:00
void FileSelect_DrawFileInfo ( GameState * thisx , s16 fileIndex ) ;
void FileSelect_SplitNumber ( u16 value , u16 * hundreds , u16 * tens , u16 * ones ) ;
2023-12-27 17:56:26 -05:00
// @recomp The options button is now the quit button, so close recomp instead of opening the options.
void FileSelect_RotateToOptions ( GameState * thisx ) {
recomp_exit ( ) ;
void FileSelect_Init ( GameState * thisx ) {
s32 pad ;
FileSelectState * this = ( FileSelectState * ) thisx ;
size_t size ;
GameState_SetFramerateDivisor ( & this - > state , 1 ) ;
Matrix_Init ( & this - > state ) ;
ShrinkWindow_Init ( ) ;
View_Init ( & this - > view , this - > state . gfxCtx ) ;
2024-07-05 16:33:34 -04:00
this - > state . main = FileSelect_Main ;
this - > state . destroy = FileSelect_Destroy ;
2023-12-27 17:56:26 -05:00
FileSelect_InitContext ( & this - > state ) ;
Font_LoadOrderedFont ( & this - > font ) ;
size = SEGMENT_ROM_SIZE ( title_static ) ;
this - > staticSegment = THA_AllocTailAlign16 ( & this - > state . tha , size ) ;
DmaMgr_SendRequest0 ( this - > staticSegment , SEGMENT_ROM_START ( title_static ) , size ) ;
size = SEGMENT_ROM_SIZE ( parameter_static ) ;
this - > parameterSegment = THA_AllocTailAlign16 ( & this - > state . tha , size ) ;
DmaMgr_SendRequest0 ( this - > parameterSegment , SEGMENT_ROM_START ( parameter_static ) , size ) ;
size = gObjectTable [ OBJECT_MAG ] . vromEnd - gObjectTable [ OBJECT_MAG ] . vromStart ;
this - > titleSegment = THA_AllocTailAlign16 ( & this - > state . tha , size ) ;
DmaMgr_SendRequest0 ( this - > titleSegment , gObjectTable [ OBJECT_MAG ] . vromStart , size ) ;
Audio_SetSpec ( 0xA ) ;
// Setting ioData to 1 and writing it to ioPort 7 will skip the harp intro
Audio_PlaySequenceWithSeqPlayerIO ( SEQ_PLAYER_BGM_MAIN , NA_BGM_FILE_SELECT , 0 , 7 , 1 ) ;
// @recomp Replace the contents of the options button's texture with the quit button texture.
// Lower impact than replacing the entire `FileSelect_DrawWindowContents` function.
void * options_button_texture = ( void * ) ( this - > staticSegment + ( u32 ) gFileSelOptionsButtonENGTex - 0x01000000 ) ;
void * quit_button_texture = ( void * ) ( this - > staticSegment + ( u32 ) gFileSelQuitButtonENGTex - 0x01000000 ) ;
Lib_MemCpy ( options_button_texture , quit_button_texture , 64 * 16 * sizeof ( u16 ) ) ;
2024-05-04 01:20:14 -04:00
void FileSelect_SetWindowContentVtx ( GameState * thisx ) {
FileSelectState * this = ( FileSelectState * ) thisx ;
u16 vtxId ;
s16 j ;
s16 i ;
s16 spAC ;
u16 spA4 [ 3 ] ;
u16 * ptr ;
s32 posY ;
s32 relPosY ;
s32 tempPosY ;
s32 posX ;
s32 index ;
this - > windowContentVtx = GRAPH_ALLOC ( this - > state . gfxCtx , 960 * sizeof ( Vtx ) ) ;
// Initialize all windowContentVtx
for ( vtxId = 0 ; vtxId < 960 ; vtxId + = 4 ) {
// x-coord (left)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = 0x12C ;
// x-coord (right)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 16 ;
// y-coord (top)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = 0 ;
// y-coord (bottom)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - 16 ;
// z-coordinate
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 2 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 2 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 2 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 2 ] = 0 ;
// flag
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . flag = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . flag =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . flag = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . flag = 0 ;
// texture coordinates
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . tc [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . tc [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = 0 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . tc [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . tc [ 1 ] = 0x200 ;
// alpha
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . cn [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . cn [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . cn [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . cn [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . cn [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . cn [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . cn [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . cn [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . cn [ 2 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . cn [ 2 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . cn [ 2 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . cn [ 2 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . cn [ 3 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . cn [ 3 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . cn [ 3 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . cn [ 3 ] = 255 ;
/** Title Label **/
// x-coord (left)
this - > windowContentVtx [ 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ 2 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowPosX ;
// x-coord (right)
this - > windowContentVtx [ 1 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ 3 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 0x80 ;
// y-coord (top)
this - > windowContentVtx [ 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ 1 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = 0x48 ;
// y-coord (bottom)
this - > windowContentVtx [ 2 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ 3 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - 0x10 ;
// texture coordinates
this - > windowContentVtx [ 1 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ 3 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = 0x1000 ;
/** File InfoBox **/
// Loop through 3 files
for ( vtxId = 4 , i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + ) {
posX = this - > windowPosX - 6 ;
// Loop through 7 textures
for ( j = 0 ; j < 7 ; j + + , vtxId + = 4 ) {
// x-coord (left)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = posX ;
// x-coord (right)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + sFileInfoBoxPartWidths [ j ] ;
// y-coord(top)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > fileNamesY [ i ] + 0x2C ;
// y-coord (bottom)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - 0x38 ;
// texture coordinates
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] =
sFileInfoBoxPartWidths [ j ] < < 5 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . tc [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . tc [ 1 ] = 0x700 ;
// Update X position
posX + = sFileInfoBoxPartWidths [ j ] ;
// File Buttons
posX = this - > windowPosX - 6 ;
posY = 44 ;
// Loop through 3 files
for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j + + , vtxId + = 16 , posY - = 0x10 ) {
/* File Button */
// x-coord (left)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = posX ;
// x-coord (right)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 0x40 ;
// y-coord(top)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > buttonYOffsets [ j ] + posY ;
// y-coord (bottom)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - 0x10 ;
// texture coordinates
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = 0x800 ;
/* File Name Box */
// x-coord (left)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 4 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 6 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = posX + 0x40 ;
// x-coord (right)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 5 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 7 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 4 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 0x6C ;
// y-coord(top)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 4 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 5 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > buttonYOffsets [ j ] + posY ;
// y-coord (bottom)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 6 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 7 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 4 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - 0x10 ;
// texture coordinates
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 5 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 7 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = 0xD80 ;
/* Connectors */
// x-coord (left)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 8 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 10 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = posX + 0x34 ;
// x-coord (right)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 9 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 11 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 8 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 0x18 ;
// y-coord(top)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 8 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 9 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > buttonYOffsets [ j ] + posY ;
// y-coord (bottom)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 10 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 11 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 8 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - 0x10 ;
// texture coordinates
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 9 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 11 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = 0x300 ;
/* Blank Button (Owl Save) */
// x-coord (left)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 12 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 14 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = posX + 0xA9 ;
// x-coord (right)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 13 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 15 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 12 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 0x34 ;
// y-coord(top)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 12 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 13 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > buttonYOffsets [ j ] + posY ;
// y-coord (bottom)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 14 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 15 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 12 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - 0x10 ;
// texture coordinates
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 13 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 15 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = 0x680 ;
posY = 44 ;
// Loop through 3 files
for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j + + , posY - = 16 ) {
if ( ! gSaveContext . flashSaveAvailable ) {
// Should skip vtxId
// vtxId += 268;
continue ;
// Account for owl-save offset
spAC = j ;
if ( this - > isOwlSave [ j + 2 ] ) {
spAC = j + 2 ;
/* File name */
posX = this - > windowPosX - 6 ;
if ( ( this - > configMode = = 0x10 ) & & ( j = = this - > copyDestFileIndex ) ) {
relPosY = this - > fileNamesY [ j ] + 0x2C ;
else if ( ( ( this - > configMode = = 0x11 ) | | ( this - > configMode = = 0x12 ) ) & & ( j = = this - > copyDestFileIndex ) ) {
relPosY = this - > buttonYOffsets [ j ] + posY ;
else {
relPosY = posY + this - > buttonYOffsets [ j ] + this - > fileNamesY [ j ] ;
tempPosY = relPosY - 2 ;
// Loop through 8 characters of file name
for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i + + , vtxId + = 4 ) {
index = this - > fileNames [ j ] [ i ] ;
/* File Name */
// x-coord (left)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
D_80814280 [ index ] + posX + 0x4E ;
// x-coord (right)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 0xB ;
// y-coord(top)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = tempPosY ;
// y-coord (bottom)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - 0xC ;
/* File Name Shadow */
// x-coord (left)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 32 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 34 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
D_80814280 [ index ] + posX + 0x4F ;
// x-coord (right)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 33 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 35 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 32 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 0xB ;
// y-coord(top)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 32 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 33 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = tempPosY - 1 ;
// y-coord (bottom)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 34 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 35 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 32 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - 0xC ;
// Update X position
posX + = 10 ;
// Account for the shadow
vtxId + = 32 ;
/* Rupee Digits */
posX = this - > windowPosX + 14 ;
tempPosY = relPosY - 0x18 ;
FileSelect_SplitNumber ( this - > rupees [ spAC ] , & spA4 [ 0 ] , & spA4 [ 1 ] , & spA4 [ 2 ] ) ;
index = sWalletFirstDigit [ this - > walletUpgrades [ spAC ] ] ;
ptr = & spA4 [ index ] ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + , vtxId + = 4 , ptr + + ) {
/* Rupee Digits */
// x-coord (left)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
D_80814280 [ * ptr ] + posX ;
// x-coord (right)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + D_80814628 [ i ] ;
// y-coord(top)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = tempPosY ;
// y-coord (bottom)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - D_80814630 [ i ] ;
/* Rupee Digits Shadow */
// x-coord (left)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 12 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 14 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 1 ;
// x-coord (right)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 13 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 15 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 12 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + D_80814628 [ i ] ;
// y-coord(top)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 12 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 13 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = tempPosY - 1 ;
// y-coord (bottom)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 14 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 15 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 12 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - D_80814630 [ i ] ;
// Update X position
posX + = D_80814620 [ i ] ;
// Account for the shadow
vtxId + = 12 ;
/* Mask Count */
posX = this - > windowPosX + 42 ;
tempPosY = relPosY - 0x2A ;
FileSelect_SplitNumber ( this - > maskCount [ spAC ] , & spA4 [ 0 ] , & spA4 [ 1 ] , & spA4 [ 2 ] ) ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < 3 ; i + + , vtxId + = 4 ) {
/* Mask Count */
// x-coord (left)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
D_80814280 [ spA4 [ i ] ] + posX ;
// x-coord (right)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + D_80814628 [ i ] ;
// y-coord(top)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = tempPosY ;
// y-coord (bottom)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - D_80814630 [ i ] ;
/* Mask Count Shadow */
// x-coord (left)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 8 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 10 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 1 ;
// x-coord (right)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 9 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 11 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 8 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + D_80814628 [ i ] ;
// y-coord(top)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 8 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 9 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = tempPosY - 1 ;
// y-coord (bottom)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 10 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 11 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 8 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - D_80814630 [ i ] ;
// Update X position
posX + = D_80814620 [ i ] ;
// Account for the shadow
vtxId + = 8 ;
/* Hearts */
posX = this - > windowPosX + 63 ;
tempPosY = relPosY - 0x10 ;
// Loop through 20 hearts
for ( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i + + , vtxId + = 4 , posX + = 9 ) {
// x-coord (left)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = posX ;
// x-coord (right)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 0xA ;
// y-coord(top)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = tempPosY ;
// y-coord (bottom)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - 0xA ;
// New row of hearts next iteration
if ( i = = 9 ) {
posX = this - > windowPosX + ( 63 - 9 ) ;
tempPosY - = 8 ;
/* Quest Remains */
posX = this - > windowPosX + 64 ;
tempPosY = relPosY - 0x20 ;
// Loop through 4 Remains
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + , vtxId + = 4 , posX + = 0x18 ) {
// x-coord (left)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = posX ;
// x-coord (right)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 0x14 ;
// y-coord(top)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = tempPosY ;
// y-coord (bottom)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - 0x14 ;
// texture coordinates
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . tc [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . tc [ 1 ] = 0x400 ;
/* Rupee Icon */
// posX = this->windowPosX - 1;
tempPosY = relPosY - 0x15 ;
// x-coord (left)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowPosX - 1 ;
// x-coord (right)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 0x10 ;
// y-coord(top)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = tempPosY ;
// y-coord (bottom)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - 0x10 ;
// texture coordinates
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = 0x200 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . tc [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . tc [ 1 ] = 0x200 ;
vtxId + = 4 ;
/* Heart Piece Count */
// posX = this->windowPosX + 0x27;
tempPosY = relPosY - 0x15 ;
// x-coord (left)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowPosX + 0x27 ;
// x-coord (right)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 0x18 ;
// y-coord(top)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = tempPosY ;
// y-coord (bottom)
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - 0x10 ;
// texture coordinates
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = 0x300 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . tc [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . tc [ 1 ] = 0x200 ;
vtxId + = 4 ;
/* Mask Text */
// posX = this->windowPosX - 10;
tempPosY = relPosY - 0x27 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowPosX - 10 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 0x40 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = tempPosY ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - 0x10 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = 0x800 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . tc [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . tc [ 1 ] = 0x200 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 4 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 6 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 1 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 5 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 7 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 4 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 0x40 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 4 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 5 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = tempPosY - 1 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 6 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 7 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 4 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - 0x10 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 5 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 7 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = 0x800 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 6 ] . v . tc [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 7 ] . v . tc [ 1 ] = 0x200 ;
vtxId + = 8 ;
/* Owl Save Icon */
posX = this - > windowPosX + 0xA3 ;
if ( ( this - > configMode = = 0x10 ) & & ( j = = this - > copyDestFileIndex ) ) {
tempPosY = this - > fileNamesY [ j ] + 0x2C ;
else if ( ( ( this - > configMode = = 0x11 ) | | ( this - > configMode = = 0x12 ) ) & & ( j = = this - > copyDestFileIndex ) ) {
tempPosY = this - > buttonYOffsets [ j ] + posY ;
else {
tempPosY = posY + this - > buttonYOffsets [ j ] + this - > fileNamesY [ j ] ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = posX + 0xE ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 0x18 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = tempPosY - 2 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - 0xC ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = 0x300 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . tc [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . tc [ 1 ] = 0x180 ;
vtxId + = 4 ;
/* Day Text */
for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i + + , vtxId + = 4 ) {
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = 2 + posX + i ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 0x30 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = tempPosY - i - 0x12 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - 0x18 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = 0x600 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . tc [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . tc [ 1 ] = 0x300 ;
/* Time Digits */
posX + = 6 ;
index = vtxId ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i + + , vtxId + = 4 , posX + = 8 ) {
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = posX ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 0xC ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = tempPosY - 0x2A ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - 0xC ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0x14 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0x16 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = posX + 1 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0x15 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0x17 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0x14 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 0xC ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0x14 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0x15 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
tempPosY - 0x2B ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0x16 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0x17 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0x14 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - 0xC ;
// Adjust the colon to the right
this - > windowContentVtx [ index + 8 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ index + 10 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ index + 8 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 3 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ index + 9 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ index + 11 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ index + 8 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 0xC ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ index + 0x1C ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ index + 0x1E ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ index + 8 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 1 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ index + 0x1D ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ index + 0x1F ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ index + 0x1C ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 0xC ;
vtxId + = 20 ;
posX = this - > windowPosX - 6 ;
posY = - 0xC ;
// @recomp Check if the rewind button is visible based on whether there's an owl save for the current slot and what mode the file select is currently in.
bool rewind_visible = this - > menuMode = = FS_MENU_MODE_SELECT & & this - > isOwlSave [ this - > buttonIndex + 2 ] & & ( this - > selectMode = = SM_FADE_IN_FILE_INFO | | this - > selectMode = = SM_CONFIRM_FILE | | this - > selectMode = = SM_FADE_OUT_FILE_INFO | | this - > selectMode = = SM_FADE_OUT ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j + + , vtxId + = 4 , posY - = 0x10 ) {
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = posX ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 0x40 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > buttonYOffsets [ j + 3 ] + posY ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - 0x10 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = 0x800 ;
// @recomp Move the Yes and Quit buttons up by one if the Rewind button is visible.
if ( rewind_visible ) {
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] + = 16 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] + = 16 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] + = 16 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] + = 16 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = posX ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 0x40 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > buttonYOffsets [ 5 ] - 0x34 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - 0x10 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = 0x800 ;
vtxId + = 4 ;
if ( ( ( this - > menuMode = = FS_MENU_MODE_CONFIG ) & & ( this - > configMode > = 2 ) ) | |
( ( this - > menuMode = = FS_MENU_MODE_SELECT ) & & ( this - > selectMode = = 3 ) ) ) {
if ( this - > menuMode = = FS_MENU_MODE_CONFIG ) {
if ( ( this - > configMode = = 4 ) | | ( this - > configMode = = 7 ) | | ( this - > configMode = = 0x16 ) ) {
j = D_80814644 [ this - > buttonIndex ] ;
else if ( ( this - > configMode = = 0x19 ) | | ( this - > configMode = = 0xC ) ) {
j = D_8081464C [ this - > buttonIndex ] ;
else {
j = D_80814638 [ this - > buttonIndex ] ;
else {
2024-07-24 23:42:33 -04:00
j = D_80814650_patched [ this - > confirmButtonIndex ] ;
2024-05-04 01:20:14 -04:00
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowPosX - 0xA ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 0x48 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ j ] . v . ob [ 1 ] + 4 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 0 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - 0x18 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 1 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = 0x900 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 2 ] . v . tc [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 3 ] . v . tc [ 1 ] = 0x300 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 4 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 6 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowPosX + 0x3A ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 5 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 7 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 4 ] . v . ob [ 0 ] + 0x80 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 4 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 5 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ D_80814638 [ this - > warningButtonIndex ] ] . v . ob [ 1 ] ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 6 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 7 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] =
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 4 ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - 0x10 ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 5 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 7 ] . v . tc [ 0 ] = 0x1000 ;
// @recomp Copy the vertices for the Rewind button from the Yes button and move it down 2 buttons.
if ( rewind_visible ) {
for ( u16 j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j + + ) {
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 4 + j ] = this - > windowContentVtx [ 0x3AC + j ] ;
this - > windowContentVtx [ vtxId + 4 + j ] . v . ob [ 1 ] - = 32 ;
* Draw most window contents including buttons , labels , and icons .
* Does not include anything from the keyboard and settings windows .
void FileSelect_DrawWindowContents ( GameState * thisx ) {
FileSelectState * this = ( FileSelectState * ) thisx ;
s16 fileIndex ;
s16 temp ;
s16 i ;
s16 quadVtxIndex ;
if ( 1 ) { }
OPEN_DISPS ( this - > state . gfxCtx ) ;
// draw title label
gDPPipeSync ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + ) ;
gDPSetPrimColor ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 0 , 0 , 255 , 255 , 255 , this - > titleAlpha [ FS_TITLE_CUR ] ) ;
gDPSetEnvColor ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
gSPVertex ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , & this - > windowContentVtx [ 0 ] , 4 , 0 ) ;
gDPLoadTextureBlock ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , sTitleLabels [ this - > titleLabel ] , G_IM_FMT_IA , G_IM_SIZ_8b , 128 , 16 , 0 ,
gSP1Quadrangle ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 0 , 2 , 3 , 1 , 0 ) ;
// draw next title label
gDPPipeSync ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + ) ;
gDPSetPrimColor ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 0 , 0 , 255 , 255 , 255 , this - > titleAlpha [ FS_TITLE_NEXT ] ) ;
gDPLoadTextureBlock ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , sTitleLabels [ this - > nextTitleLabel ] , G_IM_FMT_IA , G_IM_SIZ_8b , 128 , 16 , 0 ,
gSP1Quadrangle ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 0 , 2 , 3 , 1 , 0 ) ;
temp = 4 ;
gDPPipeSync ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + ) ;
// @recomp Check if the Rewind button is currently selected to know whether to display the regular save instead of the owl save.
u8 hide_owl_save = ( this - > menuMode = = FS_MENU_MODE_SELECT ) & & ( this - > confirmButtonIndex = = FS_BTN_CONFIRM_REWIND ) ;
// draw file info box (large box when a file is selected)
for ( fileIndex = 0 ; fileIndex < 3 ; fileIndex + + , temp + = 28 ) {
if ( fileIndex < 2 ) {
gDPPipeSync ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + ) ;
gDPSetPrimColor ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 0 , 0 , this - > windowColor [ 0 ] , this - > windowColor [ 1 ] , this - > windowColor [ 2 ] ,
this - > fileInfoAlpha [ fileIndex ] ) ;
gSPVertex ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , & this - > windowContentVtx [ temp ] , 28 , 0 ) ;
for ( quadVtxIndex = 0 , i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i + + , quadVtxIndex + = 4 ) {
// @recomp Don't draw the box on the right that displays owl save information if the Rewind button is selected.
if ( ( i < 5 ) | | ( this - > isOwlSave [ fileIndex + 2 ] & & ( i > = 5 ) & & ! hide_owl_save ) ) {
gDPLoadTextureBlock ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , sFileInfoBoxTextures [ i ] , G_IM_FMT_IA , G_IM_SIZ_16b ,
sFileInfoBoxPartWidths [ i ] , 56 , 0 , G_TX_NOMIRROR | G_TX_WRAP ,
gSP1Quadrangle ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , quadVtxIndex , quadVtxIndex + 2 , quadVtxIndex + 3 , quadVtxIndex + 1 ,
0 ) ;
gDPPipeSync ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + , temp + = 16 ) {
if ( i < 2 ) {
// draw file button
gSPVertex ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , & this - > windowContentVtx [ temp ] , 16 , 0 ) ;
gDPSetPrimColor ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 0 , 0 , sWindowContentColors [ 0 ] , sWindowContentColors [ 1 ] ,
sWindowContentColors [ 2 ] , this - > fileButtonAlpha [ i ] ) ;
gDPLoadTextureBlock ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , sFileButtonTextures [ i ] , G_IM_FMT_IA , G_IM_SIZ_16b , 64 , 16 , 0 ,
gSP1Quadrangle ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 0 , 2 , 3 , 1 , 0 ) ;
// draw file name box
gDPSetPrimColor ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 0 , 0 , sWindowContentColors [ 0 ] , sWindowContentColors [ 1 ] ,
sWindowContentColors [ 2 ] , this - > nameBoxAlpha [ i ] ) ;
gDPLoadTextureBlock ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , gFileSelFileNameBoxTex , G_IM_FMT_IA , G_IM_SIZ_16b , 108 , 16 , 0 ,
gSP1Quadrangle ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 4 , 6 , 7 , 5 , 0 ) ;
gDPSetPrimColor ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 0 , 0 , sWindowContentColors [ 0 ] , sWindowContentColors [ 1 ] ,
sWindowContentColors [ 2 ] , this - > connectorAlpha [ i ] ) ;
gDPLoadTextureBlock ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , gFileSelConnectorTex , G_IM_FMT_IA , G_IM_SIZ_8b , 24 , 16 , 0 ,
gSP1Quadrangle ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 8 , 10 , 11 , 9 , 0 ) ;
// @recomp Skip drawing the box to hold the owl save icon if the Rewind button is currently selected.
if ( this - > isOwlSave [ i + 2 ] & & ! hide_owl_save ) {
gDPSetPrimColor ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 0 , 0 , sWindowContentColors [ 0 ] , sWindowContentColors [ 1 ] ,
sWindowContentColors [ 2 ] , this - > nameBoxAlpha [ i ] ) ;
gDPLoadTextureBlock ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , gFileSelBlankButtonTex , G_IM_FMT_IA , G_IM_SIZ_16b , 52 , 16 , 0 ,
gSP1Quadrangle ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 12 , 14 , 15 , 13 , 0 ) ;
// draw file info
for ( fileIndex = 0 ; fileIndex < 2 ; fileIndex + + ) {
// @recomp Record the save's owl save status and clear it if the rewind button is currently selected.
u8 * this_owl_save = & this - > isOwlSave [ fileIndex + 2 ] ;
u8 owl_save_old = * this_owl_save ;
if ( hide_owl_save ) {
* this_owl_save = false ;
FileSelect_DrawFileInfo ( & this - > state , fileIndex ) ;
// @recomp Reset the save's owl save status.
* this_owl_save = owl_save_old ;
gDPPipeSync ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + ) ;
gDPSetEnvColor ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
// @recomp Load an extra 4 vertices for the rewind button.
gSPVertex ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , & this - > windowContentVtx [ 0x3AC ] , 24 , 0 ) ;
// draw primary action buttons (copy/erase)
for ( quadVtxIndex = 0 , i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i + + , quadVtxIndex + = 4 ) {
gDPPipeSync ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + ) ;
gDPSetPrimColor ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 0 , 0 , this - > windowColor [ 0 ] , this - > windowColor [ 1 ] , this - > windowColor [ 2 ] ,
this - > actionButtonAlpha [ i ] ) ;
gDPLoadTextureBlock ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , sActionButtonTextures [ i ] , G_IM_FMT_IA , G_IM_SIZ_16b , 64 , 16 , 0 ,
gSP1Quadrangle ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , quadVtxIndex , quadVtxIndex + 2 , quadVtxIndex + 3 , quadVtxIndex + 1 , 0 ) ;
gDPPipeSync ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + ) ;
// draw confirm buttons (yes/quit)
for ( quadVtxIndex = 0 , i = FS_BTN_CONFIRM_YES ; i < = FS_BTN_CONFIRM_QUIT ; i + + , quadVtxIndex + = 4 ) {
temp = this - > confirmButtonTexIndices [ i ] ;
gDPSetPrimColor ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 0 , 0 , this - > windowColor [ 0 ] , this - > windowColor [ 1 ] , this - > windowColor [ 2 ] ,
this - > confirmButtonAlpha [ i ] ) ;
gDPLoadTextureBlock ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , sActionButtonTextures [ temp ] , G_IM_FMT_IA , G_IM_SIZ_16b , 64 , 16 , 0 ,
gSP1Quadrangle ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , quadVtxIndex , quadVtxIndex + 2 , quadVtxIndex + 3 , quadVtxIndex + 1 , 0 ) ;
// @recomp Draw the Rewind button.
if ( this - > menuMode = = FS_MENU_MODE_SELECT & & this - > isOwlSave [ this - > buttonIndex + 2 ] ) {
gDPSetPrimColor ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 0 , 0 , this - > windowColor [ 0 ] , this - > windowColor [ 1 ] , this - > windowColor [ 2 ] ,
this - > confirmButtonAlpha [ FS_BTN_CONFIRM_YES ] ) ;
gDPLoadTextureBlock ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , rewind_button_texture , G_IM_FMT_IA , G_IM_SIZ_16b , 64 , 16 , 0 ,
gSP1Quadrangle ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 16 , 18 , 19 , 17 , 0 ) ;
// draw options button
gDPPipeSync ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + ) ;
gDPSetPrimColor ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 0 , 0 , this - > windowColor [ 0 ] , this - > windowColor [ 1 ] , this - > windowColor [ 2 ] ,
this - > optionButtonAlpha ) ;
gDPLoadTextureBlock ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , gFileSelOptionsButtonENGTex , G_IM_FMT_IA , G_IM_SIZ_16b , 64 , 16 , 0 ,
gSP1Quadrangle ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 8 , 10 , 11 , 9 , 0 ) ;
// draw highlight over currently selected button
if ( ( ( this - > menuMode = = FS_MENU_MODE_CONFIG ) & &
( ( this - > configMode = = CM_MAIN_MENU ) | | ( this - > configMode = = CM_SELECT_COPY_SOURCE ) | |
( this - > configMode = = CM_SELECT_COPY_DEST ) | | ( this - > configMode = = CM_COPY_CONFIRM ) | |
( this - > configMode = = CM_ERASE_SELECT ) | | ( this - > configMode = = CM_ERASE_CONFIRM ) ) ) | |
( ( this - > menuMode = = FS_MENU_MODE_SELECT ) & & ( this - > selectMode = = SM_CONFIRM_FILE ) ) ) {
gDPPipeSync ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + ) ;
gDPSetCombineLERP ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 1 , 0 , PRIMITIVE , 0 , TEXEL0 , 0 , PRIMITIVE , 0 , 1 , 0 , PRIMITIVE , 0 , TEXEL0 , 0 ,
gDPSetPrimColor ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 0 , 0 , this - > highlightColor [ 0 ] , this - > highlightColor [ 1 ] ,
this - > highlightColor [ 2 ] , this - > highlightColor [ 3 ] ) ;
gDPLoadTextureBlock ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , gFileSelBigButtonHighlightTex , G_IM_FMT_I , G_IM_SIZ_8b , 72 , 24 , 0 ,
gSP1Quadrangle ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 12 , 14 , 15 , 13 , 0 ) ;
// draw warning labels
if ( this - > warningLabel > FS_WARNING_NONE ) {
gDPPipeSync ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + ) ;
gDPSetPrimColor ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 0 , 0 , 255 , 255 , 255 , this - > emptyFileTextAlpha ) ;
gDPSetEnvColor ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
gDPLoadTextureBlock ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , sWarningLabels [ this - > warningLabel ] , G_IM_FMT_IA , G_IM_SIZ_8b , 128 , 16 , 0 ,
gSP1Quadrangle ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + , 16 , 18 , 19 , 17 , 0 ) ;
gDPPipeSync ( POLY_OPA_DISP + + ) ;
CLOSE_DISPS ( this - > state . gfxCtx ) ;
void FileSelect_ConfirmFile ( GameState * thisx ) {
FileSelectState * this = ( FileSelectState * ) thisx ;
Input * input = CONTROLLER1 ( & this - > state ) ;
if ( CHECK_BTN_ALL ( input - > press . button , BTN_START ) | | ( CHECK_BTN_ALL ( input - > press . button , BTN_A ) ) ) {
// @recomp Handle the Rewind button being pressed.
if ( this - > confirmButtonIndex = = FS_BTN_CONFIRM_YES | | this - > confirmButtonIndex = = FS_BTN_CONFIRM_REWIND ) {
Rumble_Request ( 300.0f , 180 , 20 , 100 ) ;
Audio_PlaySfx ( NA_SE_SY_FSEL_DECIDE_L ) ;
this - > selectMode = SM_FADE_OUT ;
Audio_MuteAllSeqExceptSystemAndOcarina ( 15 ) ;
else if ( this - > confirmButtonIndex = = FS_BTN_CONFIRM_QUIT ) {
Audio_PlaySfx ( NA_SE_SY_FSEL_CLOSE ) ;
this - > selectMode + + ; // SM_FADE_OUT_FILE_INFO
else if ( CHECK_BTN_ALL ( input - > press . button , BTN_B ) ) {
Audio_PlaySfx ( NA_SE_SY_FSEL_CLOSE ) ;
this - > selectMode + + ; // SM_FADE_OUT_FILE_INFO
else if ( ABS_ALT ( this - > stickAdjY ) > = 30 ) {
Audio_PlaySfx ( NA_SE_SY_FSEL_CURSOR ) ;
// @recomp Allow the cursor to navigate to the rewind button if this save slot has an owl save.
if ( this - > isOwlSave [ this - > buttonIndex + 2 ] ) {
if ( this - > stickAdjY > 0 ) {
this - > confirmButtonIndex - - ;
if ( this - > confirmButtonIndex < 0 ) {
this - > confirmButtonIndex = FS_BTN_CONFIRM_REWIND ;
else {
this - > confirmButtonIndex + + ;
if ( this - > confirmButtonIndex > FS_BTN_CONFIRM_REWIND ) {
this - > confirmButtonIndex = 0 ;
else {
this - > confirmButtonIndex ^ = 1 ;
* Load the save for the appropriate file and start the game .
* Update function for ` SM_LOAD_GAME `
void FileSelect_LoadGame ( GameState * thisx ) {
FileSelectState * this = ( FileSelectState * ) thisx ;
u16 i ;
gSaveContext . fileNum = this - > buttonIndex ;
// @recomp Temporarily disable the owl save for this slot if the Rewind button was pressed.
u8 was_owl_save = this - > isOwlSave [ gSaveContext . fileNum + 2 ] ;
if ( this - > confirmButtonIndex = = FS_BTN_CONFIRM_REWIND ) {
this - > isOwlSave [ gSaveContext . fileNum + 2 ] = false ;
Sram_OpenSave ( this , & this - > sramCtx ) ;
// @recomp Re-enable the owl save for this slot after the file has been loaded.
this - > isOwlSave [ gSaveContext . fileNum + 2 ] = was_owl_save ;
gSaveContext . gameMode = GAMEMODE_NORMAL ;
STOP_GAMESTATE ( & this - > state ) ;
SET_NEXT_GAMESTATE ( & this - > state , Play_Init , sizeof ( PlayState ) ) ;
gSaveContext . respawnFlag = 0 ;
gSaveContext . respawn [ RESPAWN_MODE_DOWN ] . entrance = ENTR_LOAD_OPENING ;
gSaveContext . seqId = ( u8 ) NA_BGM_DISABLED ;
gSaveContext . ambienceId = AMBIENCE_ID_DISABLED ;
gSaveContext . showTitleCard = true ;
gSaveContext . dogParams = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < TIMER_ID_MAX ; i + + ) {
gSaveContext . timerStates [ i ] = TIMER_STATE_OFF ;
gSaveContext . prevHudVisibility = HUD_VISIBILITY_ALL ;
gSaveContext . nayrusLoveTimer = 0 ;
gSaveContext . healthAccumulator = 0 ;
gSaveContext . magicFlag = 0 ;
gSaveContext . forcedSeqId = 0 ;
gSaveContext . skyboxTime = CLOCK_TIME ( 0 , 0 ) ;
gSaveContext . nextTransitionType = TRANS_NEXT_TYPE_DEFAULT ;
gSaveContext . cutsceneTrigger = 0 ;
gSaveContext . chamberCutsceneNum = 0 ;
gSaveContext . nextDayTime = NEXT_TIME_NONE ;
gSaveContext . retainWeatherMode = false ;
gSaveContext . buttonStatus [ EQUIP_SLOT_B ] = BTN_ENABLED ;
gSaveContext . buttonStatus [ EQUIP_SLOT_C_LEFT ] = BTN_ENABLED ;
gSaveContext . buttonStatus [ EQUIP_SLOT_C_DOWN ] = BTN_ENABLED ;
gSaveContext . buttonStatus [ EQUIP_SLOT_C_RIGHT ] = BTN_ENABLED ;
gSaveContext . buttonStatus [ EQUIP_SLOT_A ] = BTN_ENABLED ;
gSaveContext . hudVisibilityForceButtonAlphasByStatus = false ;
gSaveContext . nextHudVisibility = HUD_VISIBILITY_IDLE ;
gSaveContext . hudVisibility = HUD_VISIBILITY_IDLE ;
gSaveContext . hudVisibilityTimer = 0 ;
gSaveContext . save . saveInfo . playerData . tatlTimer = 0 ;